The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1667 The Perverted Value Is Filled

Chapter 1667 The perverted value is filled

The voice fell o

The deputy gang leader shouted, "A little three-star god Cultivation Base dares to be presumptuous in front of me, but I want to see what you are capable of!"

"Come on, kill him for me!"


The surrounding Wanxiong gang disciples all rushed up.

Samsung God's Cultivation Base is very weak o

In the face of so many Wanxiong Gang disciples, there is no chance of winning, and they are not opponents at all.


Long Fei didn't leave, how could he leave?

How could this boss not be killed?

How can you not have so much experience?

He needs a lot of experience now, no matter where Devil Island is, as long as he is strong enough, as long as he has enough strength, there is no place where he cannot escape.

You can't escape, you just don't have enough strength!

Long Fei stood where he was, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and he smiled coldly, like a god of death.

"bring it on!"

"Let me see what a perverted-level psychic technique looks like!"

Long Fei is spooky and scary

a thought o

"Spiritual Art!"

"The Mirror of Myriad Void, open it for me!"


There was a muffled sound in the void, and there were 10,000 void gates in the world that Long Fei could see with his naked eyes. As long as he moved his mind, he could instantly penetrate into it.


This kind of feeling is as if I can travel through and move instantly.


"Boy, today you can't escape even if you put your wings on it"

"Suffer to death!"

The disciples of Wanxiong Gang rushed up, and all the attacks sounded like Long Fei.

However o

At this moment, Long Fei's figure disappeared in place.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A roar of power, dust splashes o

"What about people?"

"What about the dog stuff?"

"Where's that kid? Where did you go?"

"I didn't see it o"


The big man's eyes were shocked, and he could see clearly in his eyes. He didn't let go of the sense of breath on Long Fei's body, but it disappeared in an instant.


after this moment o



A disciple of the Wanxiong Gang let out a scream, and the whole person was dragged into the darkness, screaming again and again, just like being dragged into The Underworld by an evil ghost.

"Ah ah ah ah..."


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Wanxiong Gang Minions' to gain 150 experience points, 15 divine power points, and 1 energy value o"


"it's him!"

All the people rushed up together again o

in their moment o


Another person was dragged into the darkness, and was killed in a blink of an eye, and it was also the instant that Long Fei's breath disappeared into the void again.


Long Fei's Mirror of Void is like a huge killing formation.

can't dodge

I can't catch the breath of Long Fei, let alone the figure.




There are constant screams o

People keep falling down o

There was blood all around, and corpses all around, just like Lawson The Underworld.

"Ghost, he's a ghost"

"He's not human at all"

"too scary o"

Chills rose from the depths of my heart, and they all shivered around each other.

They don't know who's going to die next, it's a horrible feeling o

However, Long Fei couldn't be more cool, "It's cool to feel perverted!"

After Tianlu's psychic skills were amplified, it was so awesome that it was beheaded continuously, and there were fewer and fewer disciples of the Wanxiong Gang around, but Long Fei didn't stop.

His goal is, BOSS!


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Wanxiong Gang Minions' to gain 150 experience points, 15 divine power points, and 1 energy value o"


"System prompt: The abnormal energy value reaches 100 points!"

"now you!"

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