The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1704 Damn, There Really Is A Goddess!

Chapter 1704 Damn, there really is a goddess!

"Goddess Valley?"

"Is there a goddess?"

How can this name have Demonic Beasts?

At least it's a goddess

Long Fei is a little crazy, and it would be good to have a goddess to accompany him. Maybe the goddess can take him to pretend and take him to fly.

However o

Lan Mo's words directly poured down a basin of cold water from the top of his head, "There is a female ghost o"

Long Fei: ...

Lan Mo said slightly: "Goddess Valley is located more than 300 kilometers to the southwest. There used to be a Sect called Goddess Sect, but it was destroyed for some reason, and later it became a gloomy Goddess Valley with an adventure team. All came out in a trance, and... Fatty went in and came out lean and thin, as if his essence had been sucked dry o"

"It is said that there is a female ghost o in white clothes"

"Few people dare to go in now."

"The female ghost in white?" Long Fei's heart froze slightly, "Is she really a female ghost, or a female ghost who sucks the masculinity of men? Wow... Interesting o"

Immediately, Long Fei asked, "Is it just a female ghost?"

Lan Mo stared at Long Fei for a long time, and said, "Is one not enough for you? Do you still want a female ghost that fills the valley?"

"Long Shao, I know you have nothing to fear, but you must be careful in this place. After the Goddess Sect was destroyed, it slowly became a paradise for Demonic Beasts. The more you gather, the more ferocious guys are, and there are also Some super beasts, they only obey the female ghost, even your supernatural ability to summon Demonic Beasts may not work. Lan Mo continued: "If you can, it's best not to go to that place."


"must go!"

Long Fei said decisively, and secretly said in his heart: "It looks like there is a boss in this kind of place, and...that female ghost, hehe..."

"Why do I feel more and more like a Fox Spirit?"

"Could it be that... the charming and enchanting Fox Spirit in Liaozhai will also appear here?"

When the peony flower dies, it is also romantic to be a ghost.

Watching those Liaozhai movies in his previous life, Long Fei always thought, why didn't Fox Spirit seduce him? It's not worth the effort to die. o

However o

These are followed by o

The most important thing is to upgrade!

Since Lan Mo can clearly see his own supernatural powers, blasting fist, mirror of ten thousand virtuals, and God's armor, then Lan Zhen will definitely know about it, and he will definitely find a way to deal with himself.

The only way is to become stronger

Every second is stronger than the last, so even if the enemy knows that your Cultivation Base is doing a countermeasure, it is useless because you are already stronger o

Lan Mojian couldn't persuade Long Fei, and said, "Young Master Long, be careful yourself."

Long Fei said: "I will, how about you?"

Lei Jiu said: "Brother Fei, why don't you bring me? At least I can do something for you."

Lei Jiu panicked. He was more anxious than anyone else when Lan Ya was arrested. He knew very well that Long Fei was trying to save Lan Ya, and he also wanted to do something.

Long Fei patted Lei Jiu on the shoulder and said, "Just take good care of Ruhua for me."

"So be it!"

"I'll go first, and I'll meet at the Lan family three days later." Long Fei walked towards the southwest after speaking, secretly saying in his heart, "Whether you are a goddess, a female ghost, or a Fox Spirit, I won't let it go! "


Li Ruhua looked at Lan Mo and said, "Where are we going?"

Lan Mo looked at Tianyan City in the distance and said, "The most dangerous place is the safest place. Lan Zhen never dreamed that we would hide in Tianyan City."

"We can also help Long Shao find out some news when we return to Tianyan City."


Lei Jiu looked at Tianyan City, and his heart tightened secretly, "Yamei, no matter what the price is, I will save you!"


three hours later

The sky was getting darker, and in the jungle, there were already five fingers out of sight. Long Fei was in a hurry and consumed a lot of divine power along the way. Looking at the dilapidated mountain gate in the distance, the mountain gate was covered with various vine-like plants.


"It should be the Valley of the Goddess, right?"

Long Fei glanced at the fallen stones around him, and there was a step leading into the mountain, "I can't go wrong, this should be the Valley of the Goddess."


Long Fei rested for a while, looked at the granite steps that looked a little whitish in the night, smiled and said, "Goddess, here I come!"

Step into the mountain gate

suddenly o

A gust of cold wind blew, and it was chilly. Long Fei took a step back, and the temperature instantly returned to normal. He muttered in his heart, "Damn, so evil?"

One step difference, the temperature difference is ten degrees o

so weird o

The power of Long Fei's induction is released

The sensing range of the five-star Cultivation Base is only 20 meters, and within this 20-meter range, Long Fei didn't even sense a fart.

immediately o

Long Fei stepped forward again and said slightly: "Goddess, here I come!"

step by step forward

I didn't encounter any situation, let alone the Demonic Beasts that Lan Mo said were piled up, quiet, and there was nothing except the occasional wind.

very strange o

It went like this for about half an hour.

By this time it was completely dark.

"what's the situation?"

"It doesn't matter if there is no goddess, why don't you even have a Demonic Beasts?" Long Fei was very puzzled, he was here to upgrade!

"There is no goddess, it's better to have a female ghost o"

Looking at the dark night, Long Fei shouted, "Girl ghost, the night is long, and you don't want to sleep, come out and chat with me, talk about life, and talk about ideals o"

loud o

However, there is still no movement

Just when Long Fei was depressed

Just so suddenly...

The long black hair hangs upside down like a waterfall, a pale face is brought into view, and a sinister smile hangs on the corner of his mouth, o


Long Fei shuddered violently, his palms oozing cold sweat, but... out of subconsciousness, his first move was not to retreat, but to punch the gloomy face with a punch.



A sharp scream rang out

followed by o

The gloomy face disappeared in an instant, and the white shadow shimmered, shuttling back and forth in the dense forest.

Long Fei shouted, "Where to run!"


quickly chased after o

It's just... The speed of the 'girl ghost' is much faster than that of Long Fei. After a few minutes, he disappeared, and Long Fei also lost his way. The surrounding area is full of potholes, overgrown with weeds, and many dead bones.

"Could it be really a female ghost?" Long Fei's heart clenched secretly, the punch clearly hit the flesh, it couldn't be a female ghost.

Just when Long Fei looked around looking for a way

far away……

A strand of white silk suddenly shot out of the darkness o

A fairy-like woman stepped on white silk and floated out o

floating like a fairy

The whole person is like the kind of fairy who doesn't eat fireworks in the movie o

"Damn it, there really is a goddess!" Long Fei was stunned!

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