The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1636 One Thought Of White Hair

Familiar people fell one by one

Brothers fall one by one

The women you love fall one by one

For Long Fei, these are the people he wants to protect. When they fall, it's like the sky is falling, especially Liu Luoxi and the others.

Just now, Tianwu Continent was teleported here, and they were killed one by one. This feeling is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

uncomfortable o

extremely uncomfortable o

Long Fei's heart seemed to be torn apart bit by bit, and the pain made him unable to breathe.




The Master of the Tongshen Pagoda laughed, Zhan Wushuang laughed, and the surrounding Elder of the Tongshen Pagoda laughed, "This is the end of going against the gods o"

"This is the fate of going against fate o"

"Long Fei, aren't you very cool?"

"Aren't you very arrogant?"

"You are one of the arrogant ones now, and the other is arrogant, hahaha..."

arrogant laughter, proud o

The people summoned by Long Fei fell one by one, and there was not much time left in less than a minute, which also shows that... the power of the god of fate is too terrifying

Controlling the fate of 100,000 plane creatures, this is his strongest power o

The spirits of destiny are all under his control, as long as they are not out of his control, he can easily get rid of their spirits of destiny.

This method is terrifying!



The eight Vajra's eyes were also dull, and they were as flustered as Long Fei. They had never encountered such a situation before, and they were completely out of their control.

and o

It's completely out of reach of their eight Vajra Realmo

god of the main temple

too high, too scary

Looking up is unattainable!

The God of Fate shouted loudly, "Long Fei, I want you to kneel down for me!!"

"Young master, don't kneel!" A disciple of the Long family shouted loudly, "The Long family never gives in..."

Before he could finish speaking, his spirit of destiny was pulled away again.

As soon as his body softened, he fell to the ground and lost his breath.

"Ah...ah...ah..." Long Fei shouted furiously and kept rushing towards the sky, the colorful ancient domain knife in his hand beheaded frantically.

One after another, millions of kilometers of sword energy are like splitting the sky.

However o

no use at all

Destiny didn't take any damage o

Long Fei's heart is broken now, and even if he doesn't break down his power, he can't touch the God of Destiny, because he is in a completely different plane.

and o

The God of Destiny controls the law of destiny of one hundred thousand planes. He is the God above the law. Long Fei can't beat him at all.


Watching Long Fei go mad in the sky, just like a runaway madman, roaring and shouting, the big knife in his hand is beheading frantically.

at this moment……

Long Fei's heart was extremely uncomfortable, and so was the heart of the Eight Great Vajra.

in the sky

Long Fei's constant anger erupted, he has lost his mind now o

There is no way!

there is no way o

Can't do anything!

Destiny's mocking voice kept ringing, "Long Fei, kneel down for me, hahaha... What if you can break free from the bondage of fate? What about the people around you?"

"The same is controlled by me in the palm of my hand o"

"Fight me?"

"This is the end!"

Long Fei roared, "I will definitely kill you, I will definitely kill you, I will definitely..."


"Look what you look like now? A bereaved dog... Oh no, you are not even worthy of a bereaved dog now, you are a useless mad dog, hahaha... Do you feel that you are incompetent, do you feel that you are useless, you Even the own brothers and own women can't be saved, what's the point of your life? As long as you kneel down for me, I will let you die without pain, hahaha..." Destiny laughed proudly.

One hundred thousand planes controlled by the main temple

He is a real god

Although Long Fei is beyond his control, he is still an ant in his eyes, and he is playing with applause.

Zhan Wushuang also laughed and said, "Long Fei, you have nothing now, hahaha..."

"Is there more than people?"

"You brought these people here to die."

"Can't think of it?"

"You caused their deaths, hahaha... You didn't think of it, did you?" Zhan Wushuang burst into laughter.

This is exactly what Long Fei couldn't bear in his heart.

He sent everyone here, but was swept away by the god of fate... This kind of pain is unbearable for anyone o




Listening to all this, Long Fei's heart is about to burst.

trembling all over

His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, his entire eyes turned into blood pupils, and all the power in his body rushed into the sea of ​​​​knowledge like the explosion of blood vessels.

Sleeping Beauty said eagerly: "Master, you have to calm down, you have to calm down..."

"sleeping Beauty?"

"By the way, girl, you are omnipotent, tell me, tell me how to save them, how to save them, you tell me now, I will kill Destiny now, tell me..."

"please o"

Long Fei seems to be grabbing a life-saving straw in the sea. Sleeping Beauty is from another plane. She is omnipotent. She must know how to save people.

sure know how to kill the god of fate o


Sleeping Beauty shook her head, her eyes were red, and her tears flowed: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, your current strength... is really not an opponent."

"Master, you have to calm down now, you must calm down o"

because o

She now feels another uncontrollable force growing in Long Fei's body. This is the Hearts Demon power. If this continues, he will Qi Deviationo

unimaginable consequences

The colorful dragon said: "Long Fei, you must calm down. If you want to kill the God of Destiny, there is only one way to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, change the pattern on the battlefield of the gods, and formulate new laws and powers. This is the only way, destiny. God just wants to piss you off right now and make you lose your mind o"

"Long Fei, you must calm down o"

"Be sure to calm down!"

Long Fei's eyes were hideous, and he said gloomily, "Calm down?"

"How can I calm down?"

"Not your woman, not your brother, not your family, how can you tell me to calm down?"

"I don't fucking know what it means to be calm!"

no way o

How is he calm?

No one can calm down in this situation

Destiny's ridicule o

The ridicule of the master of the Tongshen Pagoda and the ridicule of Zhan Wushuang impacted his mind all the time, and his mind was gradually invaded by a force.

Like a virus that spreads rapidly

in an instant o

Long Fei's eyes flashed a red light, and his body bulged suddenly, as if a monster had awakened on him, "Ah..."

a growl o

Long Fei's whole person has changed completely

Also at this moment

Think white hair! !

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