The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1409 Don't Give Face Not Wanting Face

Sky City, an ancient city

At the beginning of the Chaos World, it existed o

Qingtian Peak is also regarded as the place where the Jingyang of Chaos World is located.

In the middle of the mountain is a huge Lieyang cave, which is like a volcano. The heat inside can breed a drop of Longyang essence for ten thousand years.

This is a kind of essence that can refine the flesh.

It has the effect of resurrecting the dead, and it is a powerful secret treasure of the Ye family.

rumor o

There is a strong person in the Ye family who relies on Longyang Jingyuan to enter the upper god realm and enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, can't know what happened later.

Being able to enter the realm of the upper gods and the battlefield of the ancient gods is enough to prove the power of Longyang Jingyuan.

When Ye Tiancheng said this, the whole hall was shocked.

Even those supporters of Ye Tianxing couldn't help but look at him seriously, the scrolls were bought with money, they can ignore these things.


Longyang Jingyuan can be said to determine the fate of the Ye family, and no one will take it lightly.

Ye Tianxing frowned slightly and said, "I will distribute Longyang Jingyuan according to the ancestors' wishes. Whoever can get it will depend on their own chances."


"What did the ancestors mean?"

"Who believes it?"

"Patriarch, we endured the last time the scroll of the gods, and this time you used the meaning of ancestors, the word chance to fool us, you treat us as three-year-old children?" Ye Tiancheng said aggressively.

He will never back down on this matter.

and o

As long as he can master Longyang Jingyuan, he can master the entire Ye family.

Without waiting for Ye Tiancheng to speak, Ye Tianxing said heavily: "If you are not qualified for the position of patriarch, I can... replace it!"

Force the palace directly!

The eyes of many elders were shocked, showing excitement.

at this time o

Ye Jingyun walked into the hall and said slightly: "Uncle, can't you wait that much?"

Everyone looked at the past in unison

Ye Tianxing's eyes were also stunned.

Ye Tiancheng looked at Ye Jingyun with a sneer, and said, "You still have the face to come back with a waste like you? You have lost all the face of the Ye family."

Ye Jingyun sneered and said, "I don't lose the face of the Ye family to care about your business. Does it have anything to do with you? It's you, who has always been eyeing the position of the patriarch. What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?"

"Don't forget, when Grandpa was alive, he said that you will never be the leader of the Ye family. To put it simply, you don't trust you. Anyone can be the head of the Ye family, but you can't!"


Ye Tiancheng was furious, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, stared at Ye Jingyun fiercely, and said, "You just talked to me like this, even if I kill you now, I deserve it!"

"kill me?"

"You come o" Ye Jingyun was not afraid at all o

Ye Tianxing drank slightly, "Jingyun, enough is enough."

"Dage, I will seriously consider the matter of Longyang Jingyuan. Today's meeting is here." Ye Tianxing said, looking at the people around him without moving.

Ye Tianxing glared at him and drank abruptly, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

The power of the head of the house burst out instantly o

directly crush the audience

And his two eyes stared at Ye Tiancheng.

Invisibly, powerful coercion rolls out o

Ye Tiancheng's face changed slightly, his sleeves swept away, and said, "Humph!"

strode away, out of the hall o

The Elder in the hall also withdrew.

In the end, only Ye Tianxing and Ye Jingyun were left.


Ye Tianxing spat out a mouthful of blood, straddled his body, and fell on the chair.

"Father!" Ye Jingyun ran up instantly.


The Ye family's accident was not for a day or two. Ye Tianxing arranged for Ye Jingyun to enter the Tongshentian Pagoda for the assessment, not for any family, but to let Ye Jingyun escape this family civil strife.

"This dress is so beautiful o"


"This dress is also beautiful!"


Money is just a number to Long Fei. Although he doesn't have much money on him, it is enough to buy some clothes.

However o

Nangong Yan kept choosing, but didn't buy one because she felt sorry for Long Fei's mysterious stone.

"Are you going to buy it or not?" Long Fei followed behind Nangong Yan, and he didn't understand at all. If you don't buy something when you go shopping, why don't you go shopping with a hammer?

What kind of animal is a woman?

The more you go, the more crazy

I don't know how tired it is. Long Fei would rather kill Demonic Beasts for a day than go shopping with a woman. It's too tiring.

Nangong Yan smiled and said: "Of course I bought it, but I haven't picked the one I like yet."

at this time o

Nangong Yan saw a particularly delicate light blue dress on the shelf, very beautiful, and was instantly attracted, "This dress..."

The shop owner immediately said, "You have a good eye, girl. This dress was put on the shelves today. It was sewn with the feathers of 10,000 blue cranes. It can be said that the entire Chaos World is just like this."

Nangong Yan touched it lightly, very soft, like a feather

Long Fei saw love in her eyes, and immediately asked, "How much is this dress?"

The shop owner said, "This dress is a bit expensive."

Long Fei said, "Just tell me how much it is."

The shop owner said, "I want one million profound stones."

Nangong Yan immediately stopped, and secretly clicked her tongue: "One million profound stones? It's too expensive."

at this time o

A woman in her twenties stepped forward and said, "This dress is so beautiful, I bought it."

Long Fei said slightly: "Sorry, we first saw it, I bought o"

The woman immediately showed a look of contempt, coldly glanced at Long Fei, and said, "Bill, can you afford it? And... do you know who I am?"

Nangong Yan pulled the corner of Longfei's clothes and said, "Forget it, it's too expensive."

"Did you hear? It's too expensive, don't be ashamed if you can't afford it, cut it!" The woman sneered and said, "Poor ghost."

Long Fei didn't look at the woman again, but looked at the shop owner and asked, "Boss, everything in your shop... Forget it, how much is your shop worth?"

Long Fei is too lazy to be wordy

The shop owner said, "I, in my shop, everything plus the storefront is worth about four million profound stones."

The voice fell o

Long Fei took out fifty Profound Crystals directly from the Interspatial Ring and said, "Fifty Profound Crystals, I bought them from the store."

Fifty pieces immediately equals five million profound stones.

The shop owner is laughing from ear to ear o

Long Fei glanced coldly at the woman and said, "Please get out of here, understand?"

The woman's face was ugly, and her eyes were full of anger. Instead of going out, she shouted, "Husband, someone bullied me, I want you to kill him!"

turn o

Several minions from outside the store rushed in o

The woman coldly smiled and said, "Offend Miss Ben, I want you to die ugly."

Long Fei looked at the few minions around her and said, "Just these few people? Are there more people?"

The woman's face sank, and she said, "It's enough to deal with a leopard like you."

I haven't finished speaking yet

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Long Fei shot in succession, slapped one by one, and all slapped on the ground. Long Fei stared at the woman again and said, "Is it enough?"

"Don't give your face not wanting face!"


The woman's face turned pale and her body was trembling faintly.

Also at this time... a man in a fur coat walked into the store, "Who are they tired of living and bullying my woman?"

Thanks for the support o

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