The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1714 Mother Is Also The Owner Of The System?

Chapter 1714 Mother is also the owner of the system?

Suddenly a system beep sounded


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' to get the 'Goddess Scroll' is it activated?"

"It's really good stuff!"

Long Fei was overjoyed, the thing that can be recognized by the system is definitely not ordinary, and it must have something unique that can make the system sound the prompt sound.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he said in his mind, "Activate!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for activating the 'Goddess Scroll' to get 100 experience points, 100 divine power points as a special reward, and get a free goddess's summon o"


"Call of the Free Goddess?"

Long Fei immediately opened the system to check it out.

Seeing the goddess scrolls are very pretty, charming to the extreme, big breasts, long legs, and the goddess-level girl Long Fei is a little relaxed, and there is a huge chemical reaction in both heart and physiology, "Wow. , so arrogant?"

On the goddess scroll is a map o

Every picture is a goddess, all of them are awesome characters with Transcendent fighting power.

don't say anything else

It's so beautiful o

"Look at that is the free goddess." Long Fei saw a bright map at a glance, which showed this girl who could move. The girl was dressed in silver clothes.

It is said that the clothes are actually a cover, plus a small inner in the triangle area, but they are all made of metal.

The snow-white skin all over the body

That flawless and flawless figure, every part of it shone with the ultimate temptation, a temptation that no male animal could resist.


"So beautiful!"


Long Fei's saliva is about to flow out, and there is a strong reaction from below, "My little brother can't control it."

goddess o

real goddess

She exudes that Western goddess-like seduction o

What attributes, what attacks, what defenses, what skills are all secondary, her beauty trumps everything o

But o

Long Fei still checked the attributes of the goddess, to get a comprehensive understanding, right?

Goddess: Angel of the Holy Spirit

Grade: God Grade

Attack: six stars

Defense: Nine Stars

Magic: Six Stars

Skills: Holy Spirit Guardian, Holy Spirit Kill

Description: Goddess of Defense

Description 2: With super defense, the Holy Spirit's guardian can be immune to 99% damage for 1 minute o

Description 3: The goddess's appearance time is 10 minutes, each goddess can provide a goddess space, and the player can enter for 1 hour each time.

Description 4: If the player's power defeats the goddess, he can make any request o


"99% damage immunity? Isn't this f*ck invincible?" Long Fei looked at the goddess's description, secretly excited, "Nine-star defense, too fierce o"

"This, this, this Goddess of Victory can make any demands?"

It's a huge temptation


Long Fei swallowed heavily, looked at the 'Angel of the Holy Spirit' and said, "Any conditions?"

The Holy Spirit Angel said: "Any conditions o"

Long Fei said directly: "Be my woman, can you have sex with me?"

The Holy Spirit Angel didn't change his expression, he giggled and said, "As long as you can beat me, any condition is fine, even naked."


Long Fei immediately laughed excitedly, and said, "Little Lingling, just wait for me, I'll make you naked right away" "Hahaha..."

Not to mention how excited

The card heroes summoned before are all goddess characters in the game, but... Long Fei can't do anything to them.

different now

The settings of this goddess scroll are different from those of the heroes. As long as they can God of War, they can get all rights, just like emperors.

Looking at the hundreds of goddess pictures on the goddess scroll, Long Fei felt evil in his heart, "One hour is barely enough, and then it will pass all the way, hahaha..."

The goddess picture on the goddess scroll The goddesses in various games have o


It's just giving benefits

Long Fei was ecstatic, and immediately thought that this was something his mother left him, and his heart was shocked, "The old lady said that no one else can cultivate, only I can cultivateo"

"My mother left me..."


Long Fei thought carefully.

This goddess scroll can only be activated by the system, why did the mother leave it to him? Could it be... is the mother related to the system? or something else?

There can't be such a coincidence

No one else can cultivate, only Long Fei can cultivate?

If the mother doesn't know that he has a system in his body, then Long Fei can't cultivate either.

"Mother, who the hell are you?" Long Fei was a little shocked. For the first time, he felt the mysterious mysteriousness of his own mother.

and o


His mother is also a system owner! !

even! !

The systems in Long Fei's body were implanted by her mother. If this is the case, then... Long Fei is a little afraid to think about it, his brain is not enough.

everything is too powerful o

Long Fei's brain capacity is a bit unbearable

"No matter where you are, I must find you." Long Fei clenched his fists secretly. The existence of the system has always been a doubt in Long Fei's heart.

Why choose him?

why is that?

The technology on earth is so advanced, but it is absolutely impossible to create this kind of technology that is inhaled by intelligence, and it is even more impossible to upgrade the game system of killing monsters and killing things.

Long Fei is sure that it is not a product of the earth

but o

It perfectly combines those online game systems on the earth, otherwise, how could it be possible to kill monsters and upgrade?

what exactly is it?

Why is it him?

The doubts in Long Fei's heart are getting stronger and stronger.

The old woman stood silently on the side, looking at Long Fei's eyes that were sometimes ecstatic, sometimes wrinkled, and asked with some worry: "Young Master, don't worry, the old master left a message when he left, so you don't worry. , all will have the answer when you find her o"

Long Fei recovered and asked, "Is this my mother's original words?"

The old woman nodded and said, "This is what my Master told me, it should be the old master's original words."

"Mother, can you solve all the answers by just looking for a fight? Then... do you really have something to do with the system?" Long Fei said silently in his heart.

If all this was arranged by his mother o

So... what's the purpose?

and o

Mother was arrested, where is she now?


Long Fei thought of the person he hated so much. It was the fate of Divine General's mother who arrested him at the beginning. As long as the God of Destiny was found, he would know the whereabouts of his mother!


After clarifying these, Long Fei exhaled slightly and said, "Old lady, I want to be alone for a while."

The old woman immediately said: "Well o"

After she quits o

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched and said, "I'll try you now, Holy Spirit Angel!"

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