The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1463 Don't Worry, He Can't Live

There is no way for them to be forced. If they can't bring Tongtian Beastmaster back to Split Soul Pass to guard the demons, they will go to the place where ghosts don't want to stay.

That place isn't really a place for people

I can only reluctantly part with love o

An Elder put an Interspatial Ring in Long Fei's hands reluctantly, and said, "There is a Heavenly King War Beast. Although his level is not as good as that of the Tongtian Beastmaster, he will never disappoint you."

When Tongtian Beast King heard the words "Tianwang War Beast", he immediately linked to Long Fei and said, "My subordinate, this is a fierce guy."

"Although it is not as high as my Cultivation Base at present, his potential is much stronger than mine. This is a beast that was bestowed by the ancient temple to the Beast Taming Hall, known as the Heavenly King War Beast o"

"This guy is extremely ferocious, he will definitely be able to help you more," said Tongtian Beastmaster.

very excited o

Long Fei said: "No matter how fierce he is, you will always be the first in my heart."

This sentence moved Tongtian Beastmaster in a mess.

Long Fei put away the Heavenly King War Beast and said, "The Tongtian Beast King can go back with you, but you must allow me to see him. He is not my war beast, but my brother."

The word "brother" moved Tongtian Beastmaster's heart again.

An Elder frowned and said, "Well...Long Fei, you also know that our location is the Heavenly Pagoda. You are only in the assessment department, and you are not a disciple of our Pagoda, so this is why Well……"

"How about this? If you can successfully pass the assessment and become a member of the Tongshentian Tower, we can let you meet the Tongtian Beastmaster freely, how about it?"

The expressions of the other elders changed slightly, but they were stared back by the elder when they tried to stop it.

Where is the split soul pass?

The place where the demons, demons and gods are imprisoned, and no one should be allowed to approach o

Once an accident occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable o

Everyone in the Beast Control Hall knew why the Elder agreed to Long Fei?

As far as Long Fei's current status is concerned, Tongshentian Pagoda is not qualified to enter.

If you can't enter the Heavenly Pagoda, you can't enter the Soul Splitting Pass.

Long Fei didn't even think about it, and said, "Okay, that's it!"

turn o

Long Fei walked to Tongtian Beast King and said, "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely see you."

The Beast King was moved to tears, and said, "Boss, I'm waiting for you!"

The Beastmaster of Tongtian followed the people from the Yu Beast Hall.

on the road

"Elder Hai, how can you promise him? That's the soul-shattering gate. If we accidentally let out a few demons, we will be miserable." An elder couldn't help but asked.

No strangers are allowed near that place

It is an absolutely forbidden place in the Hall of Beasts.

It is also a forbidden place for the Tongshen Tower. The responsibility of the Tongshen Tower is to send fresh blood to the battlefield of the ancient gods. In addition, there is a more important task, which is to suppress the demons in the chaos world.

These demons and demon gods are super monsters left over from ancient times. They are absolutely not allowed to run out, let alone enter the battlefield of ancient gods.

What if dragons fly to break the soul and let them out?

The consequences are immeasurable

"Yes, Elder Hai, you have to discuss this matter with us too."

"If something happens, who will bear the consequences?"

Several elders have some blame o

Elder Hai smiled lightly: "What are you worried about? Elder Cai suffered a big loss this time, he will never let it go, you just wait and see, it is absolutely impossible for this kid Long Fei to pass the test, since he can't pass the test. , he will never be able to enter the Split Soul Pass."

"What are the tragic consequences of this?"

"Does he really think he's amazing enough to pass the test?"

"Dream, he!"

very disdain

It's not that he looks down on Long Fei, but that he knows how strong Cai Tiannan is. He will never let Long Fei get any better after being deflated this time.

Pass the test?

It's better not to die!

When the elders heard this, they all laughed.

"Hahaha... It's still as thoughtful as Elder Hai thought."

"Long Fei is too flamboyant and arrogant, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself at all. You must know that this is the Heavenly Pagoda of Tongshen. One of his assessment disciples is helpless and wants to compete with Elder Cai. I really don't know what he is thinking."

"Never mind our shit o"

"Squeezed so much from us, I can't wait for him to die right now."

Elder Hai smiled coldly and said, "Don't worry, it won't be long before he sees King Yama, the heavenly king war beast, God's reward, we can't conquer it, just rely on him?"

"I will definitely be slapped to death by the Heavenly King War Beast!"



Many elders laughed o


Tianwu war beast is really powerful o

But since God rewarded them, they couldn't conquer, let alone use him to fight.

They are the pinnacle beast masters in this world. If they can't conquer the beasts, then no one can conquer them.

For Long Fei, the Heavenly King War Beast is not a powerful war beast, but a huge danger.

This is even connected to the king of beasts do not know o

Long Fei doesn't even know


Tongshen Tiantao

"So bold!"

"Using the Beastmaster to kill the Elder, he has eaten the heart of a bear and a leopard." A white-haired and golden-haired old man flashed with golden light waves, and shouted angrily.

The Great Elder of Tongshentian Tower, Yan Tianluo

Nickname, Live King Yama!

And... he came from cultivation from a divine beast, he is also a demigod Demonic Beasts, and he is the Cultivation Baseo at the pinnacle of demigods.

Cultivation Base is very powerful

Cai Tiannan twitched his body and said, "Elder Elder, let him go wild again, I'm afraid his tail will be knocked into the sky."

Yan Tianluo frowned slightly, and said slightly: "I will handle this matter, but what happened to the Beastmaster of Tongtian? How can the Beastmaster who guards the Split Soul Pass be allowed to enter the secret realm?"

"If something happens to the broken soul, who will bear the consequences?"

Cai Tiannan immediately lowered his head and dared not speak.

He secretly ordered Zhao Kong to do this. He wanted Tongtian Beastmaster to kill Long Fei, but he didn't expect to be conquered by Long Fei.


Yan Tianluo said: "I can't tell Zhan Wushuang what happened during this time, and I can't tell about his uncle Zhan Hongtu who was killed by Long Fei. Now that he has reached the point of hitting the 80th level, nothing can disturb him. Wait for him to break through the 80th floor and then say o"

Cai Tiannan said: "Understand o"

The 80th floor of Tongshentian Tower is a level o

a very important level o

Breaking through the 80th floor can be said to be equivalent to stepping into the battlefield of the ancient gods with one foot.

At this time, Zhan Wushuang must not be disturbed!


Long Fei's residence, looking at the Interspatial Ring in his hand, "Tianwang war beast, look at what level of war beast o"

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