The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1641 10,000 Hits, The Main Explosion Of The Tower!

eyes wide open

Killing intent soars

At this moment, Long Fei's body bounced up, and the breath on his body burst out like a frenzy, forming a powerful energy shield, and roared heavily, "Death!!"


strong wind breathing

One in each hand, block the attacks of Zhan Wushuang and Tongshen Tower Master o

"Boom, boom!"

Two pops o

Long Fei's body sank slightly, his joints crackled, and the blood under his chest was churning, making him extremely uncomfortable.


This kind of physical discomfort is nothing compared to Jojo and their 'death'.


"Long Fei!"

Eight Vajra's eyes are shocked, showing an excited smile o

Zhan Wushuang's eyes turned cold, he sneered, and said, "Long Fei?"

The master of the Tongshen Pagoda also sneered: "I thought you were already dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive. That's fine. It's better to die in our hands."

Being able to kill Long Fei is also a great credit.

You will definitely be rewarded by the god of fate.


The body of the two bounced and landed not far away.

They looked at each other with a sneer of disdain.

immediately o

The two attacked at the same time, and the speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to see.

Li Yuanba shouted, "Boss, be careful!"

Long Fei stood still, as if he hadn't reacted, and he didn't defend at all. The response was too slow? Can't keep up?


The master of the Tongshen Pagoda is a super strong man who can independently condense the godhead.

Zhan Wushuang is a super strong who broke through the 100-story tower, and their Cultivation Base is above Long Fei.

Their speed, reflexes, and strength are much stronger than Long Fei's.

It's normal that he can't react.

but o

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched coldly. He didn't give the impression that he couldn't react, but that he was disdainful to react, as if he was in a hurry to die.

"What's wrong, boss?"

"Boss, be careful o"

"Long Fei..."

The eight Vajra were extremely worried. If they could, they would rush up to help Long Fei resist these two attacks, but now they are seriously injured and can't bear any more damage.

The key is o

They can't even walk, if it wasn't for eight people to support them, they'd be on the ground by now o

"Long Fei!"

"Hahaha... are you scared?"

"What qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

"Give me death." Zhan Wushuang roared like thunder, watching Long Fei standing motionless, the attack in his hand became even sharper.

full power blast

The master of the Tongshen Pagoda also laughed loudly: "Long Fei, I gave you a chance when I blasted you out of the mysterious realm. You don't know how to cherish this bastard. Now go to hell!"




The attack of the two was suppressed almost in an instant, and the powerful force was like a destructive force, and even if they didn't die, they would take half their lives.

But Long Fei is like a lunatic, he doesn't defend at all.

body sinking

Long Fei's eyes were ferocious, his long white hair fluttered, and he let out a deep roar, "Come on!!"



Hit hard, "Pfft..."

Long Fei spat out a mouthful of blood, but his body did not retreat Half step, because behind him was the Eight Great Vajra, his brother o



The master of the Tongshen Pagoda didn't think that Long Fei really didn't hide, so he couldn't help laughing.

but o

Also at this moment

Long Fei's body rose from the ground, "You are paralyzed!"


a pop o

The power of the colorful dragon broke out in full force, and Long Fei grabbed the collar of the master of the Tongshen Pagoda and shouted: "Daddy can't kill the God of Destiny, can't he kill you?"

"Say daddy crap?"

"How fucking old are you?"

outburst of anger

Long Fei used himself as a bait to let Zhan Wushuang and Tongshen Tower Master attack him. As long as he can't be killed, then... one of them will surely die!

The moment he grabbed the collar of the master of the Tongshen Tower, Long Fei's body sank and he jumped abruptly, "Boom!"

dry land plucking onion

Direct flight to Tianji o

In midair, Long Fei rode directly on the body of the tower master, his eyes stared at the master of the tower like a devil, and his fists crashed crazily like lightning and thunder.

And a special place to hit o


"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The storm-like attack, the number and damage value of the combo constantly floated on the body of the tower master, which was extremely terrifying.

"Three thousand nine hundred and thirty-two combos!"



"The 4982nd combo!"


"The 6922nd combo!"


"The 8382nd combo!"


From the sky to the ground, there is no link between the fists at all. One punch and one punch hits hard. Every punch is full of strength, giving no way to survive at all.

At first, the tower master could parry a few times, but after that, he was like a dead dog and couldn't resist Long Fei's attack at all.

The forehead is ruptured, sunken down o

The master of the Tongshen Tower is also shouting loudly: "Zhan Wushuang, save me, save me, save me..."

too soon o

Zhan Wushuang is also a little bit unable to react.

and o

He also has no way to save people.

How to save?

The master of the Tongshen Tower roared loudly: "Lord Destiny, save me, save me o"

The sky does not move, there is no response o

The master of the Tongshen Pagoda was panicked, he didn't want to die, he has cultivated into a one-star god, he didn't want to die, Death was too terrifying, and he kept begging for mercy: "Long Fei, don't kill me, please, don't kill me, You can do whatever you want with me, please don't kill me..."

"Don't kill you?"


"Why didn't you say don't kill you when you started hurting my brother?"

"Why didn't you say don't kill you when you threw me out of the mysterious realm, and now tell daddy this? Hahaha... Did you get your shit in your head?"


a loud noise o

The master of the Tongshen Pagoda was held down by Long Fei, slammed from the sky to the ground, and a huge deep pit was blasted on the ground, and Long Fei still held him firmly.

The master of the tower of the gods is completely trembling

trembling with fear

Long Fei sat on him, the fist in his hand did not stop in the slightest, and critted down crazily o,

"The 9123rd combo!"


"The 9124th combo!"


The combo continued. With Long Fei's punch, the entire secret realm of the Tongshen Tian Pagoda shook, completely unable to withstand Long Fei's power.

fist to flesh o

fist with blood

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The Master of the Tongshen Pagoda couldn't say a word. Looking at the last trace of blood on his head, Long Fei roared, "The 10,000th combo!"


The life of the tower master becomes zero.

Long Fei didn't even look at him, his eyes turned to Zhan Wushuang and said, "It's your turn next!"

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