The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1590 You Will Die Miserably

The voice is gloomy, with coercion o

The entire yard was crushed by his breath, Xuanyuanxiong's heart trembled, the sea of ​​consciousness was surging, and it might burst at any time.

Xuanyuanxiong's Cultivation Base is a god-level Realmo

but o

He is a fusion godhead, and this godhead is still given by the war family.

The god-level Cultivation Base obtained by merging the godhead and the person who has condensed the godhead with their own Transcend Tribulation are not at the same level, let alone a peak powerhouse like Zhanxin.

The same god-level Realmo

But it was immediate, and Xuanyuan couldn't resist it. This was the gap between fusion and his own condensed divine personality!

"reject me?"

Zhan Xin's voice became gloomy again, and his eyes stared at Xuanyuanxiong coldly, "Do you know what the consequences are?"

Xuanyuanxiong was sweating profusely from his forehead, and his body was soaked in almost a few seconds, and his body trembled slightly, unable to resist.

at the moment o

He didn't even have the courage to look Zhanxin directly

Those cold eyes are so scary

Just when he was about to speak, "Om!"

A sword chirping sounded slightly

A sword fell in front of Zhan Xin, and Long Fei moved slightly and said, "The Yellow Springs Holy Bone Sword is just that, can this kind of betrothal gift be given?"

"It is said that the Zhan family is strong, the Zhan family is rich, and there are countless spiritual treasures, but now it seems too stingy?"

The breath of the war letter was suddenly withdrawn.

Staring at the sword in front of him, his eyes tightened, "Shura sword!"

"Have some vision o" Long Fei grinned lightly, this is the Shura sword that he exploded from killing the god Shura, the level is far higher than the Yellow Springs holy bone sword.

Long Fei smiled and said, "You still want to propose marriage even if you break the sword? Don't you feel shabby?"

Zhan Xin's face darkened

indeed o

Compared to the Shura sword, the Yellow Springs holy bone sword he brought is indeed a bit shabby.

Zhan Xin smiled slightly, glanced at Long Fei, and said, "Is this your betrothal gift?"

"You also came to propose marriage?"

Zhan Xin looked at Long Fei without moving his eyes.

Long Fei said: "Isn't it possible? Do you only need your family to propose marriage? Can't I come?"

Zhan Channel: "Are you sure you want to grab a woman with Zhan Wushuang?"

Long Fei said: "I'm sure and sure, what's wrong?"

Zhan Xin turned his eyes and looked at Xuanyuanxiong, saying, "What's your choice?"

Xuanyuanxiong tried his best to control his own breath and calmed down. Just when he was about to speak, Zhan Xin suddenly reminded him, "You'd better think about it before you speak."

"Because your decision will determine the fate of the Xuanyuan clan"

A strong sense of oppression strikes o

Xuanyuanxiong's eyes sank.

Xuanyuan Lie's body also trembled slightly, and he immediately said, "What else is there to consider, Xuanyuan Li'er and Young Master Wushuang are a match made in heaven."

"No need to choose o at all"

Xuanyuanlie was very worried, he was worried that he would suffer too.

Zhan Xin stared at him and said coldly, "Did I let you speak?"

Xuanyuanlie immediately lowered his head, not daring to say another word.

One side is the daughter, the other is the entire Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuanxiong's heart is hard to choose!

Zhan Xin's strength can really slaughter the entire Xuanyuan clan.

this time o

Many Xuanyuan clan elders and disciples were looking at Xuanyuan Xiong, and their hearts were extremely anxious, as if they were standing on the edge of a cliff.

The line between life and death

at this time o

Long Fei smiled lightly: "You are here to propose marriage on behalf of Zhan Wushuang, and I am here to propose marriage. Why don't we solve this problem in the most traditional way?"

Zhan Xin looked at Long Fei and said, "What is the most traditional way?"

Long Fei said: "It's very simple, fight!"

Xuanyuan Xiong has been riding a tiger and it is difficult to get down

he can't make a decision at all

Zhan Xin was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

The four warrior elders around him laughed directly.


"Compete with us?"

"Boy, what are you?"

"Are you worthy?"

"Are you worthy of fighting with our young master?"

"What qualifications do you have?"

"Long Fei, you are just a dying ant, and you still want to rob our young master?"


The four elders laughed loudly.

Li Yuanba and Bada Vajra were upset, and they all wanted to rush up, but Long Fei stopped him. Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "I'm just asking if you dare?"

staring at war letter o

Fighting will burn!

Xuanyuanxiong's heart tightened, and he sent a voice transmission to Long Fei, saying: "Long Fei, you are not their opponents, don't be impulsive!"

Zhanxin's Cultivation Base is unfathomable

Chaos World has never lost, his Cultivation Base is also above Chaos World, such a super strong no one can beat him at all.


So unwise!

Xuanyuan Lie and the others were excited, "This kid is really stupid, he's actually stupid enough to compete with the Zhan family, but this is better, in this case Xuanyuan Xiong has no choice, hahaha... boy, you are really a head. Pig o"

Zhan Xin looked at Long Fei and said, "Compete with us?"

Long Fei said: "Give me a happy word, dare you?"

Zhan Xin wanted to laugh, but no one had ever dared to challenge him, and said slightly: "It seems that I haven't come out for a few years, and some people have forgotten who I am."


"I promise your competition request o"

"Tell me, how do you want to compare!"

Long Fei said: "It's very simple, two wins in three rounds, and three representatives each. Of can also play yourself."

Battle channel: "Yes!"

"What if you lose?"

Long Fei said, "I'll make way for you, and I won't propose a kiss to Uncle Xuanyuan."

Zhan Xin sneered and said, "That's all?"

Long Fei said: "Then what else do you want?"

Battle channel: "Your life!"

Li Yuanba immediately snorted and said, "Old guy, try again!"

He is a sturdy man who is not afraid of the sky and the earth.

Li Yuanba doesn't know how to respect the old man. As long as anyone is hostile to Long Fei, he will be unhappy, whether it is a god or a ghost.

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Yes, but what if you lose?"

Zhan Xin was stunned and said, "I lose?"



Several warrior elders laughed again.

Zhan Xin smiled lightly and said, "If I lose, how do you deal with it, so you can see it?"


He has never lost in his life

It's even more impossible now

Long Fei said: "Since you said that, then you should kowtow three heads to Uncle Xuanyuan and apologize."


"little bastard o"

"Say one more word!"

Zhan Jia Elder was instantly angry, his eyes were full of anger, and he was aggressive.

Long Fei said with a smile: "He said that by the way, I'll deal with it. Is this okay? If it doesn't work, then change it and let me slap three times. Is that simple?"

Several warrior elders are going to be angry again

However o

Zhan Xin stopped them and looked at Long Fei and said coldly: "Long Fei, you will die miserably"

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