The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1407 You Only Have One Chance

Yang God's natal artifact?

what is it?

Long Fei doesn't know, but... It must be very difficult for a person to be called a god by Sleeping Beauty.


When Sleeping Beauty was asked by Long Fei, she was stunned for a while, and said to herself, "Yes, can I refine weapons?"

"No o"

"Why should I doubt myself?"

"I am omnipotent"

"Hee hee..." Sleeping Beauty immediately smiled and said, "Master, I can do everything, and I can also refine tools. If you want to refine the Yang God's life-skilled artifact, you need to prepare some things."

Long Fei said, "Those things?"

Sleeping Beauty said: "This is a natural magic field, with a strong Earth Yang essence, but there is still one thing missing, and that is the Tianyang essence."

The fusion of earth sun and sky sun, what would that be?

Long Fei felt excited when he thought about it, and said, "How can I get Tianyang essence?"

Sleeping Beauty said: "Arrange the magic circle to absorb the essence of Yang Yuan in the scorching sun. It is the essence of Tianyang, but the method of arranging the magic circle..."

Sleeping Beauty fell into contemplation and said, "You let me think about it o"

thinking, thinking...

But she wanted to fall asleep

Long Fei: ...

He didn't wake her up either. Long Fei looked at her soundly asleep. She was really cute and pretty.

"Young Master Long, what's the matter with you?" Ye Jingyun asked Long Fei to stop.

Long Fei said: "It's nothing, let's advance to the city o"

He is not in a hurry, although it is the divine artifact of the Yang God, which makes people extremely excited, but to Long Fei, the sleeping time of Sleeping Beauty is above everything else.

The three fell to the ground and walked to the gate of the city.

There are many people entering the city, and they are all queuing up. They are searched one by one, and they have to pay the entry fee, one hundred taels per o

This is fine for Practitioner o

But for ordinary people, this is an astronomical figure.

Ye Jingyun said slightly: "How can this happen, it has never been like this before o"

"Young Master Long, you guys are here, I'll go ask." Ye Jingyun frowned, he had a feeling that something might have happened to Qingtian City.

"No money?"

"Want to go to the city without money?"

"Do you think anyone can enter Qingtian City?"

"Old man, get away from me." The two guards kicked an old man to the ground and beat him so hard that everyone around looked scared.

The old man rolled on the ground and said repeatedly, "Okay, all adults, my old lady is still waiting for my medicine to come back to save her life."

"Please, let me in, I, I, I will make up for it next time"

A potbellied city defender stared at the old man on the ground and said, "Have money to get medicine, but no money to pay the city fee? Are you a fucking daddy?"

"Hit me, beat me to death!"

"If you don't give any color to these unscrupulous people, I really think we are vegetarians"

immediately o

There were two guards who were punching and kicking fiercely.

No one dares to step forward to stop o

If you keep fighting like this, the old man will definitely be beaten to death.

This kind of thing happens every day, it happens a lot, and it's numb to watch, no one dares to resist and stop it, whether it's a Practitioner or ordinary people.

The reason is simple o

Because of fear of the Ye family's power o

"Too bullying o" Nangong Yan can't stand it anymore o

in this moment o

Long Fei has already shot, "Bang, bang, bang..."

Four punches

Four guards hang on the wall, their bodies are recessed into the wall, and their spines are broken. Even if they are rescued like this, they are also disabled.

"Who dares to take care of the Ye family's business?"

The man with a big belly suddenly stood up and stared at Long Fei. Although Long Fei burst out with great power, he did not have the slightest fear.

Instead, he looked at Long Fei with a look of contempt.

Long Fei said: "So many people bully an old man, you are really capable."

"I'm out of his money"

Before he finished speaking, a profound stone was thrown onto it, and Long Fei said coldly, "Is it enough?"

That Fatty saw Xuan Shi's eyes glow, and immediately said: "Enough, very enough."

"Old man, you can go in now o" Fatty snorted slightly o

The old man knelt down at Long Fei and was dragged by Long Fei, and said, "Go back quickly, you will be delayed to save people."


"Thank you, sir." The old man was moved to tears, and whispered: "Master, be careful yourself."

After that, I hurried into the city.

Long Fei also walked in, but...

That Fatty smiled coldly and said, "He can go into the city, but..."

Fatty moved his finger and pointed at Long Fei: "You can't!"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he said lightly, "Why can't I?"

Fatty said: "The person who beat me still wants to leave? Hmph, do you think anyone in my Ye family can move? Boy, either you take out a hundred profound stones as compensation today, or..."

"You die here!!" Fatty's voice turned cold, and the guards around the city gate all gathered around.

They all look aggressive and arrogant.

On weekdays, they are intimidating, and no one dares to compete with them.

At this time o,

Nangong Yan came up quickly, "Long Fei o"

Fatty looked at Nangong Yan with lustful eyes, and smiled evilly: "I'll give you another choice, let the beautiful woman around you stay with me for three days, and make me comfortable, I..."

Don't wait for him to finish o


Long Fei's figure moved, and he punched out.

Fatty, weighing 250 pounds, flew out, all the front teeth were blown off, and his mouth was full of blood and water, and Fatty was screaming in pain.

"Ah, ah..."

"Dog thing, dare to hit daddy?"

"Today, even the king of heaven, daddy can't save you, fuck me, fuck me, kill him, snatch that girl for me, tonight I'm going to be ruthless..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei's figure moved again, and he stepped on Fatty's face.


collapsed nose bridge

There is a sunken footprint on the face, it hurts so bad that I can't even make a sound, it is extremely uncomfortable.

Long Fei said coldly, "If you hadn't looked at Young Master Ye's face, you would have died!"

"Daddy doesn't care what you are, Young Master Ye, Young Master Ye, today you are dead." Fatty flinched again and again, he was not afraid, but even more furious, shouting: "Kill me!!"

More than a dozen guards rushed up, moved their spears, all pointed at Long Fei, their voices fell, and they shouted loudly, "Kill!"


A cold smile appeared on the corner of Long Fei's mouth, and the demonic killing intent surged in his heart. He stared at Fatty and said, "I will give you a chance, have you thought about it?"

Fatty's heart froze. Looking at Long Fei's eyes, his body could not help trembling, and he said heavily, "Consider your ancestors? Kill me..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei disappears

At this time, Ye Jingyun shouted, "Young Master Long..."


At this moment, Long Fei's power has burst out...

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