The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1421 Refining The Destiny Artifact

Long Fei didn't leave Qingtian City o

He also needs to refine the natal divine artifact of the Yang God. Qingtian City is the place where the earth is most intense. If he leaves here, the divine artifact of the Yang God cannot be refined at all.

go back to the clothing store

Nangong Yan was puzzled and said, "Why? Why can the flames you unleashed kill all those people in Tianxie Pavilion, and why did you let me control the evil power in my body?"

"Is your Cultivation Technique designed to deal with demons?"

"I didn't see you use it in the Zhuxie secret realm. Is it a supernatural power that you recently realized?"

Nangong Yan is full of doubts

The purifying power of the Jinglian Demon Fire is too strong. If she is caught in such a little flame, she will not be able to resist it.

Long Fei looked at her with a puzzled face, and said slightly: "Don't worry about this, as long as you know a little bit, I won't hurt you o"

Nangong Yan is a man of evil spirits

The strongest force in her body is the evil force o

The power of pure lotus demon fire specially restrained

Nangong Yan's eyes trembled, her eyes were wet, she threw herself directly into Long Fei's arms, sobbed in a low voice, and said, "It would be good if I had understood something."

"If only I wasn't so self-willed, spoiled, and obsessed with power back then, I would be fine."

Long Fei gently patted Nangong Yan's back.


Silent night o

In order to maintain enough energy, and did not have sex

twilight o

Before the sun rose, Long Fei ran out quietly.

The time when the yang qi is the strongest is not noon, but early morning, when the sun rises and the violet qi is radiant, the best time of day o

The best time for refining the Yang Shen natal artifact o

The highest point of Longfei's boss Qingtian City, a remote place with dangerous peaks.


Long Fei exhaled a long breath, calmed his heart, and achieved a state of peace of mind, and then looked at the fish maw white that appeared slightly in the east.

"It's going to be sunrise o"

Sleeping Beauty said slightly: "You are ready!"

Long Fei nodded and said, "Everything is ready."

Sleeping Beauty said, "It is a very painful process to refine the Yang God's natal artifact. It is not like an ordinary refining tool. It requires your fleshly body as a container."

The natal artifact is cultivated with the flesh.

The general natal artifact is slowly fused through own power, and after several years and decades of fusion, it slowly becomes the natal artifact.

Yang God's natal artifact is different o

Because it hasn't been refined yet, it's completely different from the general natal artifact.

Long Fei said: "As long as it can make me stronger, I can bear no amount of pain."

Become stronger!

As long as he can become stronger, no matter what the pain, Long Fei will never frown.

In Tianwu Continent, it is the same in Chaos World.

After entering the Tongshentian Tower, he found more and more that there were too many strong people in this world, too many, and the Tongshentian Tower was linked to the battlefield of the ancient gods.

There are stronger people out there

Get stronger, get stronger!

Sleeping Beauty said slightly: "Okay, then let's start o"

The voice fell o

A thought of Sleeping Beauty exploded in Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, and then, just like refining Tathagata, a wave of super knowledge poured in and dispersed.

Long Fei's expression also changed suddenly.

followed by o

The Meteorite Mine took it out and moved his right hand, "Boom!"

The power of The Underworld fire lotus also burst out,

Long Fei's body also became extremely hot, his whole body seemed to be burning, and every inch of his skin was melted into the flames.

The fiery sun ascending from the horizon o

The flame breath on Long Fei's body absorbed the Oriental Purple Qi crazily, and the yang energy rose sharply.


A roar from the depths of the earth


There was also a roar above Nine Heavens

Sleeping Beauty reminded and said: "It's about to start, and now there can be no distraction o"

Long Fei said heavily: "Come on!!"

With a sudden movement of Sleeping Beauty's technique, a giant hammer phantom rushed out, directly cutting the Meteorite ore into two halves, half returned to the Interspatial Ring, and the other half was frantically refining in the flames, cutting the Meteorite ore into two halves. The Impurities drain out o

The way is like electricity

amazingly fast

At the same time, there was a strong roar in the sky, the ground, and the fiery red sun in the sky.

"what sound?"

"what happened?"

"Could it be that Longyang Jingyuan erupted again?"

"What a hot breath o"

"The ground is cracked, what is this?"


The people of the Ye family were extremely shocked. This phenomenon was the same as when Longyang Jingyuan was formed, and it was even more intense.

The whole sky city is shaking o

"Patriarch, everything in the forbidden area is business as usual, and nothing has changed."

Ye Family Hall o

Many elders frowned o

Ye Tianxing said, "What is that? This kind of change has never happened before."

"Check it out for me now!"



The sound of being burned by flames kept coming out of Long Fei's body. It was extremely painful, burning in the flames. This feeling was too uncomfortable, but... Long Fei didn't make a sound at all.

Let Sleeping Beauty control it completely o




A blast in the void is a heavy knock o

Beating again and again, Long Fei's body was subjected to unbearable force again and again.

In the depths of the ground, the power of flames poured out one after another.

The same is true for the power of the sun in the sky, all rushing into Long Fei's body. At this moment, he sensed the magical power of the flames he sensed when he picked up The Underworld fire lotus yesterday.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Long Fei gritted his teeth and said in his heart: "Long Fei, you must resist o"

"You must resist!"

Slowly his body turned into flames, blue flames, extremely dazzling, madly absorbed the yang energy between heaven and earth, and the earth's yang essence poured into o

Sun essence pours into o

Nine Heavens Jingyang vitality is madly pouring in o

The three powers continuously poured into Long Fei's body, and then used Long Fei's body to release the crazy refining, constantly beating o



Long Fei's body, the three Yangs converge o

His physical body is also being tempered crazily, transforming.

mind o

A huge black sword is suspended o

It is exactly the same as the sword forged in front of Long Fei.

linked together o

One ring after another on the black sword burst out with fiery essence power, which made Long Fei feel like he was in control of the sun, and it was extremely powerful.

"Still stronger"

Long Fei couldn't help but praise.

immediately o

Sleeping Beauty said slightly: "There is one last step o"


"You must resist o"

The voice fell o

Sleeping Beauty didn't stop there, a powerful force of consciousness poured directly into the black sword, the sky exploded suddenly, and the power like destroying the sky and the earth erupted.


At this moment, the system also sounded a prompt tone o


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