The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1706 It's So Loud

Chapter 1706 It's so crazy

Barren mountains and wild ridges, lonely men and widows

In an overgrown field, a place like this...


"If you don't take the initiative, then I'll take the initiative." Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he smiled evilly, "My little brother who was scared just now shrank, I have to see that it doesn't leave any shadows."

"Let's take you for an experiment o"

immediately o

Long Fei's pace jumped, and he said, "Isn't it better than Sword Technique?"

"Just show you my Sword Techniqueo"


As soon as the magic sword came out, the magic on Long Fei's body instantly dissipated, and with a thought, the murderous Sword Technique was released, "Boom!"

A sword stabs o

The woman's response was not slow, she blocked her with a sword, and said, "I must kill you."

The moment when the two swords touch

The woman's eyes were shocked, and she secretly said in her heart: "What a powerful breath, what a powerful Sword intento"

Long Fei's heart was also shocked, "I didn't expect this seemingly weak sword move to have such a strong power, it's really surprising o"

"This female ghost is very unusual o"


"The more fierce the girl, the more daddy likes o" Long Fei thought, the smile on his face became more evil, and he drank slightly, "The Mirror of Myriad Void, open!"

"Buzz, hum, hum!"

"Buzz, hum, hum!"

The divine power has dropped sharply, and the gates of the void are also opened one by one with the consumption of the divine power.

Long Fei's figure moved and disappeared in place.

The woman stabbed in the air, her face tightened, and she shouted, "Come out, come out for me!"

Before she could finish her words, a chill ran across her back.


Don't cut the clothes on the back, the snow-white skin is exposed, the woman's body turns sharply, staring at the front, and angrily: "Come out for me o"


It was another sound of fabric cracking, and the clothes on the woman's long legs cracked directly.

Still can't react

I can't see Long Fei's figure at all.

The woman's palms sweated anxiously, she kept turning her body, and the long sword kept making moves, but it was completely useless.

Wait for her to neglect a little o


another sound o

Clothes are torn again

"If you don't take the initiative, then I have to take the initiative o"

"I will tear your clothes into pieces quickly, you are beautiful when you are naked, hahaha..." Long Fei's excited voice sounded in the void.



The back is no longer covered by any clothes o

There are also a few holes in the front chest.

I have to say that every sword is just right, and it didn't hurt the woman at all. I am afraid that only the magic sword can control this kind of sword intent.



The woman screamed, a large piece of clothes on her chest fell into pieces, and the fair skin on her chest was exposed, and her hands suddenly covered it.

But it was still seen by Long Fei at that moment.

"Step on my Little Brother and scare him so badly, this revenge must be avenged, and he must personally avenge it" Long Fei said fiercely.

To kill him can o


As soon as he comes up, he wants to cut off his sons and grandchildren, which is not good!

The woman is panicking

She didn't even have the confidence to hold the sword now, she hugged her chest with both hands, tears were streaming out, and said, "You chaotic, stinky rascal, grandma knows that she will definitely not let you go."


"A thousand-year-old tree demon?"

"Hehe, she knows, I've already finished slapping you." Long Fei made continuous moves. After half a minute, the woman was no longer covered.

"That's right!"

"It looks good when it's naked, hahaha!"

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