The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1475 Five Places

three days later

A monk returned to the position of the examiner o

It's just that he's a little weaker than before.

Moreover, the last assessment task was released, which was also the last round, called the ultimate assessment!


after he posted the task o

Long Fei walked out of the yard o

His expression is more mature than before, and the breath on his body is more vigorous. In three days, he cultivated like a madman, and the speed of light Sword Technique breakthrougho

The speed of light he has now mastered Sword Technique is completely different o

"Young Master Long, tomorrow is the last round of assessment."

Ye Jingyun ran over immediately after receiving the news, frowned, and said with some worry: "This time it seems that five people have been admitted, the five with the best grades, your current grades..."

Long Fei is unqualified except for pill refining 100%

According to the points score, he is the existence at the bottom o

Long Fei didn't speak, no matter what, he entered the tower of the gods!

Ye Jingyun looked at Long Fei with a calm expression and said, "Young Master Long, aren't you worried?"

Nangong Yan also walked into the yard and said, "There is still the last round of assessment. This assessment is based on the number of Demonic Beasts hunted. Whoever hunts more Demonic Beasts will be able to enter the Tongshentian Tower and become the The real disciple of the Tiantao"

She looked at Long Fei and said slightly: "Long Fei, this is your strength, and... there is no maximum score in the last assessment. As long as you achieve the result and surpass it, then you will have a chance to fight back."

If 100 heads is 100, then 1000 heads may add 100 yuan, and 10,000 heads may add 100 yuan. There is no limit.

In this way o

As long as you are fierce enough, you can fight back!

Ye Jingyun was stunned for a moment and said, "Is this possible?"


"Long Shao, tomorrow I will try my best to hunt Demonic Beasts, I will give you all Demonic Beasts"

Nangong Yan also followed: "I'll give it to you too!"

Long Fei said coldly, "Admitted to the top five?"

Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun looked at Long Fei in confusion.


the next morning o

On the martial arts field

There are only more than 70 apprentices left in the 100 exams. At the last level, they all looked very excited and nervous.

Becoming a disciple of the Heavenly Pagoda

A chance to climb to the sky

Maybe you can break through the 100-story Tongshentian Tower, which will be even more awesome.

Yi Seng coughed lightly, his voice sank, and he said slightly: "This is the last stage of this assessment. After this assessment is over, five disciples will be decided to enter the Heavenly Pagoda, and don't relax if the scores are higher. Don't lose confidence if you have poor grades, this level can change your destiny o"

"There is no score limit for the three-day hunt!"


"One thing to be reminded of, the Demonic Beasts here are extremely powerful, you must be careful o"

After speaking, let's talk in the audience o

"Feng Shao, this time you have entered o steadily"

"Hahaha... You can congratulate Feng Shao in advance. His score is the highest, three percent higher than the lowest. Who can catch up?"

"It's o"

"I heard that there are special rewards for the first place in the assessment."

"Feng Shao, don't forget me in the future."


Feng Tian smiled proudly.

He glanced at Long Fei behind the crowd and smiled proudly: "In the last level, I will burst out with stronger power, and I will crush some waste to death, just wait and see o"

Ye Jingyun shouted angrily, "Feng Tian, ​​who are you calling trash?"

Feng Tian sneered: "A poor grade is naturally a waste, isn't it? If it's not a waste, how can the grade be bad? And it's a breakthrough."

Ye Jingyun got angry and stared at Feng Heavenly Dao: "You have the guts to say another word o"

Feng Tian was not afraid at all, and said, "Daddy just said that those with poor grades are trash, trash, trash, trash, are you biting me?"

In three days, he will be the official disciple of Tongshen Tiantao.

Ye Jingyun?

Long Fei? These people are all from two worlds with him. At this time, he is naturally not afraid of anyone. Even if Long Fei is extremely powerful, three days later... he is a superior person, while Long Fei is a lowly slave.

Different from the world o

He doesn't have to be afraid at all

Want to counterattack?

That's impossible

Long Fei kills monsters quickly, he is not slow, and he is not alone, he has many people!

For this title, he is a sure thing, and it is a sure thing.

Ye Jingyun was furious

A monk gave a deep drink and said, "Enough, stop arguing, who is a waste and who is a genius, this round will decide your fate o"

"If you don't want to be called a waste, then put your 120,000 points into it. I said... this is an assessment that can be counterattacked."

"It's your last chance!"

This is for Long Fei.

A monk who likes Long Fei can pass the test o


It's hard!

He's far behind

The first round and the second round are all zero points o

In the third round, he only got 100 points because of two elders. In the fourth and fifth rounds, he got the lowest score of 10 points. His current score is only 120 points.

It can be said that it is basically impossible to counterattack.

A monk looked at the time and said, "Let's start o"

The door of the secret realm opens, and the disciples enter it one by one.

Long Fei then entered o

A monk looked at Long Fei and reminded: "Long Fei, come on!"

Long Fei was stunned for a moment and said, "Elder, I want to ask a question o"

A monk asked, "What's the problem?"

Long Fei said: "Did the top five people pass the test?"

A monk said: "Yes, what are you asking this for?"

Long Fei smiled, but without answering, he plunged into the secret realm.

"Why did he ask this?"

A monk murmured, a little confused, and suddenly... his brows tensed, thinking of a very serious problem, and whispered to himself: "Could it be... he wants to hunt..."

"Hunting people?"


"Sir, they have entered the final assessment field."

"With his current achievements, it's impossible to counterattack, you can rest assured," an envoy said respectfully.

Zhan Wushuang put his hands behind his back, looked at the sky, looked at the giant golden tower in the sky, and murmured, "Long Fei, you are destined to be stepped on by me forever."

"Don't even think about getting up for the rest of your life"

turn o

Zhan Wushuang said, "What level has Xuanyuan Li'er broken through now?"

The envoy replied, "It's already sixty-three floors."

Zhan Wushuang smiled slightly and said, "Li'er, it seems that Long Fei is really your motivation, but unfortunately... you will never have the chance to see him again."


Zhan Wushuang laughed proudly

The faster Xuanyuan Li'er is, the happier he is

Everything is going according to his plan!

Once Xuanyuan Li'er breaks through the 100th floor, she has absolutely no chance to leave...

She will be summoned to the battlefield of the ancient gods instantly! !

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