The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1176 Prepare To Tremble!

The first round, lost again!


What Long Fei didn't expect was that Yang Wannu would actually stand up to stop it.

Lie Yan looked at Yang Wan angrily, and the breath on their bodies was immediately withdrawn, "Yang Uncle!"


In addition to Lie Yan's name is Yang Uncle, the other three are called Master o

Yang Wan walked out angrily, looked at Long Fei carefully, and said slightly, "I'll leave this matter today."

He still doesn't know Long Fei's identity

He didn't know Long Fei's purpose yet. He didn't want Long Fei to continue fighting, because Long Fei would die!


Lie Yan immediately said: "Master, this person can't stay."

Thinking of Long Fei's Destiny Pill, and thinking of the younger sister's appearance to Long Fei, Lie Yan will not give in, and will never let Long Fei stay in Yuanyang Sect.

also at the same time

Long Fei also said: "This is just the beginning, how can you give up?"

Yang Wan furrowed his brows and let out a drink, saying, "If I say let it go, let it go, and no one can fight anymore!"

There is majesty in the voice

The whole Outer Sect is a shock

secretly o

Several elders discuss o

"Why stop it?"

"That kid named Long Fei doesn't have any Talent bloodline, that Niu Dashan is also a five-star bloodline, and it's useless. Such a person will die if he dies, and it has no influence on Yuanyang Sect. Why did Yang Wannu stop him? Could it be that... he already knew that Zhu Tianquan's Flying Sword was on this kid?"


"What is possible, absolutely!"

"Who is Yang Wannu? Wouldn't he understand Zhu Tianquan's flying sword breath? He certainly didn't say, that kid named Long Fei definitely has that thing on him."

"if it is like this……"

"That kid can't stay!"


Lie Yan, Gale Wind, and the embarrassed Lie Yang lowered their heads and dared not say another word.

The flames are different

Lie Yan said: "Master, they are not qualified to join Yuanyang Sect."

Yang Wan shouted angrily: "Lie Yan, they both passed the assessment, why are they not qualified to join? Don't bother about this matter, I said..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Lie Yan interrupted directly: "The two of them are slaves!"

The sound fell o

Yang Wan's angry face entered o

"Are they slaves?"

"It's actually a slave?"

"Slaves don't have any qualifications to join Sect o"

"If it is a slave, then the two of them will immediately disqualify the assessment and get out of the Yuan Dynasty."

There are fierce discussions around

followed by o

Several inner disciples said: "We cannot let slaves join our Yuanyang sect. The status of slaves is too low. If they join, it will greatly affect the reputation of our Yuanyang sect."

"Well said!"

Lie Yan smiled proudly, stared at Long Fei and said, "Boy, show the mark of a slave on your chest."

Long Fei gave Niu Dashan a few Medicine Pills, and Niu Dashan slightly stabilized the injury.

then o

Long Fei smiled coldly and said, "Yes, I am a slave, so what?"

directly admit

Long Fei doesn't care about any status, so what if he is a beggar?

The most useless thing in this world is identity

"heard without him admitting to being a slave o"

"Sure enough slave o"

"Can't let them enter Yuanyangzong o"

"Slave joins Sect, it's impossible o"


Yang Wan's heart sank slightly, "How could it be a slave?"

Yang Wan angrily stared at Long Fei and asked, "Are you really a slave? As long as you deny it, no one dares to force you to take off your clothes to verify o"

Long Fei said generously: "I am a slave, but so what?"

Lie Yan laughed loudly and said, "It's not very good, that is, you are not qualified to join Yuanyang Sect, it's that simple, hahaha..."

"Get out!"

"Get out of Yuanyangzong o"

"Slaves are not welcome here"

The people around are screaming

Everyone laughed at Long Fei and Niu Dashan

Slave status is destined to be ridiculed o

at this time o

Yang Yu hurried out, rushed out of the crowd, ran to Long Fei's side, and said, "What's wrong with being a slave? The two of them are so strong, how many of you are their opponents?"

"You are not their opponents, so what qualifications do you have to laugh at them?"

"Laugh at them? Are you laughing at yourselves as being worse than a slave?"

Yang Yu said indignantly o

Anu ran out in a hurry, and was glared at by Lie Yan.

Niu Dashan looked at Yang Yu and said, "Boss, who is she? Why do I feel like I've seen him?"

Long Fei said slightly: "I did what I promised you, I came to participate in the assessment, and I also passed the assessment, so..."

Before Long Fei could finish speaking, Yang Yu immediately said, "Not yet, you haven't helped Yuanzong to tide over the crisis, and you haven't become a real Yuanzong disciple."

"I rely on!"

Long Fei cursed in his heart, "I just want to get the quest, and then I'll get out after a big fight. What do you want me to do?"

Long Fei really didn't want to stay in Yuanyangzong

boring o

Join Sect or something, the most boring o

cultivation resources?

He does not need it!

What does he want? It's Demonic Beasts, it's murder, so he can level up infinitely, adding Sect will only bind him o

while they are talking

Lie Yan's face is ugly

In the Yuan Dynasty, Yang Yu was recognized by everyone as his woman, but now he is standing with an outsider. How can he not be angry?

frown o

The muscles at the corners of his eyes trembled slightly, his mind moved, and he said, "Uncle Ghost!"


With a hum, a shadow came out

followed by o

A ghostly claw pressed directly on the top of Niu Dashan's head, and the powerful force was madly sucking the blood power in Niu Dashan's body.

too soon o

It's almost too late to react.

Lie Yan coldly smiled and said, "Blood Talent?"

"He'll be gone soon?"

"As for you!"

Lie Yan's eyes sank, and he shouted again, "Uncle Jue!"


"Heaven's palm!"

A palm slashed out of the void without warning, all kinds of slashes on Long Fei's chest, Long Fei's body sank, his strength did not hold, and he only retreated slightly Half stepo


The Eight Extraordinary Meridians in the body are all sealed.

Just like an engine without oil, it was instantly turned off, the power was disappearing, and it was sealed!

Lie Yan sneered proudly, "You have lost all your power, you are a waste!"

"Little Junior Sister o"

"Slave status, no blood, no Cultivation Base, now I ask you, are they qualified to join Yuanyang Sect?" Lie Yan laughed loudly, "Hahaha..."

Yang Yu shouted: "Lie Yan, you are so despicable"

Lie Yan smiled coldly and said, "Despicable? This is just an excuse for the weak."

"No Talent bloodline?"

"Daddy will let you know what bloodline Talent's o"

Long Fei's power is sealed, but... Interspatial Ring can still open o

In addition o

His Cultivation Base was sealed, and at this moment, the golden light flickering from the detection black stone not far away became stronger and stronger, Long Fei laughed excitedly, "Tremble!"

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