The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1696 Something Went Wrong

Tianzongzong must go o

But he couldn't find the way to go, which made Long Fei never think of it.

When Li Ruhua said 'Tianyan City', Long Fei's heart froze slightly, and he secretly said: "The city controlled by the Lan family?"


"It seems that some things are not something I can hide if I want to!"

Long Fei tried his best to avoid Lei Jiu and the others.

because o

He doesn't want to get involved in their family's own battles

But in the end, I'm afraid I can't escape.


"Since you can't hide, then be tough!" Long Fei snorted slightly in his heart, and turned to Li Ruhua: "Okay, let's go to Tianyan City!"



"Three times in a row, what do you want me to say about you?"

Tianyan City o

The blue house, in a secret room o

Lan Mo knelt on the ground and dared not speak

Three assassinations, three failures, especially the last time, even he himself couldn't find a way to deal with Long Fei, otherwise he would definitely shoot himself.

But o

Fortunately, it was not found

Lan Mo said: "Three Elders, that kid is very skilled, and the Cultivation Technique released is even more peculiar. I have never seen o"

"I suspect that he may be the reincarnation of a strong man." Lan Mo said the same thing as Lei Jiu, because Long Fei's Cultivation Technique is really incomprehensible.

The third elder, Lan Zhen, stared fiercely, and asked coldly, "What's so special about it?"

Lan Mo said: "The Raptor pace of Wanxiong Gang's cultivation, this is only the most elementary step, but it is only the cultivation of Wanxiong Gang's disciples, but he can learn it in an instant, and in an instant he can change the Raptor's pace. Cultivation to the point of pure love, turning an ordinary step into a god-level step o"

"And he knows a secret technique o"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the psychic technique of the giant Tianlu, the gate of the void."

"Spirit beasts like Tianlu can only release a gate of the void, but after he killed Tianlu, he mastered this magical power and enlarged it infinitely. There are probably thousands of paths around him, and tens of thousands of paths in the void. door, forming a void killing formation, you have no idea what door he will come out of in the next second o"

"These are just Cultivation Techniqueo of cultivation"

"The most terrifying thing is that he will have a Fist Technique. This Fist Technique is bland, but... I have seen him shoot three times, and each time it is an instant kill o"

"Whether the opponent is Demonic Beasts, or a powerhouse several times stronger than his Cultivation Base, he will kill with one punch..."

Don't wait for the blue ink to finish o

The anger in Lan Zhen's eyes became more and more intense, and the last two eyes sank, and he glared at Lan Mo and drank heavily, saying, "Losers always like to find various reasons for themselves."

"Lan Mo, if you fail, you fail. Everyone will fail, but you... but you have found so many reasons for yourself. Is this what you brought me when you came back this time?"

cold voice o

And with murderous intent

He didn't believe what Lan Mo said at all

If he was so powerful, he would have been ranked in the main temple long ago, so he might appear in Devil Island?

Lan Mo kowtowed to the ground instantly, his body trembled, and he didn't dare to say another word.

Although o

What he said was not exaggerated at all, but he knew Lan Zhen's personality very well. If he continued, there would only be one result, death!

for a long time

Lan Zhen said coldly, "Where is Lan Ya?"

Lan Mo dared to swallow and said, "Report to the Elder, Lan Ya will be able to reach Tianyan City tomorrow."

"it is good!"

"Go down and prepare o"

"Since she's back, then we don't need to do it in the dark, so let's just ask her to let her become the head of the family." Lan Zhen smiled coldly and murmured: "My good niece! , this is what you asked for, how can you, a little girl, shoulder such a huge responsibility of the Lan family?"

"Even if I agree, the ancestors of the Lan family will not agree."

"It's great to die outside, so at least you won't know the pain of dying your father,'re going to be sad." Lan Zhen laughed gloomily.


In Tianyan City, white cloth is falling around the city wall.

what does that mean?

It means that something big has happened in Tianyan City, and an important person has died.

"Is it dead?"

Lei Jiu looked at the white cloth hanging on Tianyan City and said slightly o

Mount Tai looked at the white flowers on the guards of the city, and his heart tightened immediately, and said, "It's the Lan family..."

These guards are the guards of the Lan family.

There is only one reason why they have white flowers on their bodies. Some big man in the Lan family died.

in an instant o

Lan Ya's heart tightened suddenly, thinking of her own father, at this time her tears flowed down uncontrollably, and ran frantically to the Lan Mansion.


"came back!"

"Lan Ya is back o"

The moment Lan Ya appeared in Tianyan City, Lan Mo went to report to the third elder.

Lan Zhen smiled slightly and said, "Go to inform the Elder Pavilion and have them give an order to bring Lan Ya to the council hall."

Lan Mo was shocked and said, "Elder, don't let her go to the mourning hall?"


"Let her give up the position of the head of the family first and then let her go to the mourning hall, and let her enter The Underworldo with her father on the day of the funeral," Lan Zhen said fiercely.

turn o

Blue ink quickly left o


"Why don't you let us in?"

blue mansion gate

Lei Jiu, Mount Tai, and Tai Hai were blocked from the door o

Four guards stand in front of the gate o

A guard said: "Three young masters, the Lan family does not accept any guests now, please go back."


"I'm from the Lei family"

"I'm from the Thai family"

"Our three major families have always been in an alliance relationship, why can't we enter?"

A guard snorted coldly and said, "If it weren't for the fact that you are the Lei family, the son of the Tai family, do you think you can still stand here now?"

obviously o

If it wasn't for their different identities, and the four of them had already taken action, why would you be in the mood to talk nonsense with them?

Lan Ya said slightly: "Ninth brother, wait outside for a while, I'll go to my father and let him order you to come in."

finish o

Lan Ya walked in quickly and walked directly to her father's yard.

The disciples they met along the way immediately lowered their heads, and when Lan Ya walked over, these disciples began to whisper again.

Lan Ya's heart is getting more and more worried.

Before Lan Ya could walk to her father's yard, she was stopped by a group of old men.

Blue Family Elder Pavilion o

Nine Elders!

They stared at Lan Ya seriously, o

Lan Ya was slightly taken aback and said, "Nine Elders, what are you doing here?"

One of the elders said slightly: "Wait for you!"

"Lan Ya, come with us to the council hall o"

Lan Ya was stunned for a moment, and said, "What are you going to do in the council hall?"

The elder said: "About the position of your head, let's go!"

"Don't make us rough!"

Lan Ya froze in her heart, watching her father's yard in the distance rushing over, "Father..."

Father has an accident!

Before she could rush out, someone immediately stopped her, and an elder shouted, "Take it to the council hall!"


Tianyan City, the gate o

Long Fei looked at the white cloth on the city gate, "Sure enough, something happened!"

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