The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1610 Next! ! !

confused o

All are dumbfounded

Even Long Fei himself was a little confused.


He forgot a very important thing o

The power of the main divine cannon was too great, and with one shot, Zhan Hong's body was left with this skull, and everything else turned to ashes, and nothing exploded!

All turned to ashes!

Only the experience and 10 energy points that are useless to Long Fei are left.

Long Fei screamed bitterly in his heart, "I forgot about this!"

The same is true of the powerhouse who killed the upper gods last time. It was a blast, but...the fart didn't explode, not because it didn't explode, but because the power of the main divine cannon was too strong, it would be able to explode. o

forced o

"My boss ah o"

"just this!"

Long Fei was bitter in his heart, "In the future, this master cannon must not be used indiscriminately, so angry!"

Zhan Tiantu looked at the smoking head under his feet and said in a daze, "This is Zhan Hong's ancestor?"

The seven strong ancestors also stared at the brains on the ground.

My brain can't react

All the warrior disciples nodded their heads o

One cannonball kill, awesome mess o

Zhan Tiantu stared at an elder, shouted, and said, "How did Zhan Hong's ancestor become like this?"

Then Elder immediately hooked his head and said, "Returning to the patriarch, be,, be,, be beaten like this by Long Fei."


With an angry shout, an elder from the war family came out, stared at Long Fei, and said solemnly: "I don't care how he died, in short..."

With a move of his finger, he pointed at Long Fei's nose, full of anger and murderous intent, and said, "You will die soon!"

Long Fei shrugged and said, "Really? Zhan Hong said the same thing just now, but... now that he's dead, I'm alive,"


When the old man was angry, the divine aura on his body erupted like a tsunami, his divine power surged, and he rushed out, wearing the Shattering Void, and instantly landed in front of Long Fei.

too fast!

too fast!

I can't see clearly at all.

Everyone's eyes flashed a bright light

"dead o"

"Long Fei is dead!"

"He can't react at this speed at all."

"Just now, Zhan Hong's ancestor did this by accident. It's absolutely impossible now."

"Long Fei must die!"


Numerous warrior disciples began to discuss o

Strength is everything

The difference between the demigod Realm and the god-level Realm is too big, and it is impossible for Long Fei to reverse it.

When he flipped his right hand, a huge palm print appeared in the sky. Even if Long Fei was fast enough, he couldn't dodge it, because the palm print was too big.

but o

Long Fei didn't plan to avoid o

"Don't be shy!"

"Just do it!"

Long Fei's speed is not good, but his reaction speed is not slow. When Elder Zhanjia moved, his thoughts sank, and he controlled the force on his forehead and shouted, "Heaven's eyes, open!!"


Between the eyebrows, the third eye opens o

Last time I just used the healing power. It can be said that healing is not the strength of Tianyan, its strength is attack!

Seeing that an eye suddenly appeared on Long Fei's forehead, the old man couldn't help laughing, "Are you good with one more eye? Boy, this world is all about strength!"

"Death to me!"


With a flip of the palm print, with the power of divine power, crushing the void and pressing down on Long Fei.

The whole warrior valley trembled o

The mountains in the distance cracked, and the earth trembled.

Under the huge power, Long Fei's body was a little unstoppable and trembled, but his eyebrows moved, and his third eye stared at the old man of the Zhan family, and roared, "Heaven's eye, purple light sweeps!"

"bring it on!"

"Let me see your power!"

The power of the eyes of the sky is turned on o

purple glow o

suddenly o

Long Fei's eyes turned into machine guns, but instead of bullets, it shot a purple beam, "Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

A crackling sound burst out from the void o

What level of artifact is the eye of the sky?

Deputy Master Artifact!

Its power and speed are not as fast as the main cannon, but... it's not a problem to kill a one-star godhead powerhouse at all.

"Boom, boom boom..."

One after another, the power of purple light penetrated the body of the ancestors of the Zhan family. In just half a breath, the body of the ancestors with divine power in mid-air turned into a sieve.

vomiting blood

The defense on the body is completely useless.

What makes Long Fei feel the most is that his body will shake when the purple light is emitted, it is really like a machine gun.

It feels so cool!

The blood bar above the head of the warrior elder almost bottomed out in an instant.

But o

The consumption of the middle-level divine artifact is too huge, a purple light is a million points of spiritual source, and one time down is tens of millions of points of spiritual source, Long Fei can't bear it.


A beam of purple light penetrated the head of the warrior Elder

body burst o

The huge palm print in the sky also dissipated.

Long Fei exclaimed excitedly, "God-level powerhouses are amazing? Daddy killed you god-level powerhouses."


"Blast me!"



"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Ancestor of the Zhan Family' to gain 3200000000 experience, 10000000 spiritual source and 10 energy"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Heavenly Bone Relic'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Nine Serenity Battle Blood'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."

a series of violent o

Long Fei's eyes tightened slightly when he looked at the explosion, "Heavenly bone relic? Killing Zhan Xin also exploded, this time another one?"

"Is it the same power as the Heavenly Bone Taboo Divine Ability and Heavenly Stele Stone?"

When Long Fei saw the word 'Heavenly Bone', he couldn't help but think of the taboo of Heavenly Bone.

Now the body of the devil is completely an independent body, and now he was sent by Long Fei to a mysterious place to kill monsters and upgrade it.

If he is around, Long Fei will make the body of the devil fuse with the celestial bone relic.

The celestial bone relic vaguely makes Long Fei feel that it has something to do with the body of the devil, maybe it can make the devil or the Heavenly Tribulation tree in the body stronger.

Another warrior Elder has fallen!

didn't think of it at all

Long Fei's eyes widened, looking at the white-haired old men beside Zhan Tiantu, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and said excitedly: "Wow, there are six super bosses o"

"It's fun!"

Long Fei still has a lot of power and can't come out.

Seeing them in a daze, Long Fei reminded him, "Don't be in a daze, who's next?"

"Or, are you two going together?"

crazy o

Demigod Realm is crazy enough not to put these god-level powerhouses to put in one’s eyeso

this time o

The remaining six ancestors of the Zhan family were burning with anger, their eyes fixed on Long Fei, and their killing intent became gloomy.


At the same time o

Nangong Yan looked at the sky above her head, pointed to a place and said, "There is the gate of the Heavenly Palace of the Heavenly Pagoda!"

There are a lot of things today, I didn't make up for it, sorry o

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