The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1687 Who Died?

Chapter 1687 Who died?

drink like thunder

In the heavy rain it sounded like a thunderbolt

At the same time o

A coercion went straight to Li Ruhua

Long Fei stepped out in front of Li Ruhua, directly resisting the heavy pressure, his body sank, and he almost fell to the ground, the pain was unbearable.

Li Ruhua didn't care at all

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..."

keep repeating o

Don't know what's going on around

Now Tie Mian is completely dead, but Li Ruhua just doesn't let go, and is still chopping frantically. This is her way of venting.

"I'll tell you to stop!" Every word was filled with killing intent, and at the same time, a voice shot straight out of the heavy rain.

A steel gun stabs in a straight line


like lightning

Long Fei couldn't see the other party's figure at all, couldn't sense his speed, and couldn't keep up with his reaction at all.

This guy is taller and stronger than Yu Wanxiong's Cultivation Base

"Here comes the captain!"

"Here comes the captain!"

"It's the head, the head shot o"

"That kid is dead!"

"Captain, kill him, kill him!"


Many Black Knights saw the steel gun and immediately cheered.

Captain of the Black Knights, Iron Palm!

The top powerhouse of King Yama City

Nine-star god Cultivation Base, and he is the powerhouse of Transcend Tribulation becoming god

Ninety-nine God-killing marksmanship is swift and fast, and no one can hide. Long Fei of the four-star Cultivation Base is simply not enough to watch.

Long Fei looked sideways at Li Ruhua. Seeing that she was still frantically venting, Long Fei froze in his heart, stood up from the ground, blocked his body in front of him, and stared silently in front of his eyes.




The raindrops fell on the steel gun, making a humming sound, the tip of the gun flashed a cold light, and a spear thrust!

"Brother Fei, be careful!"

"Brother Fei!"

"Brother Fei!"

Lei Jiu and the others stepped into the Black Knight Mansion just to see this scene.

Can't resist!

Long Fei couldn't resist this shot. The most important thing was that he couldn't see the position of the iron palm, which annoyed him the most, so... he blocked it with his body!


The steel gun directly penetrated Long Fei's chest, Long Fei was also pinned to the ground instantly, Long Fei's body was inserted in the air, and his body sank.

Blood poured out

Blood fell on Li Ruhua's face, and at this moment, she suddenly woke up, looking at Long Fei being nailed in the air, her body trembling, her eyes trembling, shaking her head, and said, "No, no, no, ,,"

Tears poured out like spring water

The steel gun penetrated Long Fei's body, his body hung in the air, and the blood on his chest flowed out crazily along with the rain.

Looking at Li Ruhua's tears, Long Fei smiled lightly: "Don't be afraid, I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Brother Fei!"

"Brother Fei!"

Lei Jiushi and the others rushed up, their chests were all pierced, is this all right?

The four were furious

Lei Jiu gritted his teeth, turned around and stared at the iron palm in the distance and said, "I'm going to kill you!"

Iron Palm glanced at Lei Jiushi and the others, then looked at the old man on one side, who nodded lightly.

turn o

The corner of Tie Zhang's mouth twitched, and he sneered, "Kill me? Let's see who kills who today?"


Long Fei's body sank

Directly shaking the steel gun that was stepping on the ground, Long Fei stepped forward, his arms sank, and wanted to use an explosive fist, but... the system sounded a prompt o


"System prompt: The distance is too far!"


"System prompt: The distance is too far!"

Casting skills require a certain distance o

Long Fei still had a steel gun stuck in his chest, and his health value continued to decrease. Long Fei did not care about it, but walked towards the iron palm step by step, saying, "One more shot!"


With a steel gun in his body, he is still the same arrogant, arrogant o

Everyone around was shocked by Long Fei.

Is he crazy?

Is he really not afraid of death?

Iron Palm looked at Long Fei coldly and said, "You trash, you are still arrogant when you die, I'll see how long you can be arrogant."

The voice fell o


Iron palm disappears

Long Fei's eyebrows sank, his fists clenched tightly.

"Dragon Fly"

"Brother Fei!"


Their Cultivation Base is not an opponent, they can't stop the iron palm at all, and Long Fei is seriously injured. In this case, it is even less an opponent, o

However o

he is not afraid

Long Fei laughed grimly, "Come on, come to me if you have a seed!"


Above the head, a palm strikes out, a powerful force pours down, and instantly crushes Long Fei's body, Long Fei's body sinks, and the whole person is almost crushed to the ground.


Long Fei stared at the mid-air with both eyes, and he grabbed the steel gun in both hands and slammed it violently, roaring furiously, "Ah..."

The blood is like a column, madly spurting out o

The pain is indescribable

Long Fei's body was also trembling, but he gritted his teeth and resisted it. With a move of his fists, he roared heavily, "I am a fairy!"

"Blast God Fist!"

arms sinking

Power is like a column, surging o

out of madness

He punched the iron palm that was crushed above his head and slammed it.

The power of the explosion also burst out.

Iron Palm snorted coldly, "Just your weak and powerless fist can hurt me half a point?"


"Something beyond your own control o"

He didn't take it seriously at all, Long Fei was just busy with the Cultivation Base of the 4-star Realm, no matter how strong he was, he wouldn't be able to hurt him, and... his name is Iron Palm o

His palm strength is not only strong, but also has an iron-like defense!

Who can help him?

Long Fei?

Not enough to see at all!

At this time, the eyes of an old man on the other side were tight, and he looked at Long Fei's punch seriously, "It's unremarkable, is it really as powerful as Master Lan Mo said?"

He also had doubts in his heart

don't believe o

Because this is a very ordinary punch at all, and I can't see any surge of power.

Impossible to deal damage to Iron Palm o

However o

Explosive Fist is a special Cultivation Techniqueo

He is a combination of Long Fei's spiritual treasure in the chaotic world, and the product of Cultivation Technique condensed through the system furnace. It is an extremely special existence and is extremely powerful.

Of course he can't see it


Press o with one palm

punch o

The two forces collided, Long Fei's body sank, his feet were pressed into the soil, and his joints exploded.

in this moment o

The disciples of the surrounding Black Knights showed excited smiles, "This kid's body will burst right away."

"I've never seen anyone who can stand up to the captain's iron palm."

"This kid is too self-sufficient, he actually dares to be tough with the head of the regiment, courting death o"


The old man thought so too.

at least o

It seems that Long Fei can't resist it.


A dramatic scene happened. The iron palm suspended in mid-air suddenly burst open, his body was torn apart, and flesh and blood flew all over the sky...

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