The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1180 The Bloodline Level Soars

been seducing him

Like a girl stroking his thigh, swimming back and forth at the base of his thigh, rubbing gently, constantly seducing his most primitive desire o

Now he can't stand it anymore!

Long Fei walked to the black stone and exhaled heavily.

Yang Yu grabbed Long Fei and said, "Don't test, the test results will only make them laugh at you."

"Don't waste time o"

"Dare to test it?"

"A zero-level bloodline, if you test it again, it might turn into a one-star bloodline, hahaha..."

People around laugh at o

They just want to see Long Fei's jokes

just disdain slaves

at the moment o

They are like the audience of the Colosseum, Long Fei is still the slave, ridiculed by them, the object of their entertainment o

"You should test it quickly."

"Hurry up!"

"Boy, don't waste your time o"

Niu Dashan roared, "What's the name, call me o again"


"Let's go out!"

He didn't want Long Fei to be laughed at again, he would rather be the one who was laughed at

Lie Yan smiled proudly, "Zero bloodline, test it again, and be ridiculed again, a slave is a slave, it can only be used for entertainment, play, hahaha..."

Wu Yingliang also smiled.

At the same time, he always pays attention to Yang Wannu's expression.

His purpose is not Long Fei, his purpose is what does Yang Wannu know, does Long Fei really have that thing brought by Zhu Tianquan?

"Hurry up!"

"Could it be!"

laughing around o

Long Fei let out a sigh of relief, looked at the sparkling light in front of him, put his hands on it gently, and said secretly, "Come on!"

"What is he doing?"

"What is this kid doing?"

"I told you to test your blood, not your dog's paws."

"What is he doing with his hands on it?"


Even Yang Wannu couldn't understand what Long Fei was trying to do. The blood test should be to condense a drop of Blood Essence.

At the moment when Long Fei put his hands on it

Then in a moment

Long Fei's body seems to be sucked by a powerful force. To be precise, it should be detected that the black stone was sucked by Long Fei's body.




In Long Fei's mind, violent roars continued to sound, thunder rolled in the sky, and powerful bloodlines were sucked into the body.

and o

At this moment, the powerful bloodline power was instantly transformed.


"Congratulations to player Long Fei Devouring Bloodline for the upgrade, the current level is fifth-level!"


As soon as the system prompt sound fell, the blood-colored particles in the sea of ​​​​knowledge fell, and the power of Long Fei's bloodline became stronger.


"Congratulations to player Long Fei who devoured the bloodline god level and is currently sixth-level!"


"Ding, ding, ding..."

Yuanyangzong, established thousands of years ago o

The absolute hegemon within these millions of kilometers, in this Realm, the strong are all from Yuanyangzong.

Those powerhouses used to test the bloodline Talento

There are god-level blood, and there are garbage blood.

In these thousands of years, this black stone has absorbed millions of bloodline powers, countless o

This is nothing special for a normal Practitioner o


For Long Fei, who has the bloodline of the Devourer, the bloodline power absorbed in the black stone is its best nourishment. It is simply a mixture of steel, which grows bigger and thicker! The powerful idea in Long Fei's body is the idea that devours blood.

at the moment o

The phagocytic blood is absorbing frantically, and it is also transforming o

Everything in the world has power and can absorb it

but o

In the world of chaos, the purest power is the power of blood!

"Ding, ding, ding, ding..."

The system prompt sound in my mind kept ringing, and it exploded!

Long Fei can feel the powerful force in his blood more and more.

The blood-colored particles are constantly cracking, bursting in Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, the power is converging, and the frenzied gathering, little by little, becomes stronger and stronger.

"What is he doing?"

"It's been a few minutes o"

"What the hell is this damn slave doing?"


Gale frowned and said, "Senior brother, is this guy delaying time? What is he doing?"

Lie Yan also said: "Look at his body shaking, like a ghost, what is he doing?"

"How about I go take a look?"

Lie Yan said slightly: "His Cultivation Base has been sealed by the Heaven's Jue Palm, and it will not pose any threat to you, don't worry!"

"What about the big guy?"

Lie Yan said: "Don't worry, you go up. If he dares to move, someone will deal with him."

Lie Yan immediately smiled and said, "Understood!"

talking room o

Lie Yan walked up, stared at Long Fei and shouted: "Boy, what the hell are you doing? Now, immediately, condense Blood Essence for me to test the blood talent!"

Niu Dashan glared and shouted, "Do you want to try again?"

Lie Yan said angrily: "Slave dog, this is Yuan Yangzong, not the slave cell where you are imprisoned. It is arrogant here? Are you courting death?"

As soon as the bloodline power on Niu Dashan moved, "let's see who is courting death"

at this moment o

Before Niu Dashan could take action, a powerful coercion was crushed like a thunderbolt.

"Boom!" A loud noise o

Niu Dashan's body was pressed and bent o

Wu Yingliang sneered, "I don't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick, kneel down for me!"

frown o

The pressure is multiplied again o

Who is Wu Yingliang?

Inner Sect Elders, extremely powerful, even Niu Dashan, who has god-level blood, can't resist his coercion, and was crushed almost in an instant.


"Boom, boom!"

Niu Dashan bent his knees, knelt heavily on the ground, his kneecap was broken, blood seeped out of his pants, the pain was unbearable, Niu Dashan roared: "There is a kind of do not use coercion, Realm is amazing, there is a kind to follow I'm hitting hard o"

Lie Yan smiled proudly, watching the painful Niu Dashan take a step forward, his kneecap snapped.

Hardly pressed against Niu Dashan's jaw o

Niu Dashan spat out a mouthful of blood, flipped over, and fell to the ground.

With all his strength, he made a sudden move, and before his attack fell, his body sank again, and he knelt heavily on the ground.


"Ah..." Niu Dashan desperately resisted, the muscles in his whole body swelled like an explosion, and the blue veins were entrenched on his body like centipedes, which was extremely ferocious.

Wu Yingliang oozes thin beads of sweat from his forehead, and drinks heavily, "Kneel down for me honestly!"


Niu Dashan was crushed again o

Lie Yan stepped up with another kick, and said proudly: "Dog thing, be arrogant!"

Niu Dashan's face is full of anger


At this time, Niu Dashan froze for a moment and murmured, "Boss?"

Lie Yan smiled contemptuously: "Your boss? When your boss comes, I will beat him down too. His Cultivation Base has been sealed. It's easier for daddy to kill him than to kill an ant."


The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and coldly said with a smile: "Now you try!"

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