The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1655 Anger Bursts Out

Chapter 1655 Anger bursts out

The system furnace is still going crazy o

The spiritual treasures in Long Fei's body disappeared one by one, and the Cultivation Technique he cultivated disappeared one by one, whether it was the auxiliary Cultivation Technique or the supernatural power Cultivation Technique.

But o

At the moment when Long Fei landed, he had no intention to care about it.

because o

A cold sword is placed around his neck o

Around a dozen burly men, the aura on their bodies was the aura of divine power, staring coldly at Long Fei.


"Master Luo, is he the rescuer you called?"


"It's the first time I've seen this kind of appearance."

A strong man in the lead laughed proudly.

Not far behind Long Fei, a middle-aged man had blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and behind him was a large crowd of people who looked like ordinary people.

Luo Dongcheng glanced at Long Fei, his eyebrows tightened, and said, "I don't know him."

indeed o

He really doesn't know Long Fei.

His heart is also secretly anxious, what is the situation when the rescue troops have not arrived?

The big man in the lead gave Long Fei a cold look and said, "Boy, he said he doesn't know you."

Long Fei nodded and said, "He's right, I don't know him either."


"One sing and one harmony, are you acting?" The leading man sneered, staring at Luo Dongcheng and said, "Master Luo, don't play tricks on daddy."

"If you can't hand over the three Divine Spirit Pills today, then you Luo Jiazhuang will all die!" The strong man's eyes were cruel and cold-blooded, and he didn't mean to intimidate at all.

As long as he can't hand over the Divine Pill, he will kill Dashaling o

god dan o

A unique cultivation energy in the battlefield of the ancient gods

Just like Spirit Stones o

just o

Divine Pills are collected by people, whether you are a Practitioner, ordinary people or even Demonic Beasts can collect the power of the gods, but... it is too difficult to condense the power of the gods into pills o

A Divine Pill requires tens of millions of Divine Power to condense successfully.

The entire Luojiazhuang population of more than 600 people does not know if they don't drink at most in a year, they can only collect one divine elixir.

I want three at once, and Luo Jiazhuang can't get them at all.

not to mention o

People in Luojiazhuang also need cultivation and the power of gods.

Luo Dongcheng said: "Chen Tou, our Luojiazhuang doesn't have three Divine Spirit Pills at all, and we can't take them out. If you insist on forcing me..."


Although Luo Dongcheng was injured, his momentum was not reduced by half, and he said heavily: "Then the fish will die and the net will be broken, and my Luojiazhuang will be destroyed, and I will also have to drag you into The Underworldo"

Do it if you don't agree with life and death

If you want to kill them all, I will never let them kill you.

Chen Tou's eyes sank, and he smiled coldly: "Luo Dongcheng, do you want to fight against our Wanxiong Gang?"

"You weigh your own weight, are you qualified?"

Hearing the words "Wanxiong Gang", the people behind Luo Dongcheng were all trembling, with fear in their eyes.

Luo Dongcheng's expression also changed slightly, his fists clenched tightly, and he said, "If you want to kill them all, I don't care if you are the Wanxiong Gang or the Wangui Gang!"

"court death!"

The voice fell o

A strong man suddenly attacked o


Take one step out and suddenly make a thunderous sound o

in an instant o

Attacking in front of Luo Dongcheng, Luo Dongcheng's eyes were savage, and his fists went up to meet him, but... at this moment, the speed of the strong man suddenly changed.

Grinning grimly, he laughed, "Hahaha..."

"Bang, bang!" Two explosions o

Not far away, the heads of two old men in their 70s were chopped off, blood surged, half of their bodies trembled, and they fell to the ground.

Many Luojiazhuang people were pale and screamed in horror.




The dozens of Wanxiong Gang's minions all burst into laughter.

Looking at what happened in front of him, the anger in Long Fei's heart was instantly ignited, not because they were cruel, but because he thought of himself.

Think of what happened in the secret realm

People around you can't protect you

Luo Dongcheng's eyes were bloodshot and he shouted: "Despicable and shameless, there is something coming at me o"


"Luo Dongcheng, have you forgotten what this place is? Devil Island, you can say it all, hahaha... I really feel ridiculous for you o" Chen Tou said contemptuously.

Devil Island o

no rules o

without any legal constraints o

The only rule is the fist!

Whoever has a hard fist is the king!

The so-called despicable, so-called insidious, cruel, are all very common things here, no one will sympathize with the weak, some just look up to the strong o

No matter what means you use to become strong, you will be admired and looked up to o

it's here……

The Weak are Prey to the Strong more vividly o

Luo Dongcheng gritted his teeth loudly, and said, "If you have the guts, just come to the daddy, what kind of bullshit are you bullying the commoners?"

"Couldn't kill you!"


Another move, a strong man attacked Luo Dongcheng.

In order to prevent him from attacking the civilians behind him again, Luo Dongcheng locked his eyes tightly.

However o

at this moment o

Another strong man suddenly shot, "Bang, bang..."


This time, the two children were blasted out, their bodies were torn apart in the air, and their flesh and blood fell from the air. The scene was terrible.




After a few screams, a woman fainted directly.



Everyone in the Wanxiong Gang laughed out loud, with excitement on their faces. There was no cruelty in their eyes, but a sense of pleasure. Killing old people and children is a very common thing for them.



Luo Dongcheng almost went mad

Long Fei also rolled out violently in his heart, "Fuck me!"

Screaming angrily o

in an instant o

Chen Tou stared directly at Long Fei, his eyes were cold, and he sneered with contempt: "Boy, what did you just say?"

Who dares to scold Wanxiong Gang?

The surroundings were quiet, all staring at Long Fei.

Long Fei also stood up slowly from the ground, stared at Chen Tou, and said word by word, "I said, fuck your whole family!"

The voice fell o

The faces of several Wanxiong Gang's minions changed slightly.

"This kid is dead"

"He's dead!"

"Chen Tou hates people scolding him the most. This kid actually scolded his whole family. Now even King Yama can't save him."


Chen Tou's forehead bulged with blue veins, his eyes widened and stared, and Vajra stared at Long Fei with an angry look. He smiled grimly: "Boy, you are dead!"


His words are just like Judge's Brush ticking, directly erasing Long Fei's name.

One step came, and a punch slammed Long Fei's forehead, "Death!"

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