The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1736 Who Is Trash?

Chapter 1736 Who is trash?

Lan Ya has always felt that she owes Long Fei

Simply o

Enough is enough this time!

All she put herself in o

Long Fei was extremely grateful. He needed this assessment very much, very, very much. He had to do everything possible to enter the Heavenly Remnant Sect.

Because this is the only clue for him to leave Devil Island!

"Patriarch, you!"

"Lan Ya, you have disappointed us too much o"

"Lan Ya, just now our Elder Pavilion unanimously decided that we will re-evaluate the decision-making ability of your patriarch's position."

"Just wait for your abdication o"

Many elders said fiercely o

The elders in the Elder Pavilion are also angry, and the top of their heads is like smoke.

Lan Ya doesn't matter

She looked at Long Fei and smiled lightly.

Lei Jiu felt a little pain in his heart

"Trash, come quickly!" The right messenger sneered again o

Long Fei's brows sank, and he was extremely irritable when he said trash on the left and trash on the right. He took a step forward and said, "Messenger, they bet, why don't we take a bet too?"

The right messenger was taken aback and said, "What can you bet on? You don't have a decent thing on your body, what can you bet on?"


Long Fei directly took out the 'tyrant' magic sword and said, "How is it?"

The right messenger's eyes narrowed, and he said, "Good sword!"

The left messenger's eyes also sank, and the light flashed.

The right messenger wanted to be caught, but Long Fei took it back and said, "Gamble or not?"

The left messenger smiled and said, "How to gamble?"

Long Fei said: "If I pass the test, I will win. It's very easy for me to win. I only need you to say 'I'm trash' three times aloud!"

"If I lose, this sword will be given to you!"

The right messenger's eyes turned cold and he said with a smile, "Boy, if you hadn't looked at the face of that sword, you would be dead now."

Long Fei said: "Don't talk so much nonsense, bet or not?"


The right messenger snorted and said, "That sword is mine now."

Long Fei said: "You won't breach the contract, right? It doesn't matter if you breach the contract. If you breach the contract, then you are not even as good as garbage!"

The right messenger's eyes sank, obviously a little angry, and said solemnly: "Don't think I can't hear what you mean, boy, you better not be arrogant in front of me, otherwise I will make you regret coming to this world... …”

at this time o

Long Fei pressed the black stone of spiritual detection with one hand.

Blackstone is unmoved

Right messenger, left messenger laughed at the same time o


"It's lost!"

"There is no way that the Spiritual God can make mistakes in the detection of Black Stone, and he has a second chance... He is a brainless person, the messenger is really good, garbage, just garbage o"

"Damn, the Lan family's face will be humiliated by him."

"Are you still testing a hammer?"


Blackstone can never go wrong o latest and fastest update

but o

This is in front of others, in front of Long Fei... but it will make mistakes o

Just when everyone thought Long Fei was going to lose

Just when everything was the same as the first time, all of a sudden, the black stone flashed a little o

The eyes of the left and right messengers immediately shook.

The sarcasm of the Lan family also stopped abruptly, and they all stared at the black stone of the spiritual god, the little bit of light from weak to strong.


The first quarter is full!


"The second quarter is full of light again"


The third quarter is followed by all bright o

All three quarters are bright, which means third rank Talent, which has reached the qualifying standard o

However o

This is not the end, the light is still rising o

Everyone was shocked o

"The fourth quarter is also on!"

"Section 5..."

"Section 6..."

"It's all bright, bright..."

"The seventh...the eighth..."

"God, how is this possible?"

"Is there going to be a peerless genius of the ninth-rank Talent?"


Even the eyes of the two messengers on the left and right sank and stared at the Blackstone test. If they found a genius of the ninth-rank Talent, they would get 10,000 contribution points. A large amount of contribution value can be directly exchanged for an Elder quota with this 10,000 contribution value.

"Still climbing, still rising..."


"No., No. 9, the ninth section is on!"

"My God, the peerless genius of Jiupin Talent, how is this possible?"

All freaked out

It is difficult to have one in the billions of nine-pin Talent. o

This is too crazy, right?

However o

This is not the end o

The light is still rising

"No,,, no, it's impossible, it's impossible..." The right messenger blushed, and he was as excited as if he was going to fuck up. Seeing the light was still rising, he forgot to breathe, and his eyes were wide open. like a bull's eye,

"A tenth-grade Talent?"

"My God... There are not many in the entire ancient gods battlefield. If it is a tenth-grade Talent, then,, that,, then, it will definitely be the powerhouse of the main temple."


The two envoys on the left and right were frightened and stupid. They had been recruiting disciples for a lifetime, and at most they only met the disciples of the sixth rank talent. Their hearts could not bear the appearance of the ninth rank.


A loud bang o

Section 10 lights up o

It's all silent o

Dead silence, not a single sound o

The left messenger couldn't help but walked up, he looked at Long Fei, as if he saw his own father, his eyes flashed with fiery light.

"Top Ten Talent!"

"Top Ten Talent!"

"Send it, send it, I'm going to send it!"


he laughed o

The right messenger also laughed excitedly, "Nine-rank Talent disciples can be rewarded with 10,000 contribution points, how much can ten-rank Talent disciples be rewarded?"

"At least it's a sub-sect leader level o"


The two of them are happy as if they were idiots

During this period, Long Fei looked at the right messenger and said, "Who is the trash now?"

The right messenger smiled and said directly: "I'm trash, I'm trash, I,, I,, I'm trash, hahaha..."

"I've never seen someone like you before"

"I'm so happy to admit that I'm trash, it looks like you're really trash," Long Fei said with a contemptuous smile, and his thoughts moved at this time.



Suddenly, the building collapsed like o

The light on the black stone is reduced one by one, and the falling speed is extremely fast.

fell down almost instantly

Stop directly on the third section of light o

The sudden change made the two messengers stunned again, stupid!

It was as if they had fallen from heaven into the gloom in an instant The Underworldo

that feeling...

so sad o

Can't react for a while

The two shouted almost simultaneously: "No!"

However, Guangliang stayed at the position of the third quarter and did not move, Long Fei took his hand away, it was still at the position of the third quarter, and did not move!

Sleeping Beauty giggled and said, "It feels so good to cheat!"

"But...Master, do you need a tenth-grade Talent?"

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