The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1719 A Wave Of Experience Strikes

Chapter 1719 A big wave of experience strikes

Defeat with a sword!

clean o

Long Fei's step fell in front of Lu Qin, and he pointed his sword to the center of her eyebrows, and said, "Do you want to take it now?"

Lu Qin looked at Long Fei without moving his eyes, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

She doesn't even know how she lost


Losing is losing, she won't admit it o

Lu Qin gritted his teeth and said, "you won o"

The surrounding female disciples were all stunned, and all ran to Lu Qin's side.

Mu Bing also ran up o

The old woman looked at Long Fei, her eyes flashed brightly, showing a look of joy. Even she couldn't see the speed of the sword just now.

really unusual

Looking at Lu Qin's evil smile, Long Fei said, "What? Is it enough to admit defeat?"

A female disciple said angrily: "Then what else do you want?"

Long Fei said: "I'm willing to admit defeat, do you remember what you promised just now?"

A female disciple said, "What's the matter?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "Accompany me at night!"

Lu Qin's body trembled slightly, then he stood up slowly and looked at Long Fei and said, "I lost, and I will accept it, but... I want me to accompany you, you slut..."

The voice fell o


With a movement of the long sword in Lu Qin's hand, it slashed directly towards Own's neck.


"Depend on!"

"Have you asked daddy?"

in an instant o

Long Fei's thoughts moved, "The Mirror of Myriad Voids!"


The gates of the void landed next to Long Fei, and Long Fei disappeared instantly. In the flash of lightning, the magic sword in his hand blocked Lu Qin's long sword that was drawn towards his neck.


The magic sword slammed hard and shook!


The long sword in Lu Qin's hand was broken, and the sword edge almost slid past the aorta of her neck, leaving a thin and fine mark.

Long Fei prevented her from committing suicide again, he directly took the long sword from her hand, and said slightly: "I am the Sect Leader, the goddess sect is mine, all your people are mine, want to commit suicide? Have you asked me? ?"

There is some anger in the voice

People, no matter what, you have to live strong

because o

Live to have a chance to change everything!

Lu Qin's eyes were full of anger, and he stared at Long Fei and said angrily, "What do you want? I'm a Jedi and I won't have anything to do with you, a thief."

The same is true of many female disciples, looking at Long Fei with hostile eyes.

What Long Fei said just now felt a chill in their hearts. They felt that Long Fei was like a Devil, and his claws controlled them.

They are all his playthings

It's all his harem

Thinking of this, they hated Long Fei even more in their hearts.

Among these people, only two people noticed that Long Fei fell on Lu Qin's side. At that distance, it is really difficult to stop the sword in Lu Qin's hand. Latest and fastest update

at least o

Granny can't do it

Her eyes looked at Long Fei, and her heart became more and more joyful, and she became excited, "Goddess Sect has hope o"

The other one who saw Long Fei suddenly appear in front of Lu Qin was Mu Bingo

She looked at Long Fei with strange eyes and murmured, "So fast, even faster than last time."

She has seen the Mirror of Myriad Void, the kind of random crossing, you have no idea where it will appear in the next second, it's amazing, but just now, Long Fei was faster.

Long Fei Cultivation Base has not changed o

But his speed, attack, and skill power have all been improved.

Long Fei can't feel it himself

because o

This is the result of cultivation in the space of the Holy Spirit Pearl

Long Fei didn't care about what others thought of own, he didn't seem to care about the hatred in the eyes of those female disciples, and laughed wickedly, saying, "I don't care if you like it or not, if you lose, you have to admit it, if you want to die, that's okay too. Die in my hands, should be under my crotch, hahaha..."

very arrogant

very evil

like a great devil

Lu Qin trembled, his face turned pale, he stared at Long Fei, and he had the heart to kill him.

Long Fei's eyes swept away, and he said evilly, "Who else is dissatisfied?"

"Either come o"

"I promise you will be very comfortable at night, hahaha..."

this time o

Long Fei stared at Lu Qin and said, "Don't think about committing suicide. If you commit suicide again, I will kill all the junior sisters around you one by one."

"Remember what I said, I, Long Fei, say one is one!"

Lu Qin's body trembled even more.

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Go wash Bai Bai now, and come to my room at night."

Lu Qin can't say a word


When the crowd dispersed, the old woman came up and said slightly: "Young Master, if you do this, they will make them hate you even more. You don't need to do this at all."

Long Fei smiled lightly: "Since they don't love me, let them hate me. At least they still know that I exist as a Sect Leader."

The old lady was stunned

Long Fei then asked: "I heard that there are many Demonic Beasts everywhere in the Goddess Sect. Why can't I see one of the Demonic Beasts I have been here for so long?"

he's here to level up

Not a single Demonic Beasts, which is strange

The old woman's eyes sank slightly, she sighed softly, and said, "It's not that the Demonic Beasts are not here, but they form an encirclement that blocks our way."


"Demonic Beasts block your way?"

"What's the situation?" Long Fei asked slightly surprised, the goddess sect has become like this, what else can be surrounded?

The old woman said: "Dongtianmen, their culture's Cultivation Technique is specifically to control the Demonic Beasts, and the Demonic Beasts are their power. The people of Dongtianmen have been trapping us here for several years, asking us to compromise and hand over the goddess scroll. This paragraph They don't dare to do anything with Tang Lie's protection, now that Tang Lie is not here, I'm afraid Dongtianmen has moved again."

Tang Lie's background is very strong o

Dongtianmen dare not provoke o

Now that Tang Lie was kicked out of the Goddess Sect by Long Fei, then they have no scruples.

at this time o

A disciple rushed over and said, "Report to grandma, there is a group of Demonic Beasts in the canyon, and they are coming here, and... this time, there are several Demonic Beastso in the Demonic Beasts group."

"Earth system?"

The old woman's expression tightened, "It seems that Dongtianmen is bound to win this time."

They were driven from the ground to the ground, and now they are not allowed to stay underground. These Demonic Beasts can burrow into the ground and can sense their position in the ground.

This time...

doomed o

At this time, all the disciples of the Goddess Sect came over.

Even Lu Qin is here.

"Grandma, what should I do now?"

"This time there is an Earth Demonic Beastso"

"Hey... if only Senior Brother Tang was here, the people from Dongtianmen wouldn't dare to disturb us." A female disciple murmured.

Many people are watching Long Fei o

The old woman shouted slightly: "We will solve the matter of our Goddess Sect by ourselves."

"Sect Leader!"

"You give orders o"

Long Fei thought that it was nothing but experience, a wave of experience, and when he heard the old woman's voice, he reacted and said, "It's enough for me to go alone!"

Regarding yesterday's update, the sea doesn't know what to say o

In addition o

Dahai has more than 10 million words since I wrote the book. I have never worked so hard like this year. I update more than 300,000 words every month. I am really tired. I want to take a break. I will start three chapters a day tomorrow, that's all o

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