The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1745 Destroy Your Whole Family

Dongtianmen came out of the nest o

The Demonic Beasts they are driving are flanking in all directions.

High in the valley, Long Fei can see everything clearly

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he said, "I want you to come out in full force, copy his back path, and explode his chrysanthemums!"

Long Fei strode out with the magic sword in his hand.

Lu Qin and Mu Bing followed closely.


"Not a single one!"

Long Fei issued an order, he wants to make everything done by Dongtianmen pay the price o

rush down the hill o

Long Fei will kill anyone he sees, and he will not spare anyone who looks like a Practitioner.




"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Dongtianmen Minion' to gain 200 experience points, 10 divine power points, and 1 perverted value o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Dongtianmen Minion' to gain 200 experience points, 10 divine power points, and 1 perverted value o"

"Congratulations player..."

The system beeps continuously

Long Fei has one sword, one can kill, but never crippled.

a time o

The valley is full of cries, ghost howls, begging for mercy o

"When you oppressed the disciples of the Goddess Sect, did you think about today?" The anger in Long Fei's heart did not disappear, thinking of the tragic death of the old woman.

She died after being tortured countless times.

Thinking of the way those disciples were torn apart by Demonic Beasts, the anger in my heart kept growing.

At this time o

The army of Dongtianmen disciples frantically surrounded and suppressed Vajra's violent bears. The defense in the valley was weak. Long Fei and the three were not hindered in the slightest, and they killed them all the way.

"Burn here!"

A fire set the Dongtianmen on fire

Smoke billows, flames skyrocket

this time o

The East Heaven Sect Master suddenly reacted, "Oops!"

"All return to the valley, hurry up!"

It was a bit abnormal for the Vajra bear to appear outside the valley, but he didn't think much about it when he faced the bear king. Now, seeing the thick smoke billowing from the valley, his heart sank.

A strange whistle sounded o

Demonic Beasts rushing out from all directions quickly rushed towards the East Tianmen Valley o




The sound is loud, the earth trembles

Long Fei stood at the mouth of the valley, and Lu Qin and Mu Bing stood on his left and right.

"That's the East Heaven Sect Master?"

Mu Bing pointed to the strongest, biggest and fiercest Demonic Beasts in the crowd and said, "It's him, Sect Leader, you have to be careful, he's very strong o"


"What's the use of being strong in front of Divine Fist?" Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the ferocious Demonic Beasts, he let out a roar, and said slightly: "It seems that he is still the leader of these Demonic Beasts. what?"

"In that case..."


Long Fei shouted o

In an instant, Vajra's violent bear, who had been motionless for a long time, suddenly moved after receiving Long Fei's instructions, his hind legs slammed, and his huge body slammed out.

that rhythm o

That feeling is so strong that it explodes

What towering trees, what huge rocks are like bean curd scum in front of Vajra's violent bear, directly knocking everything away

The same is true for the Demonic Beasts that rushed up from all directions. In front of him, the turkeys and rubbish dogs would be shaken by the breath of his body, and their hearts would be shattered.


Vajra fell to the ground and stood in front of the East Heaven Sect Master, his eyes sank, his eyes widened, he opened his bloody mouth, two extremely sturdy fangs were exposed, and he roared at the Demonic Beasts, "Ugh. Roar……"

sound like electricity

Crackling crit out o

The sect master of Dongtian was directly knocked out by the sound waves, his body continuously flipped in the air, and he was extremely embarrassed.

And his mount curled up into a ball and turned into a skin shrimp, not daring to look directly at the Vajra tyrannical bear.



Vajra slapped the bear with a paw o


The Demonic Beasts was instantly smashed into flesh, and the system sounded a prompt tone for gaining experience o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for leveling up, the current level of the seven-star god o"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' bodyguard 'Xiao Yan' for upgrading to level 32!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' bodyguard 'Xiao Yan' for leveling up and obtaining a different fire 'Jinglian Demon Fire'!"


"so fast!"

"Upgraded to first-level again?!" Long Fei was secretly shocked. He was only promoted to first-level, and his bodyguard Xiao Yan was promoted to two levels, and he also got a strange fire.

Long Fei thought to himself: "When will I take you out for a walk, hahaha..."

Xiao Yan will eventually become the Dou Emperor!

Yan Emperor!

At that time, his power is infinite, and his existence is like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Long Fei won't get him out unless he has to.

because o

This will become Long Fei's strongest ultimate move.

Different fires come out, heaven and earth are extinguished

One hundred and eight different fires, one after another, bombard you, not to mention the gods in the main temple, I am afraid that even the main god of this plane can kill!

Just waiting for that day!

Vajra's violent bear didn't stop the Demonic Beasts leader in an instant kill, but rushed towards the Dongtianmen master who flew out.

However, o

But he was stopped by Long Fei, Long Fei said: "He is mine, you killed all these Demonic Beasts to me, remember, it is all!"

Long Fei can use the King of Beasts to override these Demonic Beastso

but o

No, because these Demonic Beasts ate the corpses of those female disciples, so...they have to die too!

The Vajra bear turned and rushed out, charging into the Demonic Beasts group, slaughtering frantically.

Dongtianmen main station fixed body shape o

The disciples of Dongtianmen also quickly jumped off the Demonic Beasts' backs and surrounded the dragon flying in a fan shape.

Without Vajra, they are not afraid of o

The East Heaven Sect Master was full of anger, and said solemnly: "Boy, we have no grievances or enmity, why do you want to do something to my East Heaven Sect? Who are you?"

He doesn't know Long Fei.

In the valley behind Long Fei, the flames are rolling, and the Dongtianmen has almost burned out.

Long Fei grinned and said with a sneer, "No grievances?"

"My name is Long Fei!"

"Long Fei?" The East Heaven Sect Master said, "I don't know any Long Fei."

"Don't worry o"

"You'll know right away." The sneer on Long Fei's face was filled with murderous intent, and he said, "In addition, I have another identity, the Sect Leader of the Goddess Sect!"

immediately o

The eyes of the East Heaven Sect Master sank.

An elder immediately said: "Sect Master, those two women are disciples of the Goddess Sect, I have seen them."

"it is good!"

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, The Underworld has no way, you cast yourself, boy, give you a chance to live, hand over the goddess scroll, today I can let you die without pain, otherwise, I will let you Try the taste of ten thousand beasts eating your heart." The eyes of the East Tianmen sect were shocked immediately.

If you can get the Goddess Scroll, the mystery in Insight, even if ten Dongtianmen are destroyed, it doesn't matter.

Long Fei said, "Have you lost your mind?"

"boy o"

"You're courting death!" The East Heaven Sect Master shouted o

Long Fei sneered: "I don't know who is courting death!"

The voice fell o

The East Heaven Sect Master has disappeared...

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