The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1449 I'm Back

at this time o

The sky sank, and a stronger coercion rolled down.

The sound shook o

"Tuoba Yuan, do you think you are still the third elder? You are only a low-level elder now, what qualifications do you have to order here?"


A voice falls o

Third Elder Tuoba Yuan's heart was shocked, his eyes raised slightly, and he said: "Second Elder!"


The middle-aged man hummed coldly and said with a sneer, "Come back from hundreds of millions of kilometers away, Tuoba Yuan, are you really good enough?"

"Is it worth it just for a disciple?"

"You still have a chance to choose, don't be obsessed with o"

"Zhan Wushuang is the right way, that Long Fei... If you want Talent without talent, and if you want potential without potential, he is nothing but a murderous heart," Cai Tiannan said contemptuously.

obviously o

Tuoba Yuan did not stand in line

He chose Long Fei instead of Zhan Wushuang o

It is also because of this that he was suppressed and exiled.

Tuoba Yuan smiled and said: "I don't know if Zhan Wushuang is on the right track, but I know that his mind is not right. As for Long Fei...his potential, Talent is far stronger than Zhan Wushuang."

He has investigated Long Fei o

It has grown so terrifying in just a few years

How dare you say that such a person has talent and potential?

Cai Tiannan smiled and said, "Talent is better than Zhan Wushuang? A Dantian's broken waste is what you will like. What qualifications does such a person have to enter the Heavenly Pagoda?"

"Tuoba Yuan, I advise you to be aware of the current affairs, and don't even know how you died."

The voice is cold

killing intent o

Tuoba Yuan coldly said: "What? Are you still going to kill me?"

Cai Tiannan smiled slightly and said, "What's wrong with killing you? Anyone who becomes Zhan Wushuang's block can be obliterated. This is... the original words of the tower owner!"

"kill you?"

"Humph, do you think I dare not?"

Tuoba Yuan's eyes changed.

The tower owner of the Tongshentian Tower said such words, then the number of tower layers that Zhan Wushuang has broken through now is afraid...

Tuoba Yuan said slightly: "What floor has Zhan Wushuang passed through now?"

Cai Tiannan smiled proudly and said, "I have already broken through the 70th floor this morning, and if I have another 30 floors, I will be eligible to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods."

"Tuoba Yuan, now you know that you made the wrong choice?"

"Seventy layers?" Tuoba Yuan's eyes tightened, and he muttered to himself, "This achievement has been achieved in just over a year, and he is the first person in ten thousand years."


have to be shocked

The power that Zhan Wushuang burst out is amazing o

Seeing Tuoba Yuan's shocked appearance, Cai Tiannan smiled proudly: "Now you know the horror? Zhan Wushuang's entry into the battlefield of the ancient gods is already a sure thing, and... the tower master predicted that he can be on the battlefield of the ancient gods. Bring supreme glory to the chaos world o"

"Do you want to stop now?"

Tuoba Yuan laughed, "Hahaha..."

"His Talent is really scary"

"But... his mental skills are even more terrifying. Do you think Jiuyou Zhanjia is an ordinary family? You don't know this family at all, and you don't know Zhan Wushuang at all."

"No matter what level he breaks through now, I will insist on choosing O"

"Zhao Kong, wait for them!"

Tuoba Yuan felt tight, he was gambling

He is betting everything with his own, betting on Long Fei.

Tuoba Yuan secretly said in his heart: "Long Fei, don't let me down, I put everything on you!"

Cai Tiannan's eyes were furious, and he said solemnly, "Tuoba Yuan, you don't want to make a toast or eat a fine drink!"

Tuoba Yuan said: "Second Elder, you are very clear about what you have done. If I tell you what you have done, hehe..."

Cai Tiannan frowned and shouted, "How long do you have to wait?"

Zhao Kong also asked: "Second Elder, there is a time limit for us to wait. We can't wait forever, right? Are there other assessment disciples here?"

Cai Tiannan said: "Half an hour o"

Tuoba Yuan said: "Two hours o"

"One hour!" Cai Tiannan shouted, "If Long Fei and the others don't show up in an hour, then they won't be eligible to continue the assessment."


"Never allowed to enter Tongshentian Tower o"


"Tuoba Yuan, I will report to the tower owner about what happened today, you just wait." Cai Tiannan drank slightly.

Tuoba Yuan didn't say any more.

He can only buy one hour for Long Fei, this is his limit o

and o

As long as Long Fei doesn't appear, his last hope is also lost.

If he wants to turn over, he must rely on Long Fei.

As long as Long Fei enters the Tongshentian Tower and gets through the 100th floor, he will be able to crush everything. The key is... He knows very well that Zhan Wushuang's mental skills are not right.

full of evil

It is not a good thing for such a person to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods.

I want to compare Long Fei, although Long Fei has a murderous heart, but at least he can have a clear conscience and be upright.

The time is lost every minute o

half an hour passed

Long Fei did not appear o

A sneer appeared on Cai Tiannan's face, "Tuoba Yuan, you are about to lose soon, do you want to borrow that kid to turn over? You made the wrong choice, hahaha..."

Tuoba Yuan closed his eyes slightly, but did not speak, his palms were oozing cold sweat.

Another ten minutes passed

Long Fei still did not appear o

Cai Tiannan's smug smile deepened, and he hummed a little song, "The time is coming soon o"

Tuoba Yuan secretly said in his heart: "Could it be... Am I going to lose?"

If Long Fei does not appear, he will lose!


A person who can't enter the tower of the gods can't turn him over at all, which also shows that he chose the wrong o

Another ten minutes passed

Cai Tiannan said with a smile: "Tuoba Yuan, there are still the last ten minutes left. If you don't show up again, you know what the consequences will be."

This time it's not just exile o

It might kill him!

Tuoba Yuan looked at the sky with both eyes and muttered: "This... maybe it's my Tuoba Yuan's life!"

A wrong choice is doomed!


"Zhan Wushuang will never bring any glory to Tongshentian Tower"

It's a pity... no one will listen to him

"There's only one minute left!" Cai Tiannan laughed proudly, "Tuoba Yuan, admit defeat, hahaha..."

Tuoba Yuan exhaled lightly, looked at Cai Tiannan and said, "Tell the tower owner for me, thank him for his training for so many years, from now on, I will be Tuoba Yuan..."

He is no longer qualified to stay in Tongshentian Tower.

He didn't regret choosing Long Fei

Now he has no choice o

Cai Tiannan laughed proudly, and when he saw Tuoba Yuan's depressed face, he was extremely excited.


Just when Tuoba Yuan wanted to say to leave the Heavenly Pagoda, a voice came from a distance, "I'm back!!"

Thank you all for your support!

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