The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1149 Giants, Ancient Beasts!

Chapter 1149 , ancient beasts!

There is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is, and it turns into a bird, its name is Peng, Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles...

This is the description Long Fei couldn't help thinking of when he watched the fish from the sky.

Kunyu o

The double fins are wings, the back has hair, the scales are colorful, and the long beard is like a dragon's beard.

The most important thing is o

This mackerel is covered in armor

Like a super fighter, fully armed with various advanced weapon systems o

It's like a war cavalry in an unknown world, that kind of technology and an integrated union in the world of ancient beasts, it rushed out of the void, and Long Fei was blinded.

Kunyu struggled violently, until Long Fei was about to lose his grip, and he was dragged into the void.

but o

He still used his powerful thoughts to drag the mackerel out. It was extremely hideous, and his two blue eyes stared at Long Fei and said, "What's the matter with catching me, tell me quickly. , I'm still going to fight o"

Kunyu is an ancient mythical beast o

The arrogance burning on the body is the arrogance of the divine beast.

He stared at Long Fei angrily, a little irritable.


"Should you release the Kunyu?"



"Fuck, daddy's brain is almost flooded!" Long Fei's heart was in a mess, but his mind was very clear. If such an ancient body and technology integrated union were his mounts, it would be violent.

Long Fei did not choose to release o

The system beeps again


"Kunyu defected in three minutes, please be careful player!"


"Kunyu defected in three minutes, please be careful player!"


"Kunyu defected in three minutes, please be careful player!"

The system sounded three red alarm sounds in a row, Long Fei's eyes narrowed, "He's going to betray before I let him out? Is this f*ck level higher than that of the scorpion?"

The super powerhouse of the god realm o

He had to lie down in Long Fei's war beast space, without Long Fei's acquiescence, he couldn't rush out at all.


This Kunyu has not yet entered Long Fei's war beast space and is about to rebel. How strong is this?

"Boss, be careful!"

"Be careful!"

On top of Long Fei's head, Shen Tianhe's blood eagle claws grabbed Long Fei's head, and grinned: "Little slave, die for me, hahaha..."

too soon o

Long Fei has no choice o


"Anyway, there are still three minutes of mutiny. In these three minutes, daddy will be arrogant." Long Fei clenched his fists. Since it wants to mutiny, it must make good use of it.

Otherwise, it's a waste

Long Fei's heart sank, and he shouted, "Come out!"

"Kun King!"


Long Fei's mind controlled the Kunyu, and its double fins suddenly spread out as wings, and with a move, it rushed out of the void, opened its bloody mouth to face Shen Tianhe, and swallowed it in one bite.

Sombra Shrouding the Heavens

Even in the dark night, you can feel the powerful aura of Shrouding the Heavens, and at this moment, the entire Hongcheng is covered.

King Kun's body is thousands of kilometers so huge

The breath of ancient mythical beasts exuding from the body crushed the entire Hongcheng.

No one can reach!

"What is this f*ck?"

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Never seen such Demonic Beasts o"

"Run away!"

People are going crazy

Shen Tianhe also felt the powerful force coming from behind him, but at this time his power could no longer be taken back, and... thinking of Ruyi Jingu Bang in Long Fei's hands, his greed triumphed over everything, and his heart sank, "I must kill him! "

Long Fei stood there with a smile on the corner of his mouth, motionless.

Just when Shen Tianhe's blood eagle claws were still half a centimeter away from Long Fei's Tianling cover, it stopped because his feet were bitten.

very painful

very painful

Shen Tianhe turned around and took a look, instantly frightened.

King Kun swung his head, and directly threw Shen Tianhe into the air, followed by rushing into the air with his double fins, and opened a big mouth to swallow Shen Tianhe into his stomach.


There is a crisp sound, and the chicken tastes like a crunch.

Then, there is no and then o

There is no such person as Shen Tianhe in Hongcheng anymore.

What is Shen Tianhe Cultivation Base? Long Fei doesn't know, but he knows that Shen Tianhe is the strongest in Hongcheng, and he is also a boss, but...

He has no room to resist

Instantly be seconds!


The system beeped, and Long Fei glanced at the superimposed energy value, "Five hundred and thirty!"

If you release the rage energy value is still first-level, and the rage energy value can only be used once, even if you use the first-level energy value, even if you have 999 points, the energy value will be instantly cleared.

Rage energy value can be stacked o

But one-time clearing, re-stacking will kill again, killing Demonic Beastso

This is also the change of the upgraded version of the berserk system o

Do you want to release more than 500 energy points?

Long Fei thought about it for half a second, and said, "If you want to do it, make it a big one. The rage energy value is not applicable. I want to see what good things can be exploded from the second-level rage!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Shen Tianhe to gain 10,000 experience points, 980 spiritual source points, and 10 energy points"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining the Blood Eagle Claw? Is it cultivation?"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the token of Yuanyangzong Outer Sect disciple"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting 1 o"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining the bloodline of Greedy Wolf or not?"


Shen Tianhe's series of outbreaks

The things he saw were all his own. Without the release of violent energy, some special items could not be released. Long Fei once again realized that the violent energy value is strong.

"Without rage, there's really no way to live o"

"I'm going to do something big"

"To do the most awesome big thing o"

If there is second-level fury, then there will be third-level, fourth-level, fifth-level... tenth level!

The first-level rage is so cool, how fierce is the rage behind it?

Long Fei feels excited when he thinks about it

As soon as Shen Tianhe died, all the people around began to panic, looking at the huge monster in the sky, their faces turned pale and their hearts trembled.

Long Fei grinned arrogantly, "Wang Shanhe, aren't you going to kill the daddy?"

"Aren't your families going to kill me?"

"Come now!"

Those disciples quit one by one.

There is absolutely no fighting spirit!

However, they didn't have the will to fight. Long Fei's will to fight was too strong. With a thought, he shouted, "Kun Kun, smash these people for me!"

Long Fei will not let anyone who wants to kill him

This is the principle!

It doesn't matter if you don't provoke me, if you provoke me, the ancestral graves will be turned over for you.

King Kun turns his body to turn on the slaughter mode o



Crazy beheading this, one by one fell down o

Easier than chopping cabbage and radishes

two minutes later


Chapter One,

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