The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1192 Exploding Daddy!

Long Fei exchanged his points for a few Medicine Pillos that quickly recovered his spiritual source.

100 million points, now there are only a few million left

Totally not enough

Originally, Long Fei wanted to refill the main cannon again, but now it seems that he has to find a way to get a second-level frenzy and explode something to exchange for points.

The spirit source is consumed too fast, Long Fei's current level is too low, and the spirit source value can't support the use frequency of the golden hoop rod.

Only rely on Medicine Pill to restore the spiritual source o

"Dashan, look around, I will restore the spiritual source." Long Fei reminded, and then his eyes closed slightly, and the spiritual source was slowly recovering.

five minutes later

Niu Dashan stumbled back as if he had seen a ghost, and said, "Boss... ahead, look ahead..."

At this time, Long Fei's spiritual source was almost recovered.

Looking at Niu Dashan's flustered face, he asked, "What's in front?"

Niu Dashan said: "There is a person hanging in the air in front of you"

"Are you sure it's human?"

"Not a zombie?"

Long Fei walked up. I don't know how many years this valley has been abandoned. Let alone humans, even Demonic Beasts dare not enter this cave.

Niu Dashan said: "It's really human, he just talked to me o"

Long Fei asked, "What did I say to you?"

Niu Dashan said: "He asked me to go over, he kept telling me to go over, and said he wanted to tell me a big secret o"

Long Fei was taken aback, "Soul capture?"

Long Fei asked again: "Then how did you reply?"

Niu Dashan said: "I just replied, fuck your grandma."

Long Fei: ...

At this time, Niu Dashan became even more excited and said, "Then, that person actually smiled at me, and the smile was so terrifying."

"Boss, this cave is too evil."

"I shudder to think of his smile." Niu Dashan was still sweating on his back, and his face was afraid.

Long Fei's heart moved secretly, "It should be the boss!!"

immediately o

Long Fei reminded Niu Dashan: "Protect your heart, no matter what he says, don't pay attention to him."

finish o

Long Fei also protected his heart and rushed up quickly.

It's dark ahead

There is a white shadow in the darkness, the long wind is blowing with the wind, the body is suspended in the air, and the eyes are looking down gloomily.

Niu Dashan immediately said: "Boss, it's that person o"

Long Fei flashed excited, "Sure enough, it's the boss!"

"Since it's a boss..."

"Then daddy can't stand it anymore, fuck him!"

Also at this moment


A gloomy laughter seemed to float from The Underworld o

With a powerful soul-snatching power in his voice, Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness tumbled instantly, his mind was turbulent, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

Niu Dashan also showed pain and said, "Boss, this guy is too fierce."

"Protect your mind and don't relax o"


"Daddy just depends on how fierce he is!"

Long Fei rushed out in one step.

in this moment o

Niu Dashan was startled suddenly, followed in an instant, and grabbed Long Fei.


Long Fei's body suddenly lost gravity, and he fell down. Fortunately, Niu Dashan responded in time, grabbed Long Fei and said, "Boss, I forgot to tell you, this is a black hole abyss."


Long Fei shook his head lightly, took a picture of the torch in his hand, and his eyes were suddenly startled. Similar to what Niu Dashan said, it was a huge abyss, but... there were coffins on both sides of the abyss.

In the abyss are chains

The huge and thick chain, and the person suspended in mid-air was not suspended, but was locked in mid-air by the chain, because the chain city was black and could not be seen clearly for a while, it was considered to be suspended in mid-air.

"Why do these chains lock a person?"

"The living taboo, Death Valley?"

"What are the coffins on both sides of the abyss?"

"Whatever he is, if you encounter a boss, you will kill him." Long Fei moved his right hand and Shura held the machete in his hand, and said, "Dashan let me go."


Niu Dashan didn't dare not to listen, he let go

Long Fei landed on a huge chain, "F*ck, you like to capture souls, right?"

"It's coming!"

Hit it up quickly

The man under the white shadow twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled grimly, "It's just you kid?"



The chains flew, and the chains shot at Long Fei like arrows, and Long Fei clenched the machete, "Profound meaning, armor-piercing!"

"Break me!"


It was slashed with a knife, and the flames splashed everywhere. The iron chain only made a shallow fine mark, and it didn't break at all, and it hit Long Fei's chest.


Long Fei was nailed to the wall o


A mouthful of blood spurted out

Another chain also attacked instantly, "Shu la la la..."

Niu Dashan roared and fell heavily, his head slammed, and the power of the blood of the Bull Demon King burst out.


With a loud noise, Long Fei resisted this attack.

Long Fei was able to catch his breath and stepped back, "Shhh!"

Long Fei rushed out again, "Daddy doesn't believe it anymore!"


Fragmentation flew up, Long Fei leaped, his body was as light as a spirit monkey, and he shuttled quickly among the chains, holding the machete tightly in his hand.

Getting closer to the silver in the air

The surrounding chains are also getting denser, rushing towards Long Fei madly.

"Death to me!!"

The machete slashed hard, and slashed directly on the neck of Bai Yingren. Long Fei wanted to chop off his head.




There was a loud noise, and the flames splashed everywhere, and the Shura machete in Long Fei's hand fell off and flew out, the tiger's mouth cracked, and the palm and the entire arm were numb.

The move just now was like chopping on a chain

The white shadow man raised his head slightly, smiled grimly, and said, "Boy, are you the only one who wants to kill me?"

contempt, disdain

The two eyes are even more powerful with the power to capture the soul.


The laughter sounded again, the chain moved, locked Long Fei's throat, and quickly contracted.


Niu Dashan shouted o

The white shadow man said gloomily: "It is taboo for living people, Death Valley, if you come in, don't even think about going out alive, woohaha..."

The chain shrinks, and Long Fei's life hangs by a thread.

at this moment o

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he smiled grimly: "Really?"

"Devouring blood!"

"Suck stars**, daddy, let's see how I got out o"

With a move of the left hand, a palm was attached to the chest of the white shadow man, and the 20th-level engulfing blood force burst out, and the powerful star-sucking ** god-level power madly absorbed the power of the white shadow man's body.

The machete slash is just a feint!

Attracting stars is the purpose of Long Fei o

The powerful power was absorbed by Long Fei crazily, and the blood volume on the top of Bai Yingren's head rapidly decreased.

"Fuck arrogant again o"

"Daddy sucks you!"

Long Fei looked at the last trace of blood on the top of Bai Yingren's head, and said excitedly, "Break it to daddy!!"

third chapter,

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