The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1379 Demon God Nascent Soul, A New Demon Body

In this case, the chances of Long Fei being alive are slim.

All the people in the city looked at Long Fei o

this time o

Outside the secret realm, the vibration of the Zhuxie secret realm weakened, and finally disappeared. The long knife Elder immediately asked people to open the secret realm, but did not open the exit.

see that scene in secret realm o

Long Knife Elder smiled, "Hehe..."

"If all evils enter the body, even if you don't die, your life will be over. Hahaha... Long Fei, is it okay to fight against me?" Elder Long Dao coldly laughed.

He secretly muttered in his heart: "I didn't expect that magic pill to be so powerful."

The surrounding gods made many people sneer with contempt, "Deserving it!"

An envoy said: "Elder, do you want to open the secret realm exit now?"

Long Dao Elder said: "No hurry, let's take a good look at the scene before him temporarily, it must be very interesting o"


in this moment o

The long knife Elder's brows tightened, and a force immediately closed the secret realm.

after a few seconds o

A monk fell down and asked Wei Wei, "How is the assessment?"

The long knife Elder regained his composure and said, "Return to Elder, everything is normal."

A monk nodded and said, "Well, if there is any situation, report it to me as soon as possible."

The long knife Elder said: "The disciple obeys the order."

After a monk left, Elder Changdao lowered his voice and said slightly: "No one is allowed to tell half a word of what happened today, understand?"

The disciples of the gods all nodded.

The appraised disciples all have a huge power background. In order to deal with Long Fei, they are used as cannon fodder. If this matter spreads out, he will be severely tortured by the Heavenly Pagoda.

It's hard to turn around in this life

Disregarding the safety of the disciple is a felony!

The long knife Elder's mouth twitched, and coldly smiled: "Prepare to die in there."


o in secret realm

The evil energy poured into Long Fei's body crazily from the beginning, and at the end, Long Fei's body was madly absorbing the evil energy in the secret realm.

gradually o

Dzogchen The power in Heavenly Tribulation controls the initiative, madly sucking the ancient evil spirit in secret realm o

Those ancient evil spirits that flowed into Long Fei's body began to run wildly, forming a huge vortex. The center of the vortex was the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

Long Fei felt that there was a force about to erupt.

There is a force to awaken o

That very familiar feeling

After half an hour o


All the ancient evil energy in the secret realm of Punishing Evil was absorbed, and with a sudden withdrawal, Long Fei was suspended in mid-air.

Eye sockets are black

The whole body is full of evil black air, and the whole person is like a demon.

"He's turned into a demon o"

"Don't the demons control o"

"Everyone be careful!"

The disciples outside the city should be on guard

Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun also slowly retreated. If Long Fei was really controlled by the demon, then they would be in danger.

They are all on guard o

but o

All the people in the evil city knelt down and said, "Thank you sir for saving me, thank you sir, thank you sir..."

Long Fei absorbed all the evil in their bodies, they have become normal people now, and they will always remember this kindness in their hearts, no matter what Long Fei becomes.

Without Long Fei, they would still have demon control o

at this moment o

When the people of the whole city knelt down to thank Long Fei, the crystal clear things on their bodies slowly flew up and gathered around Long Fei little by little.


The power in Long Fei's body moved violently, absorbing all those crystal clear lights into the body.


Another roar o

The power of Long Fei began to rage wildly, and the vortex of the ancient evil energy was turning more and more, not turning outward, but turning inward, absorbing one after another into the Great Perfection Heavenly Tribulation.

"What do you want to do?"

"You won't devour all the ancient evil spirits, will you?"


"What exactly is this power in daddy's body?" Long Fei was a little stunned. The last time Xuanyuan Great Emperor's breath was swallowed up by Long Fei felt strange.

King Shura once said that there is a more powerful force hidden in his body o

What is this power? Long Fei doesn't know o

Devouring the essence of Xuanyuan Great Emperor, and now devouring such a huge amount of ancient evil, what the hell is this power?



Long Fei's body is like a vortex-like Galaxy, and the aura absorbed by the common people is merged into it, and the ancient evil energy is drilled into that power.

A loud roar exploded o

Long Fei didn't feel any discomfort, on the contrary... He felt extremely comfortable, like a spring breeze, extremely comfortable.


a loud noise o

All the ancient evil spirits are involved in that power o

Also at this moment

That power swelled, surged violently, and began to condense crazily.

The power in the body is like pregnancy o

This kind of feeling is like the induction of the ninth layer of the taboo of the heavenly bones, and now Long Fei feels like he wants to give birth, and the power in his belly is raging.

After three full minutes o


A loud bang o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting Nascent Soul!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the Nascent Soul from the Demon God for a special system reward, the reward item Demon God Nine Tribulations Sword o"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining special reward level 1 for Nascent Soul, the devil god"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for upgrading, he is currently third-level Chen-level!"

At the beginning, kill the evil god phantom to get one billion experience, soar directly from the star level seventh-level to the second-level, now upgrade again, and then the sixth-level will be able to aspire o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei. Has he converted the body of the devil?"


back again o

and o

Not only the demon body, Long Fei could clearly sense from the demon god Nascent Soul the stele stone that suppressed the drought and the forbidden power of the celestial bones.

The demon god Nascent Soul fused them o,

"Damn rub!"

Long Fei slowly fell to the ground, and the whole person was so excited that he couldn't do it, "My demon body is back, hahaha... becoming stronger o"

"The body of the devil!"



Not only that, Long Fei doesn't have the slightest evil spirit in his body, let alone the slightest devilishness. He is now as pure as a radiant and righteous angel.

because o

All Devilish Qi was absorbed by Nascent Soul o

It is an ancient evil spirit, and it is also the refining of the power of the Great Perfection Heavenly Tribulation.

His power...

strong immeasurable

But o

He is only in the Nascent Soul stage now!

Like a swaddling baby, he needs to grow!

Long Fei secretly said in his heart: "What exactly is that power in my body? How can I actually breed the body of a devil? This is too incredible, isn't it?"

The point is, that power has only revealed two tender shoots so far.

Just like a small bean sprout, this stage has such a powerful force, what will he become when he grows up?

also at this time

Long Knife Elder smiled and said, "The secret realm exit can now be opened!"

Chapter five is here,

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