The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1458 Brother, I Have Taken It!

When he started going crazy, Long Fei didn't see himself as a human being.

A demigod Demonic Beasts, such as the Beastmaster, is so powerful that it can't be conquered by ordinary means. If you want to make him a Demonic Beasts who cultivate Integrated Union supernatural powers, you must use inhuman means.


Hit you!

Not only in strength, but also a kind of psychological shock, crushing o


With another punch, Long Fei was shaken back, and the Tongtian Beast King was shaken out as well. Long Fei roared, "Are you satisfied?"

Without waiting for the Beastmaster to speak, Long Fei raised his casserole-sized fist and slammed it up again.


"I'll just ask you, to accept or not to accept?"

don't speak again

Another punch to the punch

Every time I go all out, every time I work hard

Tongtian Beastmaster felt a chill in his heart, "Is this f*ck still human?"

"Just a lunatic!"

He has seen a lot of strong people, and people who are stronger than him, but... I have never encountered such a madman before. It's too terrifying.

He was not convinced by Long Fei's strength, but his heart was shaken by Long Fei's crazy and desperate spirit.

But o

Want to conquer him, these alone are not enough o

"Boy, come again!"

"I'll see how long you can last." He is the Demonic Beasts of the demigod Realm, and he already has the prototype of the godhead in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Compared with other divine beasts, he is the real divine beast.

His strength, physical body, and defense are far more powerful than other divine beasts.

Long Fei roared, "Then another 10,000 punches!"


Long Fei didn't speak any more, he moved his fists, and a frantic crit came, the sky was full of flames, and a burst of fast strikes, "Ah,,, ah,,, ah,,,"

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

The arm of Tongtian Beastmaster is also constantly fighting back.

The space seems to be unbearable o


In the martial arts field, all the appraised disciples came out.

All the people look at the secret realm exit o

The violent roaring sound in the secret realm lasted for almost an hour, and the strong impact was felt even outside the secret realm.

Great psychic shock

"The power that the Tongtian Beastmaster burst out is too strong, Long Fei has not been saved o"

"Definitely died in it"

"Hahaha... well, without him, we also have a lot less trouble o"

"This time he's lost!"


There is a lot of discussion in the crowd

A heaven-reaching divine beast is extremely powerful, and it is an existence that they can't deal with, let alone a heaven-reaching beast king.

Long Fei will definitely not survive

Zhao Kong also smiled smugly, and said inwardly, "Long Fei, you are not dead this time?"

Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun who woke up were worried, what happened in the secret realm, how is Long Fei now?

Their hearts hang in their throats

At this time o

A disciple said slightly: "Elder, there is only one hour left. I don't think Long Fei can come out. Why don't you close the secret realm exit, don't waste our time because of him."

Ye Jingyun immediately jumped out and scolded: "What are you talking about? Feng Tian, ​​if it wasn't for Long Fei Zhan Shattering Void Kong, you could have come out of the secret realm in the Ice and Snow Plain? Yet?"

Feng Tian's face changed slightly and said, "Ye Jingyun, I'm just talking about the matter, no matter how powerful he is, he can't escape from the Beast King."

"Even if he escapes, he can't get out. So far, he hasn't killed a Heaven-reaching Beast, and he will still die inside."

"still fail o"

"Failure, it's better to die inside, to save the shame..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Ye Jingyun had already rushed up, greeted him with a punch, and shouted, "You are an ungrateful bastard, you should have died in the ice and snow plain in the first place."

Feng Tian was caught off guard and was punched in the face.

smashed to the ground

His face was ugly, his anger was raging, his fists moved, and he slammed it directly.

Several minions around him also shot at the same time, attacking Ye Jingyun.

Nangong Yan moved and stood beside Ye Jingyun.

"Call me!"

"Move daddy? Ye Jingyun, today daddy abolished you." Feng Tian shouted, and four or five people attacked at the same time.

Ye Jingyun and Nangong Yan were already injured and were extremely weak. How could they resist five people shooting at the same time?

After a few rounds, it will be dangerous.

Nangong Yan saw that Zhao Kong did not stop her, her eyes turned fierce, her right hand moved, and she took out the divine sword that Long Fei had given him. The divine sword shook and instantly knocked those people away.

also at this time

Zhao Kong snorted coldly, "Stop!"

Ye Jingyun refused to accept it, and said, "Stop now, is it too late?"

Seizing the moment when Feng Tian was shaken back, he punched him and greeted him fiercely, and once again slammed Feng Tian to the ground.

Zhao Kong was angry and shouted: "I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

A coercion erupted from his body, and he directly crushed Ye Jingyun to kneel on the ground, and then shouted: "Shoot to hurt people, your results in this assessment are invalid, zero points!"

Nangong Yan protested: "Why?"

Zhao Kong stared at Nangong Yan, and said coldly: "And you, defying Elder, your grade is also zero this time."


Cancel the results of the two of them, so that the above will not know that they hunted the Tongtian beast in less than three hours.

It also did not break the record of Zhan Wushuang.

Zhan Wushuang will not be affected.

Ye Jingyun laughed out loud, "Hahaha...hahaha... It's so funny, so funny, I can't think that the Tongshentian Tower of the first force in the chaos world is actually such a sinister and despicable place, this kind of place is even shit. Not as good as…”

Don't wait for him to finish o

Zhao Kong was furious, and the pressure on his body increased even more, and he shouted heavily with his eyes: "How can you be defiled by the Heavenly Pagoda?"



The pressure exploded, banging on Ye Jingyun's body.

Ye Jingyun couldn't bear it, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Feng Tian smiled proudly: "Ye Jingyun, be arrogant again, hahaha..."

Ye Jingyun was very dissatisfied, but Nangong Yan tried his best to stop him. If this goes on, Zhao Kong will kill him, and... Zhao Kong will never have anything to do.

Zhao Kong stared at Ye Jingyun and said, "My words are orders, I will give you zero points, you must obey, otherwise... Hmph, don't blame me for being rude!"

crush o

I won't allow you to resist


Among the secret realm

"Do you wear it?"

Long Fei is no longer slamming, but riding on the top of Tongtian Beastmaster's head and beating violently, and said solemnly: "Daddy just ask you, are you convinced?"

The Beastmaster of Tongtian can't take care of himself.

and o

He was also completely convinced by Long Fei, panting heavily and saying, "I'm done!"

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