The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1471 Integrated Union! ! !

Don't be shy, beat him to death!

The more it is crushed, the more Long Fei wants to kill.


At this juncture, Long Fei needs experience, and tens of thousands of experience are enough!


"Boom! Boom!"

The life value above Long Fei's head is dropping wildly, like a 100,000 times crit, a big drop, this is about to be killed in seconds.

can't stand o

But he still ordered the Heavenly King War Beast to continue killing!

Yan Tianluo can crush Long Fei because Long Fei's Cultivation Base is low, but the Cultivation Base of the Heavenly King War Beast is not weaker than Yan Tianluo, and is not affected by his coercion.

"Boy, how dare you!"

Yan Tianluo roared and killed people under his eyelids?

Is this still great?

The law enforcement elder also said heavily: "Long Fei, are you tired of living?"


Yan Tianluo bombarded with a stronger force.

Long Fei did not defend o

He has no way to defend, he can't defend at all, even if he stimulates all kinds of power, he can't resist it. Cultivation Base is the foundation of everything.

Long Fei is only a Chen-order Realm, even if he has Shura's body, he can't exert himself at all, and he still can't resist.


is the main theme of possession o

It is the source of power for everything o

There is no level, even if Long Fei uses Tongtian Magic Treasures, it will be useless.

Can't show his power either.

Long Fei roared fiercely and said, "Come on!!"



The attacks of Yan Tianluo and the King of War Beasts landed at the same time o

Long Fei's body sank, and he was about to be knocked to the ground. His face was pale and extremely painful, and at this moment, he felt that the god of death was coming.

Death scythe as if to harvest him o

That feeling... Death!

The value of life is plummeting, and it will bottom out in a short moment o


Yan Tianluo snorted coldly, his move was enough to crush any strong person under the demigod, and Long Fei could not resist the existence of instant instant kill.


Yan Tianluo snorted coldly. He could see with his own eyes that everything in Long Fei was dying rapidly, and the functions in his body were rapidly shrinking.

How could a Long Fei resist his attack?

very disdain


A strange scene happened o

Long Fei was about to die, but there was a roar in his body, a warm current poured in, and his strength suddenly became stronger.

All attacks disappear completely in his body o

Completely incomprehensible

become stronger o

Yan Tianluo could clearly sense that Long Fei had made a breakthrough just now!

break through!

When Long Fei's life value plummeted, the Heavenly King War Beast slammed down several hammers and directly crushed the law enforcement elder into flesh.

The system beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Law Enforcement Elder for gaining 190,000 experience points, 10,000 spiritual source points, and 10 energy points"



"Congratulations to player Long Fei for upgrading, the current level is eighth-level!"

What does an upgrade mean?

It means that any pain, any damage, and attack power will disappear in an instant, and Long Fei will be resurrected with full blood in an instant, completely uncontrolled by any power.

This is the power of the upgrade o

He clenched his fists and roared in anger, "Daddy is immortal!"


The sky exploded, the quake was incomparable o

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky and shone on Long Fei's hideous face. There was no scar on his body, and everyone looked at him like a monster.

Is this still human?

The power of the demigod Realm, as strong as heaven-defying, can resist?

Long Fei is not human at all

If you resisted it and didn't say it, you still made a breakthrough in the moment just now?

What is this called?

Even Yan Tianluo didn't understand it for a while.


Yan Tianluo fell heavily, stared at Long Fei and said coldly: "Breakthrough, all the damage in the body disappears, and all the damage on the body heals... I have to say, Long Fei, you are very special o"


"Today, even if you are special, you have to die."

Long Fei stared at Yan Tianluo coldly, and said, "You want to kill me?"

Yan Tianluo sneered: "You must die"

Long Fei smiled and said, "What if I don't die today?"

"Not dead?"

Yan Tianluo thought it was funny and said, "Don't worry, you will surely die."

Who can live under his hands?

He is alive King Yamao

Under the demigods are all ants

Whoever wants to die must die!

So... even if Long Fei burst out with special power just now, in his eyes Long Fei is still the same, an ant!

Long Fei said: "I'll just ask you, what if I don't die today? Death... but you?"



"Hahaha..." Yan Tianluo laughed, looked at Long Fei and said, "I am the one who died? Long Fei, I have to say, you are really good at telling jokes."

Many people around also laughed.


"Long Fei, do you know who he is?"

"Long Fei, you are too self-sufficient, dare to be arrogant in the young age of the elder, have you got shit in your head?"

"Wait, he'll be dead soon o"

"I like to see him waiting to kneel on the ground to beg for mercy, it must be very beautiful, hahaha..."


The elder who killed the demigod Realm?

Arabian Nights, right?

Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun were slightly surprised, Long Fei was killing red eyes, right?

In the Chaos world, the demigod Realm can be said to be a heaven-defying existence, and it is simply impossible to kill it.

Everyone is laughing at Long Fei's incomprehension o

Long Fei also laughed, his smile was very cold.

While he was laughing, the Heavenly King War Beast landed next to him in one step.

Yan Tianluo looked at the heavenly king war beast and sneered: "Just rely on him?"

"The heavenly king war beast, the war beast from the ancient gods' battlefield is really good, but... I want to kill a person in the chaos world, but no one can resist it!"

"The same can't be said for the king of war beasts."

The Heavenly King War Beast was very disdainful and said, "If you have something, try it!"

He has a very hot temper o

But o

The Heavenly King War Beast sent a voice transmission to Long Fei and said, "Boss, this guy is too strong, I can't stop it"

"You don't need to stop!"

"I need your power now o"

Long Fei smiled lightly, looked at Yan Tianluo and said, "Kill you? I don't need someone to help me o"


"You are really crazy. There is only one crazy end in front of me, and that is... death!" Suddenly, Yan Tianluo moved.

Speed ​​heaven-defyingo

Almost instantly rushed to Long Fei's side.

at this moment o

Long Fei put his palm on the body of the Heavenly King War Beast and roared heavily, "Integrated Union magical power!"

"The Heavenly King War Beast..."

"Give me all the power!"


In an instant, all the power of the Heavenly King War Beast was sucked into Long Fei's body. Under the catalysis of the Spiritual Court value of one million points, Long Fei's own power and the power of the Heavenly King War Beast merged into one.

Impressive o

He punched him in the face, "Knowing that daddy is crazy, how dare you move?"

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