The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1447 The Way Of Vajra

The biggest advantage of an aircraft carrier is that it is a moving island o

If operating at sea, it has a huge advantage as a small base that can both resupply and attack o

The power is suddenly a mess o

If you can fly in the air o

Nature is the same

It's just that his consumption is a bit high, ten thousand spiritual sources per second, all the spiritual sources of Long Fei can only make him fly for more than 500 seconds, what can he do with this time?

can't do anything

Of course o

Long Fei doesn't know the current speed of the aircraft carrier

"Put it away first!"

"It will definitely be of great use in the future, when I know what The Underworld Gate, what Jiuyou Zhanjia, and the coordinates of the Bounty Gate... I'll shoot him first and then talk about it." Long Fei muttered in his heart.

Missile bombardment requires coordinates to strike accurately o

No coordinates, nothing works o


Long Fei took a deep breath and turned his attention to the Integrated Union supernatural powers. With a thought, he said, "cultivation!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei's cultivation magical powers Cultivation Technique Integrated Union magical skills for gaining 100 experience points, 100 points, and 100 spiritual sources as a reward o"

Cultivation Technique: Integrated Union magic

Grade: supernatural

Consumption: One million spiritual sources

Description: Cultivation This magical power can instantly fuse the power of the pet to obtain the power of Integrated Union. The stronger the power of the pet, the stronger the power obtained.

Description 2: The power of absorbing pets can also be separated.

Description 3: If an absolute crush is formed, it can also absorb the opponent's power and fuse the power into its own power.

Description 4: The absorbed life force can be selectively sacrificed, Deatho



"Instantly absorb the power of own mythical beasts, and then convert it into own power to form a kind of Integrated Union power." Long Fei muttered.


"What do you mean by description four?"

"Optional Death, sacrifice?"

"Could it be that the power I absorbed is a living being, can I choose to let him die? I can survive?" Long Fei was secretly shocked, "So if conditions permit, I can have two lives? "


"With sufficient conditions, I should have infinite life!"


"This skill is too conspicuous!"

Long Fei was excited in his heart, and then he thought of the phantom of the divine beast on his body when Zhan Hongtu died, struggling to break through his body.


System prompts can not be wrong!

indeed o

If it weren't for Long Fei's Heavenly Tribulation slash, Zhan Hongtu would not have died, only the divine beast would have died.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation is too sharp o

Directly even the main body is also bombed to kill o

The appearance of the deity of Long Fei's illusion club

"Boss, are you okay?" Li Yuanba fell down.

Gui Rou ran up and threw herself into Long Fei's arms, "Husband, woo woo..."

Yang Yu ran forward and looked at Long Fei. She wanted to go forward, but her body stopped. Long Fei waved to her and said, "You too!"

Yang Yu stepped forward and was stopped by Long Fei in his arms, and said softly, "I made you worry, I'm sorry!"

The two shook their heads and kept sobbing.

The scene just now was too dangerous, everyone was worried about Long Fei

Aoya sniffed, she also wanted to cry a little, but she finally held back, because of her sword power Vajra, she has to take the responsibility of Vajra.

Long Fei looked at her and felt a pain in his heart.

"I'm fine!"

"I made you worry o"

"From now on, I will never put you in danger again." Long Fei said heavily, there are still many powerful forces in the chaos world.

Tongshentian Tower is just one of the exposed powerhouse forces.

How many families like Jiuyou Zhanjia have not been exposed?

No idea at all!

What kind of opponents will appear in the future?

Long Fei doesn't know

In short, we can't let them take such a risk first, their Cultivation Base is too weak for those godlike families o

Long Fei came back this time to bring them all into Heaven Court and The Underworld two bases, let them cultivate in it, and let him become an aircraft carrier on the vast ocean.

Move the island o

When the time comes, let them out o

Long Fei said slightly: "I have opened up two secret realms, whether it is a light attribute or a dark attribute, both of them can enter, and the cultivation speed will be increased several times."

"I came back this time to let you all go in cultivationo"

"Jiuyou Zhanjia, The Underworld Gate, Bounty Gate, Wanmengzong, and many unknown powerhouse forces are too dangerous for us."

"I need you to be stronger!"

really need o

Long Fei has always wanted to establish his own power, but... he can't always establish it.

Being bullied by The Underworld gate is too serious o

"Sect Leader, can your Cultivation Base open up a secret realm now?" Huo Lin was startled.

Kunlunzi is also extremely shocked o

Long Fei said: "There are some adventures during this time, and if they are opened up by chance, you can all go in, so that you can cultivate with peace of mind."

This time the casualties are too heavy o

Only a dozen or so disciples of the Kunlun sect remain o

Orc warriors are similar

Long Fei's Heaven Martial Ancestor's guild level dropped directly to fifth-level, and dropped several levels in a row.

The guild level is not the same as Long Fei's own level. Once the guild's power drops, the level will also drop. Long Fei is heartbroken, but you can't do anything about it if you are in a hurry.

talking room o

Long Fei opened the two secret realms with one thought.

One Side The Underworldo

One side Heaven Courto

Long Fei reminded: "You must be clear about the direction of your cultivation, so that you can choose a good secret realm cultivationo"

"I should be a light attribute o"

Huo Lin was the first to go out and walked towards the Heaven Court secret realm, but was pushed out. Long Fei said, "You are of the dark attribute."

Huo Lin scratched his head o

The crowd laughed o

Then enter the secret realm one by one

In addition to ordinary people, the people in the beast city have basically entered the secret realm.

In the end, only eight Vajrao remain

Li Yuanba must be a dark attribute, he has also been enchanted o

Tianling, Luohan, these are all dark attributes o


Li Yuanba looked at the other seven Vajra, stepped forward, and said, "Boss, we want to go our own way!"

Long Fei was stunned for a moment.

Aoya said: "Boss, the eight of us are not able to improve our strength through simple cultivation. If it is just cultivation, we can't keep up with your footsteps at all."

Tianling followed up and said: "Boss, we are the eight Vajra, we have to walk out of a different path for others, a path that has never been before"

"We want to practice o"

"With your protection we will never grow up"

secret realm cultivation is really tempting

but o

This is a kind of protection from Long Fei.

They are the Eight Vajra and the right-hand man of Long Fei. They are not greenhouse flowers. What they want is not only cultivation and improvement of Cultivation Base, but also to find their own way!

The Way of Vajra!

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