The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1585 I See Who Dares

The Elder throws his sleeves out of Great Hallo

followed by o

The elders on the Great Hall retreated by more than half, and the other elders hesitated and finally retreated.


Xuanyuan Xiong let out a deep breath, regained his expression and smiled slightly, looking at Long Fei and said, "Xiao Fei, you come with me."

This is his first strong outburst in so many years

And coercion and crushing Xuanyuanlie, this would never have happened before.

Long Fei nodded, followed Xuanyuanxiong out, and said to himself, "There are some problems within the Xuanyuan clan."

Li Yuanba said in a low voice, "Boss, your two slaps are really cool."

Long Fei glared at him

Xuanyuan Xiong smiled lightly and said, "This is the first time Xuanyuan Lie suffered such a big loss. He will not let it go."

Aoya said: "You are the patriarch, can't you suppress him?"


Xuanyuanxiong smiled bitterly, shook his head and said nothing more.

in a few minutes o

Xuanyuanxiong brought Long Fei to the courtyard of his residence.

The yard is shabby


What makes Long Fei strange is that, as the head of a clan, he doesn't even have a servant. This is too shabby, right?

Xuanyuanxiong quickly closed the door, took Long Fei's arm and said in a low voice, "Long Fei, hurry up and leave here, Xuanyuanlie won't let you go."


"According to my calculations, Xuanyuanlie will definitely send someone to inform Jiuyou Zhanjia, you will definitely not be able to run away by then!"

"You hurry up, go now!"

change too fast

It's almost too long to get used to Long Fei

Long Fei was puzzled and said, "Uncle Xuanyuan, you are the patriarch, why are you afraid of a big elder? It was too much for me to beat people on the Great Hall, but they didn't put you in one's eyes at all."

Li Yuanba said: "The boss is right, if I were the patriarch, I would slap one, these guys just need to be cleaned up, I still can't believe that I can't hold them down?"

very domineering

Those Elders on the Great Hall are indeed few to put Xuanyuanxiong to put in one’s eyeso

Even Li Yuanba could see that Xuanyuanxiong was not a fool, how could he not know?

Xuanyuan Xiong said: "We will talk about these things later. Now you listen to me, leave Xuanyuan Mansion immediately, go as far as possible, and never come back."


Long Fei was shocked.

Xuanyuanxiong hesitated for half a second, then looked at Long Fei and said, "If you can... I hope you can save my daughter!"

"What happened to Li'er?"

It's like touching Long Fei's sensitive nerves all at once.

In the Yuan Dynasty, Xuanyuan Li'er went to fight Wushuang for herself, and he would never let Xuanyuan Li'er get hurt again.

Xuanyuan Xiong said: "Zhan Wushuang wants to use the power inherited from the Xuanyuan family to cross Heavenly Tribulation, use Heavenly Tribulation to quench Soul Refining, and then enter the battlefield of ancient gods!"

"Li'er, it's just his container, just his tool!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, my useless father, push her into the fire pit." Xuanyuanxiong grabbed Long Fei's arm tightly and said, "Long Fei, you are Li'er's only hope now, hurry up. Click here to leave, before the Zhan family arrives, leave quickly, it will be too late if you don't leave o"

These are things that he only found out later.

At first, he never doubted Zhan Wushuang, nor did he have any doubts when the Zhan family suddenly approached him.


Ever since he saw in a genealogy that the Xuanyuan family has been inheriting this powerful power, this power comes from Emperor Xuanyuan.

This power can help people cross the Heavenly Tribulationo

And it will not affect cultivationo at all

Once it breaks through the Heavenly Pagoda, Zhan Wushuang will bring Xuanyuan Li'er into the battlefield of the ancient gods, and the power of Transcend Tribulation in the battlefield of the gods is even more extraordinary.

The greater the power of Heavenly Tribulation, the stronger the condensed godhead power.

and o

Transcend Tribulation on the battlefield of the ancient gods is bound to cause a huge sensation, and even attract the attention of the main temple. In this case, Zhan Wushuang can be said to be skyrocketing.

And Xuanyuan Li'er will only become a useless person.

Now Xuanyuanxiong regrets every day, regrets that he should not let his daughter enter the Tongshentian Tower, and should not let her go so close to Zhan Wushuang.

His only hope of living now is that Xuanyuan Li'er can live safely.

Long Fei's heart tightened, his fists clenched tightly, and he shouted, "Zhan Wushuang!!"

anger burning o

Xuanyuan Xiong said: "Long Fei, only you have been to the Tongshentian Tower, you can definitely save Li'er, please promise me that you must save Li'er."

Long Fei nodded and said, "Xiong Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely save Li'er."

Xuanyuanxiong's hopes are all pinned on Long Fei, and now he will do his best to keep Long Fei, and he must not let Long Fei miss the slightest bit.

immediately o

Xuanyuan Xiong said: "You come with me, I will take you out of the valley!"

at this time o


With a loud bang, the gate of the yard was kicked over, Xuanyuan Lie rushed in with someone, sneered gloomily, and said, "Want to leave? None of you can leave without my order!"

Xuanyuanlie's eyes spit fire, staring fiercely at Xuanyuanxiong.

Xuanyuanxiong's breath exploded, and he shouted: "Xuanyuanlie, do you want to rebel?"


"Xuanyuanxiong, I even rebelled, what can you do to me? If you hadn't given birth to a more talented daughter, and if the people of the Zhan family had taken a fancy to your daughter, do you think you are qualified to be the patriarch of the Xuanyuan clan? Is it?" Xuanyuanlie coldly laughed, and at the same time he took out a token in his hand and said, "Xuanyuanxiong listens to the order!"

The surrounding Xuanyuan people instantly knelt on the ground.

Xuanyuanxiong's face sank, "Xuanyuanling!"

Xuanyuan Lie smiled proudly and said, "Not bad, you can still recognize that this is Xuanyuan Ling. Since you know Xuanyuan Ling, then kneel down for me."

Xuanyuan Ling o

Token o left by the ancestors

The power concentration point of the retired elder pavilion

Xuanyuan Ling represents the highest power of the Xuanyuan clan.

Now that Xuanyuanling is in Xuanyuanlie's hands, he is above the patriarch.

If you do not kneel, it is disrespectful, and the consequences are extremely serious!

As a last resort, Xuanyuanxiong knelt down.

Xuanyuanlie laughed loudly, "Hahaha...Xuanyuanxiong, there will be a day when you kneel to me? Isn't this feeling good?"


laugh proudly o

Xuanyuanxiong said solemnly: "Xuanyuanlie, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"it is good!"

Xuanyuanlie said coldly: "The Elder Pavilion has an order to remove Xuanyuanxiong from the position of patriarch, and Xuanyuanlie will temporarily replace Xuanyuan's patriarch. Everything is decided by Xuanyuanlie, and Xuanyuanxiong is not allowed to interfere."


"Xuanyuanxiong, you are no longer the patriarch!"

Xuanyuanxiong's eyes tightened, he thought that Xuanyuanlie would join the Elder Pavilion to revoke his patriarch, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

immediately o

Xuanyuanlie stared at Long Fei coldly, and said, "Boy, I told you to wait and slap me twice? I want to slap you back two hundred times!"

"Come on!"

"Give me take them down o"

At this time, Xuanyuanxiong snorted and said, "I see who dares!!"

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