The Yuanyang beast, who rarely speaks a word, actually speaks

Long Fei was a little shocked and muttered: "What exactly does the ancient gods have in the battlefield? Is it so full of temptation that powerhouses from countless planes want to enter?"

Yuanyang giant beast said: "There is the most tempting thing in the world o"

Long Fei said: "What?"

The Yuanyang beast didn't hide it and said, "Godhead!"


Long Fei's heart sank, "After the fusion, will you be able to Conferred Gods and enjoy the godhead of endless life?"

Yuanyang Giant Beast said: "Yes, integrating the godhead to obtain divine power, turning the sky with one hand, and even living with the sky, enjoying the body of immortality, this is the temptation of the ancient battlefield of gods, and the godhead is only one of the treasures, there are many more Other things you can't imagine o"

ancient gods battlefield

A place where heaven-defying can change one's life

Ganji once said to Long Fei that he must enter the battlefield of the ancient gods.

There can change the pattern of this world, the law, can peak the main temple!

There is the ultimate battlefield of the strong and the place where the ultimate dream of the strong is located.

As the Yuanyang behemoth said, Hei Yan just wants to get the Phoenix nest, let his own Cultivation Base go further, and enter the battlefield of the ancient gods.

Only by making yourself extremely powerful can you take a place in the battlefield of the ancient gods and have the opportunity to obtain the godhead!

Long Fei was secretly shocked, "The battlefield of the ancient gods, how many bosses, how many artifacts, how many good things, wow..."

Just thinking about it, my saliva will come out o

What godhead?

What Immortal Shouyuan?

What Long Fei wants is to blow up everything, and what he wants is the boss!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a roar, and Long Fei was a little unsteady. Looking at the Phoenix Mountain standing in the sky, he complained, "How long will it take to get to the top?"

"Fire Qilin!"

With a thought, Long Fei summoned fire Qilin and said, "Fly up o"

His own power is suppressed here, and the three layers cannot be released.

Huo Qilin is similar, Wei Wei said: "Master, my Cultivation Base is also suppressed, I'm afraid it won't be able to fly very far."

this time o

The swallowing mouse in the pet space opened his eyes slightly and rolled his eyes, as if he despised Qilin.

Huo Qilin was shocked, gritted his teeth and said, "Master, come up, I'll fly you up!"

Long Fei rides on Qilin's body

Fire Qilin turned into a flame and rushed into the air. Obviously, the speed was much slower than before. The place that could be reached in one minute is now at least ten minutes.

A plane, a constraint of the force of law o

This is also because Chaos World and Phoenix World are planes of the same level, otherwise Long Fei would not be able to enter at all.

Despised by the swallowing mouse, Huo Qilin rushed forward fiercely, dissatisfied, "I was suppressed by you in the pet space, and despised by you outside?"

"I'm a fire Qilin!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Huo Qilin used up all his strength to suckle, closed his eyes and flew upwards.


Fire Qilin erupts o

However o

Long Fei's face was startled, and he immediately said: "Stop, stop, stop quickly o"

Huo Qilin didn't seem to hear, "Ah..."

Still keep rushing up

last o


With a muffled sound, Huo Qilin landed on both feet and said, "Master, we brought the top o"

this time o

Long Fei didn't dare to move. At this time, the whole world was quiet, and it was as if it was still. Long Fei looked to the left and then to the right.

The two huge bodies stared at the little dragon flying on the ground.

They find it strange

Long Fei whispered: "Exit, exit, exit slowly."

He is now in the center of the fight between the gods, and Qilin has caught the attention of the two bosses perfectly.

Huo Qilin opened his eyes and looked at him, his eyes were stunned for a moment, but he didn't wait for Long Fei to control, he went straight back to the pet space, and said, "Master, it's delivered, I'll go back first if I have nothing to do."


Fire Qilin disappeared, Long Fei stood in the middle of the two bosses, it seemed a little embarrassing at this time.


"I'm sorry, you two, continue, I'm just passing by to make some soy sauce." Long Fei slowly stepped back, took a few steps back, his right foot was hanging in the air, and if he retreated, it would be a cliff, and he would be shattered if he fell.

and o

When Long Fei retreated, the two bosses kept staring at him.

Long Fei stopped on the edge of the cliff and didn't dare to move, which made him even more embarrassed. He cursed in his heart, "Huo Qilin, don't come out next time."

Fire Qilin curled up into a ball, just pretended to be dead and fell asleep o

The feeling of being stared at by two **** is very bad, Long Fei can only show an embarrassed smile, and can't do anything o

However o

at this moment o


"Hahaha...hahaha..." Hei Yan laughed loudly, looked at the old woman Phoenix, and said, "Is this the rescue you called with the power of no saint just now?"

"Hahaha... I'm dying of laughter o"

The army of black flames behind him all laughed out loud.


They were summoned by the power of the Phoenix family to sacrifice to the sky just now, and therefore, they sent down the power of the Five Saints and summoned people.

for this o

They paid a lot of power, and the black flames took advantage of the situation to inflict heavy damage on the three Great Saints, and also changed the situation of the war that had been stalemate for thousands of years.

The situation starts one side to the situation o

The old woman Phoenix looked at Long Fei, her brows tightened, and she said slightly: "Go back to the side!"


Hei Yan immediately drank it, looked at Long Fei with a playful look, and sneered: "I only know that all of you Phoenix clan are women, how can you summon a man?"

"Could it be that this is a hybrid of your Phoenix family?"

The old woman Phoenix said: "Hei Yan, shut up!"

She doesn't know about this either.

It stands to reason that it was the ritual of sacrificing the sky initiated by the Phoenix tribe. The one who was summoned should be the Phoenix tribe, but how did he become a man?

It doesn't make sense o

Hei Yan laughed loudly, ignoring the old woman Phoenix, and said, "Little bastard, since you are the savior of the Phoenix world, then you can show your strength o"

"Come on!"

"How about this little hybrid Cultivation Base?"

"See what power our mighty saviour has to save the Phoenix world"

Hei Yan sneered and brought out ridicule o

Long Fei looks very upset just in this mouth.

Black flame's voice fell o

In the black flame army behind him, a warrior in red armor fell heavily, pointed his spear at Long Fei, sneered, and said, "Little hybrid, come out and die!"

Phoenix's eyebrows sank, and she said, "Hei Yan, this is a war between you and me."

"Old woman, I've been fighting for so many years, you don't bother me, just let this little hybrid perform, relieve fatigue, let me see how strong your Phoenix community is, hahaha..." Hei Yan laughed out loud Road o


The red armored soldier broke through with one shot and charged up quickly.

Long Fei frowned and his right hand shook, "Golden hoop stick, come!"

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