The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1390 Daddy Didn't Cry When He Saw The Coffin

Death zone o

absolute zero

The temperature that God can't resist

At this moment, Long Fei quickly took the fire Qilin back to the pet space, and his mind sank, "Damn, Death zone?"

"Then daddy, let's see what kind of Death method you are!"

Long Fei's body fell freely, rapidly descending, and the temperature continued to drop. A thin layer of frost was covering his whole body, and the blood flow in his blood vessels slowed down.

It's such a hard feeling

And the huge ice and thunder bird behind him is still chasing after him, and he has no intention of letting Long Fei go.

He has guarded this earth spirit flower for fifty years, and he will never allow anyone to take it away.



The sharp icicles were continuously sprayed out of the mouth and shot at Long Fei.

Long Fei's body in mid-air has completely become a target, and the spiritual source is frozen, he can't release any Cultivation Technique power now.



Long Fei's back hurt, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. The blood spurted out and quickly froze into a blood clot and fell down. The temperature was too low.


Long Fei was furious in his heart and scolded o

turn o

With a move in his heart, he shouted, "Enchanted!"



"Congratulations to the player, Long Fei, who has consumed 100,000 points!"

in an instant o

Long Fei's body changed in an instant, and he turned into a child's version of the devil. With a finger of the Nine Tribulations Sword in his hand, he pointed at the Ice Thunder God Bird, and his deep voice sounded, "You are just being arrogant, right?"


When his body moved, he instantly landed in front of the Ice Thunder God Bird, and the Demon God Nine Tribulations Sword pointed at its eyebrows, "Give daddy an icicle and try it!"

sudden change

The Ice Thunder Divine Bird was a little caught off guard, but he was not afraid, and at the moment when the Nine Tribulations Sword pointed between his eyebrows, he let out an angry cry o


A series of thunder and lightning raged out o


"Forget that he is a Lei Bing dual-type." Long Fei's heart froze slightly, he was too close, he didn't have time to react, and was directly hit by the thunder and lightning of the ice thunder bird.

The minefield erupted, and the super power of the thunder element was madly raging o

Long Fei was almost electrocuted

But o

The body of the devil is the body of the devil, no matter how strong the lightning power of the ice thunder bird is, the body will only suffer a little skin trauma, that is, the hairstyle will become an explosive o

His clothes were burnt black, his face was black, and he looked a little embarrassed.

As the saying goes, good o

The head can be broken, the hairstyle can't be messed up

"Wipe your sister's o"

"Daddy is angry o" Long Fei was slightly angry, he put away the Nine Tribulations Sword, jumped to the top of the Ice Thunder God Bird's head in one step, stood on his head, his fists with the power of the devil, punched one by one The fist's crit continued, "Electrical daddy? Destroy daddy's hairstyle, you are courting death o"

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

One punch, one punch

Under the clouds, it looks like a golden bombardment from the sky, and I don't know what happened.

The ice crystal above the head of the ice thunder bird was smashed and shattered, making a painful howl, but it still did not give up, with its wings rolled up, it directly covered the whole body, and also wrapped the dragon flying, directly turning into a huge giant The ice crystal sphere fell heavily into the abyss o

Death zone o

Absolute zero!

Bring Long Fei there, he will surely die o


The abyss is like the huge mouth of a wild beast, swallowing everything.



"Young Master Long!"

"Long Fei!"

Ye Jingyun and Nangong Yan, who escaped down the mountain, exclaimed at the same time, their eyes were dazed, and their voices trembled.

"This kid is dead"

One person showed a contemptuous sneer o

Ye Jingyun immediately drank it and said angrily, "You're fucking dead!"


"Ye Jingyun, is Long Fei your father? Fuck!" The disciple scolded angrily.

Ye Jingyun jumped up without saying a word, "He is your ancestor o"

scuffle together quickly

Many people ridiculed, "That abyss is called the abyss of Death, now Long Fei will die."


"Fight with Kuang Shao, he is not an opponent at all"

"It's still crazy, he's just a little bit of news, and he will obediently go to death, hahaha..."

Nangong Yan's eyes were shocked, she leaned her body, fell directly beside the man, her voice became cold, and asked: "You mean the news of the earth spirit flower was spread by Song Kuang? He knew everything about Xuanfengya for a long time. ?"

Nangong Yan stared at the man a little hairy, his body trembled slightly, and said, "I, I, I heard about it too"


Nangong Yan felt a pain in her heart, "I should confirm the source of the news!"

suddenly o

Nangong Yan clenched his fists heavily, "Song Kuang, if there is something wrong with Long Fei, I will not let you go!"

Ye Jingyun kicked the disciple to the ground and said, "What are you waiting for? Go back and kill him."

Ye Jingyun is also a violent master

He didn't think that all this was Song Kuang's conspiracy. He was extremely unhappy, turned around and rushed to the assessment department of the Tongshentian Tower.

As for Long Fei...

Those who fell into the abyss of Death have not yet come out alive!

"Song Kuang, my ancestor!"

Ye Jingyun ran out quickly

Nangong Yan glanced at Xuanfeng Cliff, then followed Ye Jingyun and ran back.

This thing can't be left like this


Let's talk about Long Fei

He was wrapped in the ice thunder bird, and his whole body was cold. Even the body of the devil could not bear it, and it was getting colder and colder.

The voice of the ice thunder bird resounded in Long Fei's mind, saying: "Hand over the earth spirit flower, I will spare you!"


The voice of the devil sighed and said: "Look at your strength is good, and you are ice and thunder. Be my mount, and I can spare you."

The Ice Thunder God Bird was furious and said, "It seems that you don't know the dangers of this Death Zone. I tell you, any human beings who fall here will die, and they will be shattered."

The devil sneered: "It seems that you still don't know how powerful I am. I tell you, you still have a chance to choose, otherwise you will have to die here today."

than arrogant?

The devil is more arrogant than anyone else,

and o

Now, although the Demon God was entangled in the body by the Ice Thunder God Bird, he did not resist. He wanted to see what was so weird about the Death Abyss.

Absolute zero!

It is the lowest temperature on this earth, a temperature that is hard to find in the universe, a deadly temperature!

If this place is under his control...

"In the words of your human beings, you can't see the coffin and don't shed tears. If that's the case, then I'll let you see the power of the abyss of Death."

The Ice Thunderbird speeds up and swoops down quickly o

Long Fei grinned and said, "Daddy didn't cry when he saw the coffin."

"Come as much as you like!"


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