The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1303 Li Yuanba Slaughtered

The body trembles, the strength fades, the eyes faint o

The function of the body is constantly weakening o

Can not bear!

I really can't stand it

The eyelids were as heavy as 10,000 kilograms, and it was difficult to lift them up. The harder he tried to resist, the more he couldn't bear the backlasho's lost soul.

very uncomfortable o

"Can't fall!"

"Can't go down...I can't go down here, I still have too many things to do o"

"I haven't killed Zhan Wushuang, I haven't overthrown Jiuyou Zhanjia, I haven't resurrected Qiao Qiao, I haven't unlocked the secret of the Goddess' Tears, I haven't summoned Liu Luoxi and the others to the Chaos Realm, I haven't yet Haven't led them to the battlefield of the ancient gods...I...I...I haven't had sex with them yet, I can't fall o"

Too many things have not been done o

Everything is important o

Especially the resurrection of Jojo, she is the first girl in the world who is nice to him, no matter what happens, he will try his best to resurrect Jojo o


His body gradually kept calling o

I can't control it at all

And this time o

The people from the bounty gate, the people from The Underworld gate, and those who had been frightened by Long Fei and wanted to escape all gathered around and stared at him with a sneer.

It's like staring at an ant

This feeling makes Long Fei very uncomfortable.

The anger in his heart erupted, but... he can't even make a sound now, and his body has no strength at all.


Long Fei fell to the ground, his brows furrowed, and what appeared in his mind was the shopping mall interface. He was looking for the antidote for Losing Soul, but... he searched through all the goods and couldn't find it.

"No way!"

"No way..." Long Fei's eyelids were fighting, as if he hadn't slept in ten thousand years, it was so uncomfortable, his eyes were about to close.

"Long Fei!"

"Long Fei, hold on!"

"Long Fei, you must resist!"

Long Fei kept roaring in his heart, "How can I stop here if I haven't seen any strong winds and waves since I crossed the earth to the present?"

"Hold on!"

keep encouraging o

but o

No matter how much he encouraged himself, it was still useless, the power in his body seemed to be frozen, Long Fei really couldn't take it anymore, he really couldn't stand it anymore.


"He's gone!"

"This kid can't do it!"

"Long Fei, are you more arrogant?"

"The boat capsized in the gutter, hahaha... What kind of power is awakening? There is no such thing. It was made like this by a person from a Japanese realm. No matter how arrogant you are, you will take it again?"

"Fuck, I almost scared Daddy's pee out just now o"


One person kicked Long Fei's body one by one, Long Fei's body flew out, the bones on his body were broken, his strength was sealed, and his whole body had no defense at all, even worse than an ordinary person.

With just such a kick, his ribs broke several o

Seeing someone take action, the people from The Underworld Gate, the Bounty Gate, and the Wanmeng Sect all rushed to Long Fei's side, punching and kicking.

"Be arrogant again o"

"No more madness o"

"You have today too"

Long Fei vomited blood, and his health was rapidly decreasing. The ring of protection and the ring of resurrection could not be activated at all. They also needed a little bit of strength.


This little bit of power is too difficult for the current Long Fei o

"Long Fei, get up again?"

"The Underworld Sect Master? Shit o"

"waste o"

"Go to hell o"

Everyone was beating wildly, Long Fei was unable to resist, and looked at them all with narrowed eyes, the only thing he could do was to remember all their appearances.

at this moment o

Long Fei secretly said: "I'm sorry!"

"Jojo, I'm sorry!"

"Xuanyuan Li'er, I'm sorry!"

"Everyone, sorry!"

He really has no choice, no power can be activated, nothing can be done, even these people can easily punch and kick him.

Long Fei's mind is connected to the heart of machinery o

The ancestor of Kunlun said that the heart of machinery controls all the organs of the Kunlun sect. Once the last organ is triggered, everyone in the Kunlun sect except the Forbidden Valley will die.



Long Fei showed a smile, his thoughts sank, just at the moment when Long Fei was about to activate the destruction mechanism...


"Old, Boss, Boss, Boss..."

A big man with a huge sarcophagus fell down, his whole body glowed red, his eyes also turned purple, and his whole body exuded a strong power.

Li Yuanba in a runaway state

His consciousness is out of control o

After escaping from the dungeon, he went all over the world to find Liu Qianhuan, and Liu Qianhuan's appearance was imprinted in his mind, and he wanted to kill him.

but o

Now that Long Fei was smashed to the ground, he saw this, and his consciousness recovered a little bit, no matter how he lost his mind, he would never forget Long Fei.

Because his name was given by Long Fei

His life was also given by Long Fei

The giant spirit sarcophagus on his back was also given by Long Fei.

Seeing Long Fei suffer... At this moment, the power in Li Yuanba's body erupted even more brutally, and he let out a fury, "Ah..."

The right hand shook, and the giant axe in his hand swept away, like a God of War falling.

"Boom, boom!"

Directly force those people back

Looking at Long Fei, who was dying on the ground, Li Yuanba's eyes trembled, and his inner anger exploded to the limit, "Aah, ah, ah, ah..."

"Move my boss to death!"


The body rushed, and the giant spirit axe in his hand slashed o


A person's body was directly split in half by the giant axe, which was extremely brutal.

As soon as the axe fell, Li Yuanba didn't stop at all, and slashed out.


Another person was cut in half!


A man's body was cut in half



At this moment, the blood rushes wildly, and the stumps fly wildly in the air. At this moment, this place is like a slaughterhouse, like a purgatory on earth.

Just a minute o

Those who punched and kicked Long Fei were all killed o

and o

Everyone is killed by one axe, the body is divided in two o

incomparably cruel

Li Yuanba's body was covered in blood, like someone crawling out of a pool of blood, he kept saying, "Whoever touches my boss will die, whoever touches my boss will die..."

The power in his body is also rapidly depleting o

at this time o

An old man walked out slowly. The old man was wearing a black robe with a bloody gate of The Underworld embroidered behind the robe.

The expression of the person at the door of The Underworld changed immediately, and quickly knelt on the ground, "Meet Mr. Lie Zun!"

The Underworld Respect!

The Underworld Lie Zun stared at Li Yuanba, smiled coldly, and said, "A bunch of rubbish, you can't even beat a person who stimulates power, I really don't know what's the use of raising you rubbish."

immediately o

The Underworld Lie Zun looked at Long Fei again and said, "Boy, accept your fate, today must be your day of death!"

Chapter Four,

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