The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1760 Then Pretend To Be Coercive

A kind of auxiliary, a kind of Talento

Pill refining requires awareness of Spiritual herbs o

The refining tool must know how to remove the inscription pattern o

psychic o

How to harness the mind of Demonic Beasts and make contracts from it o

No matter what kind of auxiliary job Talent is one in ten thousand, it is extremely difficult to exist. As Elder said, these auxiliary jobs are far more noble than Practitioner.

Practitioner's Talent is low and weak. You can also cultivate slowly through acquired slaves. Although you can't reach a very high Realm, at least you can cultivate!

But these auxiliary jobs are different. If you don’t have an auxiliary job talent, you will never be able to step into this threshold in your life. This is the gap.

"Get out of the way for me, didn't you hear?"

Several disciples of the Tang family were aggressive

Tang Lie was the No. 1 in the first test, and the eighth-rank Talent showed, extremely mighty and extraordinary.

One person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven

Some of their followers are also arrogant.

Mu Bing and Lu Qin followed behind Long Fei and said, "Sect Leader, you don't need to compete with him"

"It's o"

"Tang Lie is not qualified to compete with you at all"

"Sect Leader, in our hearts, you are the best o"

The two women kept talking

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "You just don't have confidence in me?"

The two women were stunned

indeed o

Because they heard that Tang Lie is a very talented psychic, very powerful.

Long Fei is not an opponent

this time o

Tang Lie took a fancy to Long Fei with a slight smile and said, "You or me first?"

Long Fei said: "It doesn't matter o"

He doesn't care about Talent at all, he has a system, Talent is garbage, he doesn't need it at all!

From the very beginning, he was unable to cultivate because of Dantian's broken tendons, but he still came to the battlefield of the ancient gods from a lower plane?

Talent, useful to others, but to Long Fei?


Tang Lie smiled and said, "Since you are so confident, then you should go first."

But he sneered in his heart, "Boy, watch me humiliate you so much!"

Long Fei takes a step forward

The elder said, "Put your hand on this beast's head, and use your mind to sense its thoughts."

Long Fei put one hand on it, and his mind moved slightly.

after half a second o

The black stone on one side shows a faint light, and there is no o at all

The result came out o

The elder said: "The psychic talent is low and unqualified."



Tang Lie laughed loudly, pointed at Long Fei's nose, and said, "Everyone, come and see, this is our tenth-grade Talent disciple, hahaha..."

"Is he still a tenth-grade Talent?"

"Tenth-rank talent is omnipotent. This kind of psychic talent is not as strong as me, so this is also tenth-rank? Then am I not a hundred-rank?"

"It's o"

"I still have one thousand items."

Tang Lie stared at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, open your eyes to see clearly o"

"Look what Talent I am!"

The voice fell o

Tang Lie pressed o with one hand

after half a second o

The light on the black stone climbed one by one, and finally landed on the eighth quarter. The elders were completely stunned, staring at Tang Lie in astonishment, they could put an egg in their mouths.

"Eight Sections of Light O"

"Eighth-Rank Talent!"

"Too, too, too powerful!"

"Genius, super genius!"

The messengers from the left and right in the distance even couldn't keep their mouths shut, "Hehe..."

"Eighth-Rank Talent plus Eighth-Rank Psychic Talent, how high should this Sect reward points be?"



Surrounded by exclamations, envy o

Tang Lie looked at Long Fei and said, "Boy, if you still want to compare with me, you are not qualified at all, understand? It's easy to step on someone like you."

Long Fei said slightly: "Oh? Really?"

immediately o

Long Fei looked at a Demonic Beasts behind an Elder and said, "Elder, lend you a Demonic Beasts!"

Before the elder agrees, Long Fei has already walked up.

This is a mount

Long Fei walked in front of him, everyone was looking at him o

"What does he want to do?"

"Is there something wrong with this person?"

"What do you want to do?"

suddenly o

Long Fei's thoughts moved, his hands quickly formed seals, and dense rune fluorescent lights appeared centered on him.

Quick formation!

Psychic formation!

"How... how is it possible?"

"who is he?"

"How can such an advanced psychic technique be possible?"

"This,, this,, this is a psychic technique that no one in our psychic hall knows about o"

"Who is this kid?"

There are many types of psychics

Long Fei cultivation's spiritism is rewarded by the system, it is a god-level spiritism, its success rate is several times that of ordinary spiritism, and of course it is several times more difficult to master.


Fluorescent shock, slammed to the ground o

Directly cover that mount Demonic Beasts o

also in an instant

Sleeping Beauty's power moved slightly


The body of the mount trembled, stood up abruptly, and let out a roar, changing from the previous meekness, becoming manic, sturdy, and the aura emanating from the body was even more unscrupulous.


let out a roar, and in an instant o

The mount walked step by step in front of Long Fei, aggressively o

"Sect Leader, be careful!"

"Brother Fei!"

That Demonic Beasts is four meters high, a domineering Lion King o

Opening the mouth of the blood basin can swallow Long Fei instantly.

Just when everyone was worried, the lion king walked up to Long Fei and looked like a kitten, licking Long Fei's legs with a cute face.

"Through spirit beast!"


"My God, it's only a few seconds?"


"This, this is impossible at all?"

Silence all around

Everyone is stunned

The elders in the psychic hall were just like seeing the glowing baby, drooling while trotting up, "Sir, sire..."

"How did you do it?"

Elder identity directly calls Long Fei an adult o

This is the first time o

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "That's how I did it."

While speaking, he gestured with both hands a few times.

He immediately walked to Tang Lie's side and said, "Eighth-Rank Talent is very powerful? Very powerful? Very arrogant?"

"Are you still arrogant?"

Staring at Tang Lie without moving

Tang Lie's eyes narrowed.

A minion beside him shouted: "Long Fei, what kind of thing are you? It was just your luck just now."

Long Fei glanced at the corner of his eyes, "What kind of thing are you?"

talking room o

The Lion King suddenly roared at the disciple, opened the blood basin, and the momentum was extremely ferocious.

That Tang disciple was directly scared to pee his pants

extremely pale o

Long Fei stared at Tang Lie again and said, "Is it even better? The genius of the eighth-rank Talent?"

"Is it easy to step on me?"

"Are you qualified?"

Lu Qin smiled and said, "Brother Tang Lie, aren't you going to step on our Sect Leader? Who is stepping on who now? Eighth-rank Talent? Hahaha... Eighth-rank trash Talent is almost the same!"

at this time o

Sleeping Beauty said: "Report to the master, all Talents have been improved o"

"In this case……"

"Then let's pretend!"

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