The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1650 Daddy Refuses To Accept!

"No, no, no..."


Long Fei stood up, took one step to the sky, and instantly rushed outside the divine light in the sky, shouting to Xuanyuan Li'er in the divine light, "Li'er, don't!"

at this moment o

Long Fei rushed into the divine light frantically.


No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't enter the divine light in the sky

Because he didn't break through the tower of the gods

Only those who have broken through the Heavenly Pagoda are eligible to enter, this is the game rule of the Lord God.

So Zhan Wushuang refused to enter the o for the first time.



Long Fei kept colliding, and his side kept being bounced away. No matter how hard he tried, it was useless, and he couldn't enter the divine light in the sky.

Seeing Long Fei's mad shock, Xuanyuan Li'er burst into tears.

Standing on the edge of the divine light in the sky, he put one hand on it, showing a faint smile, and said, "Long Fei big brother, you must be good."

"You must live well!"


In my heart I kept saying: "Long Fei big brother, you have to be good, you must be good o"

Her heart is also uncomfortable

Zhan Wushuang smiled and said: "See, you promised me to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, and I immediately let Long Fei go, Xuanyuan Li'er, you made a very wise choice o"


Zhan Wushuang's mad Long Fei was extremely proud and said, "Long Fei, you and I are people from two worlds. When I condense my godhead, I will definitely let you die!"

"I will definitely avenge the Zhan family members!"

"just wait!"



With a loud bang, the divine light in the sky suddenly closed, sucking the two of them into the battlefield of the ancient gods. At this moment, the entire tower of the gods returned to normal.

Long Fei's head was bleeding and his eyes were dull.

For what he suffered today, he would rather die a hundred times o

Such pain...

can't bear it at all

"Why didn't I die?"


"Why didn't I die?"


Looking at the moment before the gate of the sky closed, Long Fei rushed up with all his strength, but was heavily bombarded by a powerful force.


The ground cracked, and the entire secret realm of the tower of the gods was cracked.

Tongshentian Tower secret realm fragmented piece by piece

The person who guarded at the end also disappeared.

Long Fei fell into the ruins like a dead man, already numb.

What is death?

What is living?

The blow to Long Fei this day was like five thunders, and he couldn't bear it, making him tremble.

The Eight Great Vajra walked to the edge of the deep pit and looked at Long Fei, whose eyes were like death. Aoya rushed down. Because of her serious injuries, she couldn't control herself and rolled into the pit. She hugged Long Fei regardless of the pain in her body. , said: "Long Fei, don't do this, don't do this..."


Aoya burst into tears uncontrollably.

Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, looked at the sky with two eyes, and said, "God thief, how long are you going to torture me? Daddy refuses to accept it!"

"Daddy just won't accept it!"



The sky seemed to sense Long Fei's anger, and he also became angry, the clouds surged, and the thunder struck, as if responding to Long Fei's anger.


It didn't take long for the downpour to fall madly o

Eight Vajra guarded by Long Fei's side o

Ancestor Yanhuang walked down slowly, looked at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, all this is a catastrophe that you must go through, a catastrophe that you cannot escape."

"Do you remember what your father said?"

"Keep a fearless heart o"

Long Fei's eyes were blank and he said, "Ancestor, why me? Why do I suffer so many disasters? Why me?"


talking room o

Long Fei's eyes were red, and the rain fell in his eyes, and the tears flowed down together with the rain. He couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears, and he couldn't tell that Long Fei was crying.

any pain

Any pain comes to Long Fei alone, he is never afraid

But when it came to the people around him, he couldn't bear it.

past life

He is an orphan, he has never even seen his own parents, Life is at the bottom of the society, but he has no resentment in his heart, he has been looking forward to one day returning to his parents, he has brothers and sisters, grandparents, family Relatives, there are women who like own

In his previous life, he didn't have any of these. God gave him a chance.

Let him fight this Otherworldo

Even if he knew these clansmen, their relatives were not his real relatives, but he cherished them extremely, but he regarded them as his own relatives.

Treat yourself as the dragon flying in this world o

He worked hard and became stronger, just to protect the people around him, but... he found that he was like a disaster.

The people who follow him have always been troubled

The death of these people is like a thunderous blow, directly pressing Long Fei into the mud and unable to get up.

No one can understand this kind of pain except Long Fei himself.

No one can understand the heart of his transmigrator


When the plane of the main temple was blasted down by the main god, he thought of death and wanted to give up. He was too tired. He was afraid that if he continued like this, more people would be affected.

If own death can exchange everything, he died for the reason!

life, ** life!

Long Fei's heart was dripping with blood, his fists were tightly clasped together, his teeth clenched loudly, and he stood up abruptly as he watched the lightning pierce through the sky.

"I'll see what else you can want from me?"

Eight Vajra stunned

"Boss, you..." Li Yuanba said worriedly.

Long Fei looked at the ancestor of Yanhuang and said, "Ancestor, how can I enter the battlefield of the ancient gods?"

Ancestor Yanhuang looked at Long Fei and said, "You?"

Long Fei said: "I'm fine, from now on I will never have anything to do, I will never be so embarrassed as I am today. Ancestor, tell me how I can enter the battlefield of the ancient gods."

Since the battlefield of the ancient gods is the only place to change the laws of 100,000 planes


Dried directly! !

Ancestor Yanhuang glanced at the Heavenly Pagoda in the distance and said, "Apart from the Upper God Realm, the only way to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods is to break through the Heavenly Pagoda."

The voice fell o

Long Fei turned to look at Li Yuanba, and then said, "Ancestor, they handed it over to you."

He owes a lot to the Eight Vajra in his heart.

but o

He couldn't say anything extra, and he didn't want the Eight Great Vajra to follow, because he was afraid that he would harm them.

next way o

He wants to go alone!

Ancestor Yanhuang said, "Don't worry, the road they are going to take is different from yours."

The ancestors of Yan and Huang have already made arrangements.

To be precise, Long Zhanting has already made arrangements for the eight Vajra.

Long Fei turned around, arrived in an instant, and stepped into the Heavenly Pagoda...

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