The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1468 System Rewards, King's Hammer

The system beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for successfully controlling the beast!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the new battlefield Heavenly King War Beast and the system special reward, the reward item Heaven King Hammer Beast!"

The system beeps continuously

At the moment when the system prompt sounded, the power released by the Heavenly King War Beast disappeared instantly.

From the beginning to the end, Long Fei stood there without moving.

because o

The success rate of the animal control technique taught to him by Sleeping Beauty...100%! !

That's it!

It's just that the consumption is a little too much, and one consumption can reach a million spiritual sources, which is a bit overwhelming.

"The Heavenly King War Beast, take it again!"

"Are you going to be arrogant with me again?"

"Come on, come on"

Long Fei became complacent when he looked at the Heavenly King War Beast that had been collected into the War Beast Space.

That's how he is

Began to be ridiculed by the king of war beasts, and now naturally want to laugh back o

Although the Heavenly King War Beast was conquered by Long Fei, he didn't even know why he was conquered by Long Fei.

Without saying a word, Long Fei immediately released the Heavenly King War Beast and said, "What happened to letting you out?"

The Heavenly King War Beast was furious and roared: "Let me out is your death."


A roar, an explosion of power o


Before he could attack Long Fei, Long Fei moved his mind and said with a smile, "Want to kill me? Don't think about it for the rest of your life."

Directly give the Heavenly King War Beast to take back the pet space o

Attack disappears o

Immediately, Long Fei released the Heavenly King War Beast and said, "Brother released you again, come on, come and move me."

proud face o

Long Fei's expression is as cheap as it gets, you ignore daddy?

Now your life is in Daddy's hands, Daddy can play whatever he wants, it won't kill you!

The Heavenly King War Beast was extremely angry, and he slammed it down again.

Without waiting for his attack to fall, Long Fei moved his mind and included him in the pet space again, hehe said with a smile: "Come on again, I can't kill you."

After he finished speaking, he let him out again, "Come again!"

"Disdain me? Daddy is still upset with you o"

"What happened to the war beasts from the battlefield of the ancient gods? Even if you are a god, you have to lie down for me in front of me, understand?"

The Heavenly King War Beast said solemnly, "Little brat, I don't believe that I can't control you."

another force

It was taken back by Long Fei again.

Time and time again, the Heavenly King War Beast was directly crashed by Long Feiwan.

Long Fei smiled proudly and said, "Just ask if you accept it?"


"Then let's continue." Long Fei laughed and continued. All afternoon Long Fei had been playing with the heavenly king war beast.

Tianwu war beast was killed by Long Fei

totally incapable of taking care of yourself

This has never been done before, even in the battlefield of the ancient gods, I have been teased like this.

The Heavenly King War Beast wants to break through Long Fei's control, can't be done at all.

Long Fei's mind control in his sea of ​​consciousness is something he can't shake at all.

God controls the beast!

This is not your ordinary beast-controlling power.

"Do you wear it?"

"Just ask if you're okay with it!"

Long Fei drank an o

The Heavenly King War Beast is really screwed up. If he continues like this, he will be played to death, panting like a cow, saying: "Serve, I'll take, I'll take it."

"Just take it!" Long Fei knew that the Heavenly King War Beast was still unconvinced, but he was persuaded, and then he summoned the Heavenly King War Beast with a thought.

"Should have been like this earlier"

"Why make trouble for yourself?"

talking room o

Long Fei took out the Heavenly King Hammer Beast rewarded by the system, threw it on the Heavenly King War Beast, and said, "This is for you!"

The Heavenly King War Beast began to ignore it, and said contemptuously, "What good things can there be in this low-level plane?"

disdain o

But... when he picked up the King's Hammer, his eyes bulged, his expression immediately froze, his face was stunned, and he looked at the King's Hammer with all his hands, "This weapon, this weapon... wow, this, ,This……"

Excited and speechless

This is the ultimate move made for him

The system rewards are especially bad?

Long Fei said indifferently: "One weapon makes you so excited? It's useless! Follow my brother, I promise to make you delicious and spicy, what do you want?"

"Do you want to go back to the battlefield of the ancient gods?"

The Heavenly King War Beast was really excited and moved, because this weapon was really unusual, so Long Fei gave it to him without even thinking about it.

This is not something ordinary people can do

If you don't give it to him, who can Long Fei give it to?

This is the weapon used by Demonic Beasts, he can't use o

The Heavenly King War Beast was startled when he heard Long Fei talking about returning to the battlefield of the ancient gods, and said, "If you can take me to the battlefield of the ancient gods, even if you let me be a cow and a horse, I will never frown."

"What I want is your words!" Long Fei was overjoyed and said, "What I want to do, Long Fei, has not yet been completed. I said that I will take you to the battlefield of the ancient gods, and I will definitely take you back! "

The king of war beast is excited o

Chaos world is too boring for him

His family of heavenly kings and war beasts was born to fight, and the battlefield of the ancient gods is their battlefield and their destination. He dreams of going to the battlefield of the ancient gods.

but o

Those who control the beast always want to control him and keep him here o

Long Fei was the first person to say that he would take him back to the battlefield of the ancient gods. His heart was moved secretly, and he said: "I believe in you o"

talking room o

The Heavenly King War Beast knelt down on one knee, gave a big salute, and said with a heavy weight: "Boss!!"


In the true sense, I surrendered to Long Fei.

In terms of the integration of Integrated Union supernatural powers, the surrender of the Heavenly King War Beast can allow Long Fei to absorb his power 100%, and instantly completely absorb the power of the Heavenly King War Beast into his own power.

This 100% surrender is necessary!

Long Fei smiled lightly, and gave the Heavenly King War Beast to earn space for pets, and secretly said in his heart, "It's cool!"

"It is now possible to cultivate Integrated Union magical powers!"

Instantly absorb all the power of the king of war beasts, instantly possess the strength of the king of war beasts, crush everything!

also at this time

At the gate of the yard, Ye Jingyun rushed in in a hurry and said, "Young Master Long, it's not good, the big thing is bad!"

"They're here!"


Long Fei's expression recovered: "What's the matter?"

Ye Jingyun said: "Cai Tiannan brought a few elders, and a large wave of divine envoy powerhouses here. They are aggressive, and it looks like they are going to attack you."

"The visitor is not good!"

"Young Master Long, what should I do?"

Long Fei said lightly: "The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, what are you afraid of?"

Ye Jingyun said: "This time is different. This time Cai Tiannan is afraid that he will be serious, and the Tongtian Beast King is not here, what can you use to resist him now?"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, "What do you use to resist?"

"Is the king of war beasts enough?"

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