The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1402 Is That Enough? Not Yet

No matter what Medicine Pill Long Fei refines, even if he uses the power of Taishang Laojun to pill refining, the final result is still the same, and Lingjiu will sentence him to lose.

so o

Long Fei had planned it from the very beginning. What he fought was not dan, but life!

Lingjiu's life!

His flames burst out suddenly, letting Lingjiu's tense spirit loosen slightly, and at this moment Sleeping Beauty's thoughts entered his body.

It can be said that he can't resist it at all.

Left hand stir fry, right hand stir fry o

The head is stir-frying, and the feet are sticking in to stir-fry o

last o

Even the divine artifact of his life, the Myriad Beast Spirit Furnace, which he had nurtured for a hundred years, seemed unaccustomed to it, and he couldn't bear it. It exploded suddenly, "Boom..."

Crack directly!

The fryer is up!

Long Fei immediately laughed loudly and said, "Come and see, the hall master of Tongshentian Pagoda Dan Hall pill refining the fryer, it's really amazing, wow, I've never seen such a powerful person."

also at this time

As soon as Long Fei's pill was fired, he took out a Medicine Pill the size of his little finger, and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I just refined a first rank, or a low-level healing pill."


"It's enough to win you!"

Fryer, Medicine Pill ruined o

Only Long Fei can refine Medicine Pill, even a waste Medicine Pill can beat him.

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded

Completely confused, what the hell is going on?

Is Lingjiu in evil?

Seeing with her own eyes the explosion of the divine artifact of her own destiny, which had been conceived for a hundred years, Ling Jiu's heart was extremely painful, and then she saw Long Fei's smug look on his face.

Angry, can't vent out o


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Lingjiu's body trembled, her face became extremely pale, and the whole person looked extremely embarrassed, "You,, you,, you..."

"What kind of sorcery did you use, you bastard?"

Long Fei coldly said with a smile: "Elder Ling, if you lose, you say daddy uses sorcery? Can't afford to lose? If you can't afford to lose, tell me, I'll let you o"

"What kind of bullshit Hall Master?"

"I think it's just a piece of shit o"

Lingjiu's eyes bulged, staring at Long Fei, and said, "You,, you,, you"

Long Fei said: "What am I? Are you pill refining? Are you cooking? Just stir-fry, and you fried the pot. I have to say, you are really awesome."


Thinking of his own life artifact being abolished, Lingjiu couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of black blood, and said, "Boy, things are not over, this thing..."

"It's really not over." Long Fei took a step forward and said, "Remember our bet?"

Lingjiu's eyes were fierce, and her body trembled slightly.

He has internal injuries now, and the external injuries are very serious. In addition, the rupture of the divine artifact has caused a great impact on him. If Long Fei does it, he will definitely not be able to resist it.

"What do you want to do?"

Long Fei smiled coldly: "I don't want to do anything, I just want you to fulfill the bet."

Lingjiu's face changed greatly, and he immediately said: "A monk, stop him for me, and kill this kid for me."

A monk pretended not to hear anything and said, "Elder, what are you talking about, I can't hear you, please speak up."

He knelt on the ground just now that he was crushed and crushed, and his heart was full of fire.

Although I don't know what kind of magic Long Fei used to make Lingjiu look like this, but... he is very cool, there is no change on the surface, but he is very cool inside.

To stop Long Fei?

He's almost stupid

Lingjiu's face was even more ugly and kept retreating, saying: "Boy, I am the head of the Pill Hall. If you dare to touch my hair, Tongshentian Tower will never let you go."

"Is the Pill Hall Hall Master amazing?"

"Are you very arrogant?" Long Fei slowly stepped forward and smiled coldly, "Aren't you very arrogant just now? Weren't you very arrogant just now?"

"Didn't you say that the Medicine Pill refined by daddy is a waste Medicine Pill?"

"Didn't it say that daddy is not qualified to challenge you?"

"Oh shit!"

Long Fei's voice suddenly exploded, and he roared loudly, saying: "Now let the daddy see another arrogant one, Hall Master Pill?

Black and white are reversed, the devil is angry o


Long Fei will never endure this evil breath!

Continuously scolding, Lingjiu was unable to utter a single word from what Long Fei said, so she could only stare at Long Fei, her face became paler and paler, and blood was constantly spraying from her mouth.

very scared inside

at this time o

suddenly o

Long Fei dashed forward

Lingjiu's body trembled and said, "You dare..."

Long Fei slammed his palms like thunder, and said, "Why is daddy afraid?"


The two fists blasted out, but... at that moment, a thick gas shield door fell down, just like the door of Bron in the game.

golden door

Long Fei slammed his fists on it, his arms were numb, his fists cracked, and blood came out.

The body was also shaken and fell out.

moment o

Several old men descended from the sky and landed heavily on Lingjiu's side. One of the old men's voice sank and said slightly: "Enough!"

"Is it enough?"

"I don't think so yet!"

The anger is in full swing, how can you stop, "You said enough is enough, doesn't that daddy have no face?"

in an instant o

The spirit source rioted, the strong spirit source breath burst out, Long Fei stepped out, and a strong force emerged from Long Fei's body like steam.

one step at a time

The arena was cracking, and he rushed up quickly, his fists shook again, and a spiritual source condensed into a dazzling white ball of light on his fists, and rushed out heavily.

"I said enough!!"

The old man was also slightly angry, and the powerful force crushed it heavily, pressing it on Long Fei's body.


Directly imprison Long Fei, Long Fei's body cannot move.

This is a divine power

The power that Long Fei can't break through, of course... that's his own power o

Mind a move!

"Shura body!"


When the power inherited from King Cultivation exploded, he directly broke through the divine power on his body, and his speed suddenly increased, and a heavy punch hit Lingjiu's face, "Black and white, even a rubbish like you will accompany him. To be the Elder?"



Lingjiu spat out a mouthful of blood, and her body flew out.

Also at this moment

Another elder was extremely angry, "How unreasonable!"

Hit it with a punch


Long Fei flew upside down, flew out 100 meters, and landed heavily on the ground. The ground cracked and Long Fei also spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"What are you? What right do you have to accuse the Elder?" the elder said angrily.

Long Fei did not wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, but walked up step by step.

Another Elder shouted again: "Long Fei, I warn you, enough is enough!"


"Hehe... Why didn't you say enough when he turned black and white?"

"Is it enough to be the savior running out now?"

"Enough of you, daddy not yet!"

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