The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1748 Junior Sister, You Are Thinking Of Spring

Chapter 1748 Junior sister, you are thinking of spring

Kill it all

Burn it out

The messenger of Tian Canzong who spent a happy night in the Tang family walked to the entrance of the East Tianmen Valley and watched everything that happened in the valley.

The left messenger smiled slightly and said, "It looks like I won't be here anymore."

immediately o

The two turned into two streams of light and disappeared, returning to the Tang family.

"Master messenger, are you back so soon?"

"I heard that there are also several talented disciples in Dongtianmen this year. Could it be that none of them are qualified?" Tang Gaoyuan was a little puzzled.

After all, Dongtianmen is an alliance with them.

The right messenger said: "From now on, there will be no such place as Dongtianmen in this world."

The left messenger said: "Patriarch Tang, let Tang Lie prepare, we are about to set off."

Tang Gaoyuan whispered to himself, "There is no such place as Dongtianmen in the world anymore? What do you mean? Could it be that Dongtianmen doesn't exist, and no one has destroyed it?"

It is also a common occurrence for small forces like Dongtianmen to destroy their sects.

Not surprising o

But o

There is no force in this area that is strong enough to destroy Dongtianmen in minutes. Unless they encounter some super strong, they can destroy Dongtianmen in a single thought.

Tang Gaoyuan froze in his heart, and a sense of fear rose slightly.

This world is like this, if you are not the strongest person, the strongest force, you may be wiped out by someone at any time.

If the Tang family wants to rise, if they want not to be trampled under their feet, they can only firmly grasp the big tree of Tian Can Sect.

Tang Gaoyuan nodded immediately and said, "I'll call Lie Er now."

Tang Gaoyuan didn't tell Tang Lie about the demise of Dongtianmen, because he didn't think it had anything to do with their Tang family.


Dongtianmen was destroyed

Long Fei returns to the goddess sect

Kneeling in front of the old woman's grave, Long Fei kowtowed his head and said, "Mother-in-law, I have already made everyone in Dongtianmen pay the price. Rest in peace."

goddess sect

Secto founded by Long Fei's mother

It has been going on for thousands of years, and the reason why it continues to continue is to wait for the appearance of Long Fei, but... before Long Fei can expand the goddess sect, the old guardian woman will die.

Long Fei felt very uncomfortable

He still has so many things he wants to ask the old lady, everything about his mother o

But now...

The thread is broken again, he doesn't even know what his mother looks like o

There is only one way in front of Long Fei, the Remnant Sect of Heaven!

If he wants to leave Devil Island, he must find a way in Tian Can Sect. If he wants to know everything about his mother, he must also enter Tian Can Sect, because Tian Can Sect is the only place her mother has been to, and it is also in Tian Can Sect that his mother disappeared. o

"Mother, no matter what the price is, I will find you." Long Fei clenched his fists secretly, then stood up and said to Lu Qin and Mu Bing, "If you have any place you want to go, just go. "

Everyone has their own aspirations

Long Fei will not impose what he wants to do on anyone o

Lu Qin was taken aback and said, "Sect Leader, do you want to drive us away?"

Mu Bing said, "We have been orphans since we were young, and we were adopted by our grandma. We have never been to other places except the Goddess Sect. Are you going to drive us away now?"

Long Fei said: "The road I'm going to walk is very rough and dangerous. You can also see that the old woman and other disciples are dead. I'm afraid of you..."

The tragic change of the Goddess Sect once again made Long Fei think that he is a lonely star, and he is destined to be lonely in this life.

only lonely

Mu Bing said: "I'm not afraid, Sect Leader, we will follow wherever you go, grandma has been waiting for your appearance, Goddess Sect has been waiting for your appearance, you are the hope of our Goddess Sect, no matter where you go, we will will follow, this is our obligation o"


"You are our Sect Leader!"

Lu Qin also nodded and looked at Long Fei seriously. Once upon a time, she hated the man in front of her so much, but now... She is a little worried, worried that Long Fei will not want them.

This is the second time she's so worried in her life

The first time was being abandoned by my parents, alone in the wilderness, the feeling of loneliness, the feeling of the edge of life and death o

Long Fei looked at them and exhaled, and said, "Okay, then come with me, the Heavenly Remnant Sect should also be helpful to your Cultivation Base."

Heavenly Remnant Sect, one of the top ten Sects of Devil Island

Wuxiu Palace o

Any Practitioner wants to go in, if they can enter the Heavenly Cancelled Sect, it can be regarded as a place for them.

The two women immediately laughed when they heard Long Fei's permission.

Mu Bing blushed even more, and whispered, "We still have three escorts for you."

Lu Qin's eyes were stunned, and he stared at Mu Bing and said, "Junior sister, you are thinking of spring."

"Senior sister, you are not the same."

"Little Nizi, dare to say senior sister, see if I don't hit you"

"Sect Leader, help!"


two days later

Tianyan City o

The three of Long Fei returned to Lan's house, and Li Ruhua waited at the gate of the city every day. She also treated Long Fei as a relative.

this time o

Lei Jiubai was unwilling to go to the Heavenly Remnant Sect. He wanted to stay, but was finally persuaded by Lan Ya.

"One should look to a high place o"

"When you become a disciple of the Tian Can Sect, when you see the prosperity of the world, when you see everything clearly, you can look back, if you still like me, then I will always be here waiting for you o"

This is what Lan Ya said to Lei Jiu

Lei Jiu was stupid at the time

Lan Ya likes Lei Jiu, but he can't let Lei Jiu stay because Lei Jiu likes her. Men do what they should do. The only thing a Practitioner can do is to become stronger!

Lan Ya's Talent is not outstanding o

She couldn't reach the third rank Talent standard of Tian Can Sect, and she also longed to enter the Tian Can Sect, and she also had Lan Jiao on her shoulders.

Her father entrusted her with the burden of the Lan family, even if she gritted her teeth, she would have to carry it.

It is also true that she fully supports Long Fei. As Long Fei becomes stronger, he will also increase his influence for the Lan family.


three days later

"Heavenly Can't Sect messenger is here o"

An o sounded from outside the hall

Lan Ya was slightly taken aback, "It's more than three days later than the agreed time."

Without thinking too much, Lan Ya greeted her and went out in person.

The messengers from the left and right came very quickly. Seeing Lan Ya, the messenger left had a wicked smile on his face, and said, "Patriarch Lan, you've gotten prettier after not seeing you for a few days."

Lan Ya felt uncomfortable, but she still forced a smile and said, "The messenger is joking."

The left messenger said: "I'm not joking, if you want, as long as you stay with me for one night, I will make an exception to give you a special quota o"


There is no cover up, and there is a frivolity in his voice.

The sinister face full of evil took a fancy to Lan Ya, and wandered around her chest...

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