The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1702 So Awesome

Chapter 1702 So awesome

Two people attack o

Aim at the back of Long Fei's head, and press down with both swords.

Lan Mo shouted, "Be careful!"

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, and his mind moved, "Mirror of Myriad Voids!"


The gates of the void appeared one after another, and the moment the two swords fell, Long Fei's figure disappeared, and then appeared behind them, and the two swords fell.

"Shh, shh!"

Instant kill o



Two beeps sound o

Long Fei walked to Lan Mo's side again, and crouched down again to study how to take out the hook on the other foot. He killed the two Lan family disciples too quickly just now, as if no one had reacted.

Lan Mo can see it very clearly, "Disappears in an instant, appears in an instant, kills in an instant..."

"This speed!"

"This Cultivation Technique..."

"It must be a space class Cultivation Technique, it's amazing o" Lan Mo's heart was shocked o

Space class Cultivation Technique is extremely rare o

Among the many Cultivation Techniques, it is the most peculiar and the most powerful.

Murder in the true sense is invisible

At such a close distance, he couldn't see how Long Fei did it, so how high is the Cultivation Technique in this space?

"Amazing!" Lan Mo sincerely admires o

Long Fei glanced at him and said, "Hold it back!"


With a slight movement, the hook was lifted out.


Lan Mo let out a painful cry and trembled all over, but... his hamstrings were not damaged in the slightest.

Just a pain in the flesh

Lan Mo said heavily: "Thank you!"

Long Fei grinned, then looked up at the surrounding Lan family disciples, and said, "Are these Lan Zhen's minions?"

Lan Mo nodded and said, "Well, they are all Lan Zhen's personal guards, and they are all his forces."


The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, looking at the surrounding Lan family disciples, and said, "I'll give you a chance, it's too soon to leave now, this is your only chance to survive."


"Boy, you don't even look at what the current situation is, how dare you be arrogant with a five-star Cultivation Base?"

"Do you know who we are?"

"Little bastard, you are tired of living o"

"Five star Cultivation Base's waste o"




Facing a five-star Realm's Long Fei, why did they leave?

Such people are no threat to them at all o

Lan Lin also smiled contemptuously: "Do you think it's great to kill the two of us by surprise? Boy, I'm going to kill you today..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

A disciple suddenly said: "He, he, what about others?"


Long Fei disappears in place

Lan Mo stood there and laughed loudly, and said, "Lan Lin, you don't even know who he is, you don't even know how strong he is, and want his life?"


"In front of him, you are not even an ant."

"It's you who are beyond your own power!"

Dozens of Lan family disciples were shocked and all looked at Lan Mo.

"Is he insane?"

"Are you insane?"

"Lan Mo, who are you scaring? Just his five-star Cultivation Base waste can hurt half of my hair. If it can hurt half of my hair, I'll eat shit?" Lan Lin sneered with disdain.

he doesn't believe at all

Even if Long Fei showed a little bit of strength, he didn't care about it at all.

The basis of all power is rank o

All are restricted by Realm

How strong can the five-star Cultivation Base be? An ant will die if you pinch it lightly!

However o

As soon as his words fell, a face appeared in front of him.

Lan Lin's face showed an expression of extreme astonishment. He responded quickly and punched him without hesitation, "Little bastard, die for me!"


Boxing style with thunder

very strong o

Long Fei didn't hide or avoid it, and he punched it, but he drank in his heart, "Blast God!"

bland o

But there is a very special power in his body, the power of the gods!

The important power to condense this power comes from the 'Hongmeng Qi'. The system melting pot integrates Lin Fei's Cultivation Technique cultivated with the explosion protection. After the catalysis of the Hongmeng Qi, it becomes the current 'Burst God Fist'!

How powerful is it?

At least Long Fei doesn't know his limit yet

because o

So far no one has survived under the blasting fist o


Lan Mo's eyes were shocked and excited, he looked at Long Fei's fist without blinking.


two fists meet o

Long Fei was shocked to withdraw a few steps, and a three-digit damage value floated above his head, and his heart tightened slightly. It seems that the limit of God's armor is the ten-star God Cultivation Base.

Blue Forest's Cultivation Base surpassed ten stars and reached the Yellow Star Realm!

It also breaks the defense of God's armor o

Not much damage in triple digits, but it breaks defense o


"Just a little trash like you challenge me? What's the use?"

"I'll blow your head off with the next punch." Lan Lin laughed wildly, just when he punched again, he suddenly found that he couldn't sense his own right hand.

followed by o


Fist burst!


Right arm burst!

"This, this, this, what is this?" Lan Lin was so frightened that his face paled, staring at Long Fei, and shouted heavily, "Bastard, what is this?"


Body burst!


"Skull burst!"


Lan Lin's flesh burst out piece by piece, blood spilled on the ground, and pieces of flesh fell, and the surrounding Lan family disciples looked at Long Fei as if they had seen a ghost.

What power is this?

this this this...

One punch!

It's hard to imagine, they can't reflect o

but o

But Long Fei didn't give them time to reflect, so he thought, "Murderous mode!"

"bring it on!"

"Turn it all into my experience!"

In order to stand firm, one must be ruthless!

This is how the world is

The Weak are Prey to the Strong!

For Long Fei, experience is a breakthrough. These people are all Lan Zhen's cronies. If you don't kill them today, they may kill themselves tomorrow.

With the magic sword in hand, Long Fei slaughtered frantically.


"Ah ah ah..."

One after another red light flashed, and screams sounded o

three minutes later

The grove is full of corpses, blood all over the ground o

The leaves are dyed red with blood

appalling o

You can't imagine what just happened

crying screams

Magical Sword intento

Long Fei put away the magic sword and muttered in his heart, "This magic sword fits my other body very well."

Long Fei still has a flesh

Demon body!

However... he has not yet reached the full-level state, and is still in the ascetic practice in the Chaos Realm!

Lan Mo stood there dumbfounded, he didn't move for three minutes, watching the disciples fall down one by one, his heart became frenzied.

The image just now kept revolving in his mind.

bloody art o

the aesthetics of violence

crazy mess o

For a long time, Lan Mo looked at Long Fei with burning eyes, unable to describe his own mood, and said heavily, "How awesome!"

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