The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1161 Shura's Machete



A Demonic Beasts was bombed


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing two-star Demonic Beasts for gaining 1100 experience points, 90 spiritual sources, and 1 energy value o"

"It's one hundred o'clock again!"

Long Fei moved his legs and kicked the Demonic Beasts who were rushing up.

"Critical attack!"

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Fengshen legs have been cultivated to the fourth layer of Realm, their strength is stronger and faster, and a series of explosive kicks can directly kill two-star Demonic Beasts in seconds.

Blood volume bottomed out

The system sounded a beep, and Long Fei's thoughts moved, "Release the violent energy value!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing 2-star Demonic Beasts and getting 1100 experience points, 90 spiritual source points, and 1 energy point o"


"player Long Fei releases first-level violent energy, please choose..."

"Yubao series!"

Long Fei didn't even think about it, and immediately said o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining the Yubao Fengyuan Wheel o"

"Energy filling!"


"The energy of the main artifact is filled, and the three layers of power are filled!"

The main artifact moved slightly, and the energy source of the main artillery was slightly increased.

Yubao energy, the way to open the main artillery o

Once locked, Boom!

In order to enter Yuanyang Sect, Long Fei must be fully prepared. If the main cannon is fully filled, it means one more chance to save his life.

Even if Yuan Yang Sect Leader wanted to kill him, he irritated him and bombarded him to see his grandma!

This is the most powerful force

As for the power of the evolution of the second layer of the dragon coffin, what is it? Long Fei can't tell right now, is it the same as he guessed after killing Yu Xiu's three-flavored real fire that erupted on the golden cudgel, and the monkey's eyes that suddenly opened in the golden cudgel? The second layer of evolutionary power is Sun Wukong?

not sure!

Long Fei wasn't sure either.

But o

He is sure that the golden hoop stick on his body must have something to do with the monkey, even if the monkey Sun is not the power of the second-level evolution, but it must be related.


Long Fei exhaled a long breath and said, "Take a rest o"

Killing Demonic Beasts all the way, the body can't bear it

After all, Long Fei's current Cultivation Base is only a ninth-grade yellow Realmo

Niu Dashan stopped immediately, ran to Long Fei's side, and said, "Boss, drink water."

Long Fei took a sip from the kettle and said, "Dashan, you should rest too."

"I'll stay here tonight, rest for a night, and continue tomorrow morning." Long Fei said, and then he checked his own personal attributes.

"Experience value has reached 99, I should be able to upgrade o tomorrow"

"Yellow Realm is still too weak o"

"What kind of Cultivation Base is that senior brother of Yuanyangzong?"

Thinking of Lie Yan's contempt, the anger in Long Fei's heart spewed with disdain.

Coercion and crushing, Long Fei is unhappy o

His contempt made Long Fei unhappy

Stepping on him several Destiny Pills makes Long Fei unhappy o

After hitting his brother Niu Dashan, Long Fei was even more upset!

Always Return to Self sentence o

Don't be caught by the daddy, or you will pay back ten times at one time!

immediately o

Long Fei saw the bloodline of the Bull Demon King in the Interspatial Ring again, and once wanted Niu Dashan to try it, but Long Fei was really afraid that Niu Dashan would not be able to take it.


"Wait a minute o"

"I have to hunt down a bloodline Demonic Beasts, and let him fuse the bloodline to see what kind of bloodline it matches." Long Fei secretly planned in his heart.

Long Fei glanced at Niu Dashan, who was really meditating and cultivating.

he works hard

As long as Long Fei said to rest, he would immediately cultivate, absorbing the power of that profound crystal to temper his body, but... his Talent is really average.

Even with the help of the mysterious crystal energy, there is no breakthrough at the first-level in a few days.

Long Fei doesn't know anything about cultivation, and he can't help him, so he can only watch anxiously.


the next day.


"Bang, bang, bang..."

Long Fei has entered into a frenzy to kill again o

totally desperate

Long Fei rarely uses the power of the golden hoop unless it is a last resort.

A person's combat power is constantly stimulated in the front line of life and death. In the process of fighting against Demonic Beasts, Long Fei's team skills have broken through again and again.

his power

The power of the Huang-level ninth-grade Realm is also increasing little by little.

completely burst out

Fighting is the best cultivation method for Long Fei!



Several Demonic Beasts landed on the ground, and Long Fei excitedly said, "Break through!"

When the experience value reaches 100, a powerful force rises from his body, and the aura on his body suddenly changes.


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for upgrading, the current level is Xuan level first ranko"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the upgrade reward, Shura's machete!"

A long knife with a bloody skull was suspended in Long Fei's mind.

very domineering

The blade is not long, just like a thickened and widened watermelon knife in the real world, it looks very simple, but it contains extremely rough power.

"Simple, rude!"


With a thought, Long Fei took the Shura machete in his hand and shook it a few times, very handy.

"Keep killing!"


a few days in a row

With Shura's sword, Long Fei's hunting speed has improved a lot, and in the past few days, he has been practicing the sword, and he has to comprehend a kind of Saber Technique alone.





With these four moves, Long Fei used Demonic Beasts to practice tens of thousands of times, and he would never give up until Demonic Beasts were ravaged to death. Each time was very simple and rude!

"A little bit!"

"This Saber Technique is still a little short." Long Fei moved his steps, and a Demonic Beasts roared and slashed down with one knife. At this moment, his power moved.

swept out o

"Pfft, puff..."

Ten seconds later, that Demonic Beasts was covered in knife marks.

It seems to be just a long, thin bloodstain, but its power hurts the bone marrow.


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing 1-star Demonic Beasts and getting 890 experience points, 60 spiritual source points, and 1 energy point o"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for using first-level fury o"

"Yubao series!"

The system sounded, and it was another domain treasure. Long Fei didn't even think about it, and instantly let the main artifact absorb the energy of the domain treasure, and the fourth layer of power was turned on.

One more level to use the main artillery!

"Fill up the power of the main divine cannon and go to the Yuanzong Sect!"

Long Fei clenched Shura's machete and started to hack, chop, slash, and sweep again with four simple strokes, practicing again and again, breaking through the limit time and time again.


suddenly o

There was a loud noise in the forest

Niu Dashan suddenly exclaimed and said: "Boss, it's incredible, it's incredible, inside, inside, inside there is a big head..."


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