The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1281 Devouring Shouyuan Pill

Deep in the forbidden area, there is a cave o

There are several characters o carved on the cave

Three stages of life and death, life and death depend on fate!

"Life and death depend on life?"

"My life, Long Fei, is not up to anyone." Long Fei said slightly, stepping into the cave one step at a time.

in this moment o

The breath of the cave changed instantly, as if Long Fei had triggered some kind of mechanism and began to vibrate frantically, "Crack, click, click..."

One after another cumbersome mechanical impact sounded o

What was introduced to the eye was a powerful and incomparable robot!

A long passage is crowded with robots, and these robots start to attack crazily without any purpose. Their attacks have no features to be found, and each one is different. It can be said that this corridor less than 1,000 meters does not have any purpose. any dead end

"Shaolin Temple, Wooden Man Lane?"

This kind of scene reminds Long Fei of the wooden man lane in the movie of his previous life. If he wants to leave, he must pass through the wooden man lane.

The one in front of you is not made of wood, but a special metal material. There is no dead angle at 360 degrees up, down, left and right. It can be said that it is difficult to fly over with wings.

Long Fei studied it carefully for a few minutes, but he really didn't find any features.

"I don't know anything about mechanics."

"Since it's a break..."

"Then go hard!"

Long Fei stepped in, and before he could react, a robot and an iron fist bombarded it.


Long Fei moved his right fist and hit it hard.



Long Fei's joints exploded, his entire right arm was numb, and the pain was incomparable, and his whole body was also blasted out by the robot.

"I can't do it yet"

Long Fei's brows tightened, and he stepped forward again. The strength on his body surged, the robot punched out, Long Fei's right hand shook, the golden hoop fell, and a stick slammed down.


An arm was broken o

It's just... At this moment, the broken arm that fell to the ground suddenly flew up and reattached it. Before Long Fei could react, he punched it again.


blasted out again

"Fuck me!"

Long Fei couldn't help but let out a foul language, "It's completely invincible. If these robots can stop my command, then if I level up..."

"Come again!"

Long Fei cheered up twelve points and forced his way in again.


Kunlun Dzong, Kunlun Son's room o

Huo Xin was called to the room by Kunlun and asked about Long Fei's breakthrough.

Huo Xindao said, "There hasn't been any progress. We don't know what's going on inside."

"Master o"

"Why do you value him so much? You even brought him to the Kunlun sect. Now the chaos world has become a mess. The Zhan Wushuang of The Underworld has risen strongly, and the minions of The Underworld have gathered ancient spiritual treasures everywhere. The annual selection assessment is also getting closer o”

"At this time, you brought Long Fei back to the Kunlun Sect, I really can't figure it out"

Huo Xin said o

In troubled times, you should be wise to protect yourself.

A large part of the rolling of the storm is due to Long Fei, who made the storm in the Chaos Realm produce a chemical reaction and become more violent.

Kunlun took out a golden Medicine Pill from his arms and said, "Do you know what Medicine Pill is?"

Huo Xin took a closer look and said, "I've never seen it before, why is it golden? Is there such a Medicine Pill?"

Kunlun said: "This is a longevity pill with 100 years of longevity."

Huo Xin's eyes were startled, and the whole person was stunned, extremely shocked, and said, "Is there such a Medicine Pill in the world?"

Kunlun didn't answer, but said to himself, "Do you know who made this? It's Long Fei!"


This time, Huo Xin was even more shocked and murmured: "Impossible, impossible, he is only in his early twenties, how can he make such a heaven-defying Medicine Pill?"

"Master, did you make a mistake?"

"How can there be a Medicine Pill that increases Shouyuan? Isn't it about to turn the world upside down for the hidden peerless powerhouses in the Chaos World? It's a hundred years."

"How many strong people are in danger of running out of lifespan, this kind of Medicine Pill is impossible." Huo Xin didn't believe it.

Kunlunzi's heart also does not believe o

so o

He hasn't taken this Gold Coreo for a long time

Is there really such a powerful Medicine Pill in the world?

I am afraid there are none in the upper god realm, right?

If this kind of Medicine Pill entered the battlefield of the ancient gods... what would it be like?

Kunlun calmed down and said, "I called you here today to ask you to protect the Dharma for me. I want to devour this Medicine Pill, I don't know what will happen."

"If anything happens to me, it's my own choice to have nothing to do with other people o"

He was worried that Huo Xin would attack Long Fei and the others.

Huo Xin frowned and said, "Master, this kind of Medicine Pill has never been verified and cannot be taken lightly. In case... I mean if something happens..."

Kunlunzi smiled lightly: "It's my life if something goes wrong."

Actually o

Kunlunzi's lifespan is about to run out, and if he doesn't take it, he won't be able to live for long.

and o

He still has a very important mission

he has to take a chance

Huo Xin frowned and said, "Master..."

"No more o"

Kunlun's heart calmed down, breathing steadily, and said, "I'm going to start o"

finish o

The Gold Core was slowly put into the mouth o

The Gold Core is slowly opened in the mouth, and the medicinal force is also slowly opened.

Next up!

His body suddenly trembled, his face flushed, and every inch of his skin was moving, like boiling bubbles.

One after another powerful force leaked out

Kunlun couldn't grasp it for a moment, his eyes protruded suddenly, and his pupils were full of bloodshots.


Huo Xin's face changed suddenly, and she wanted to rush up.

Kunlun Ziyi Nian snorted and said, "Don't come up!"

"Huo Xin!"

"I don't know if I can bear it. If I can't bear it, you have to remember that our Kunlun Sect and the Jiuyou Zhan Family have a mortal hatred."

"As long as you have the chance, you must take revenge!"

"This is handed down from our ancestors"

"must remember o"

This is his mission

This mission was also passed on to him by the retired elder, but this mission is too powerful, the Jiuyou Zhanjia is too powerful, and he can't shake it at all.

he is too weak

Now he is saying this because there is a force in his body that he cannot control. If it erupts, I am worried that I will die o

Huo Xin was shocked and said, "Master, my disciple has written down o"

"it is good!"

Kunlunzi seemed to have passed on his last words, the control in his heart was suddenly withdrawn, his face became indifferent, and he said, "Come on!"

give up o

All power is released o

A red light descended from the sky, and the entire chaotic world was dimmed...

Chapter two,

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