The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1377 Devouring The Gathering Pill

Also the strongest move!

A stick falls

The blood volume on the top of the evil god's phantom's head bottomed out and turned to 0!

Also at this moment

Fifteen seconds of the dark battle of the saints is over!

Long Fei's body sank suddenly, then loosened, and the whole person fell into an uncomfortable feeling of being hollowed out. At this moment, a huge evil spirit with the imprint of the evil god rushed into Long Fei's body frantically. in the body


this moment o

Long Fei's whole body was occupied by evil aura, his mind, mind, limbs, and even every pore in his body contained a powerful evil aura.


Long Fei let out a roar, black arrogance emerged from his pupils, his entire eyes turned black, and his expression was abnormally hideous.

"The evil spirit has entered the body!"

"The demon has entered the body!"


"Boy, go crazy!"

"What if you kill the evil god phantom?"

"You have evil spirits in your body now. Even if you don't become a demon, your heart has been eroded by demons. It is impossible for Tongshen Tianta to want a disciple eroded by demons like you, hahaha..."

"This is the end of your assessment journey"


Song Kuang laughed excitedly

Seeing Long Fei burst out with such a powerful force, he felt a trace of fear, jealousy, and resentment in his heart.

Now that Long Fei was infiltrated by an evil spirit, and the evil spirit of the evil spirit entered his body, the general exorcism pill was useless in this case.

Long Fei must be demonized!

He's about to become a demon

Song Kuang laughed excitedly.

"Long Fei, hurry up and take the exorcism pill, hurry, hurry, hurry up!" Nangong Yan shouted loudly, the only thing she could think of at this time was the exorcism pill.

Ye Jingyun also said loudly: "Exorcism Pill, hurry up!"

However o

They didn't know that Long Fei did not have an exorcism pill, but a magic-gathering pill.

The evil god's voice was constantly resounding in Long Fei's mind, saying, "Boy, originally as long as you surrender to me, it's fine, but now I want you to be a puppet, hahaha..."

"It's all your own o"

"This is also the end of going against me, understand?"

The power of evil madly eroded every part of Long Fei's body, and a cloud of black gas swirled around him, engulfing him, and Long Fei's entire body was suspended in mid-air.

The body is out of control at all o

At this moment, his body is like being bitten by billions of ants, the pain is worse than death, and his body is constantly controlled.

The sea of ​​consciousness is occupied by evil spirits o

mentally the same

can't control o

His body is about to lose control, and even if Long Fei Death is useless in this case, the evil god will not let him have a chance to die.


Long Fei roared in pain, feeling extremely unhappy in his heart.

The evil god laughed loudly and said, "Boy, are you happy? Hahaha... I gave you a chance, but I don't know how to cherish it. Now you can become my evil god's puppet."

Long Fei can't dominate himself o


"What kind of power can control it?"

Long Fei turned on the system to check continuously, but... there is no power that can resist the invasion of The Underworld by the evil energy, it is absolutely impossible.


Suddenly, he saw the crazy red glowing magic pill in the Interspatial Ring, Long Fei was furious and shouted: "If you want to play, you can play big, you want to control daddy's body, right?"

"Then see..."

"Who controls whose body!"

immediately o

With a thought, Long Fei took out the Magic Gathering Pill and swallowed it in one bite.

Gather the magic pill, gather all evil Devilish Qi breath into the body o

He is crazy!

Long Fei also gave up completely.

"Daddy is unhappy, don't think about it!" Long Fei was furious, biting the magic pill into pieces, and turned... At this moment, the sky surged.

Deep in the heart of the earth, power surges

The whole evil city began to tremble madly o

The Evil God was stunned for a moment and said, "What did you just do?"

"What have you done?"

"'ll know right away" Long Fei grinned coldly.

evil city o

The reason why the evil atmosphere is strong is not because of the evil god, but because this is a special secret realm, a super strong person absorbs all the evil power of a place and puts it here o

so o

Only here will evil knights breed, as well as monsters like evil giants deep in the ground.

Long Fei's magic-gathering pill was crushed, and the evil aura released by the evil god was the introduction. Countless evil auras were moving in the sky and the ground.


An evil force broke through on the ground, bursting out like a fountain,

At this moment, the evil force rushed directly to Long Fei, and all of it merged into Long Fei's body.


in the sky

A black evil lightning struck Long Fei's body heavily.




One after another, the evil power erupted, and the evil breath of the entire evil city poured into Long Fei's body frantically, and the powerful force slammed into Long Fei's body unscrupulously.

at this moment o

Long Fei's body lost its leading role o

i.e. losing control


The power of the evil god is the same. The evil god is the king of all evils, and his evil power is the most powerful, but... what is in Long Fei's body is only the phantom of the evil god, and his power is not enough to be one millionth of the evil god.

In addition, the evil breath hidden in the secret realm of Punishing Evil here has the power of millions of years, and these evil breaths are all ancient evil powers.

In an instant, the power of the evil god will be washed away.

at this moment o

The evil spirit aura in Long Fei's body was like a rat crossing the street, and he was beaten madly, even more fiercely than the Dark Fighting Saint just now.

Totally incapable of taking care of yourself!

Long Fei's body is suspended in mid-air o

Countless evil forces turned into pillars of power and poured into his body. The scene was extremely horrifying, beyond words.

Everyone is dumbfounded

"how so?"

Nangong Yan's face was horrified, and things had developed to the point where she had never thought about it.

Long Fei sneered in his heart: "Evil God, didn't you just ask me if I'm happy? I'm happy, are you happy now? Hahaha..."

The Evil God was furious and said, "Boy, even if you blast my breath out of your body and such a powerful ancient evil energy enters your body, do you think you can survive?"

Long Fei said, "Who said I was going to blast your breath out of my body?"

"How powerful is the evil god, since it has entered my body, how can I be polite?"

The evil god's voice trembled slightly and said, "What do you want to do?"

Long Fei grinned and said, "What do you want to do?"


"Of course I absorbed your power and transformed it into mine."

The evil god's eyes narrowed, and he shouted, "Are you worthy of my power?"

"Not worthy?"

"Hey...that daddy will let you know what it means to be worthy!" Long Fei laughed excitedly, and within his body, the power of Heavenly Tribulation began to stir...

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