The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1762 Teasing The Boss

All signs show that his mother is not simple o

goddess scroll o

The special memory control of the deadly scholar o

Then there is the current Octathlete, if it is not the owner of the system, Long Fei really can't imagine how it can be so strong, if it is not the system o

Then his mother...

It's just so powerful!

Xia Chuyuan looked at Long Fei who was in a daze, and said with a laugh, "You're causing a sensation in the Heavenly Remnant Sect all of a sudden, and the Inner Sect will probably cause a sensation."

"Boy, you're going to be on fire"

Long Fei scratched his head and said, "Elder Xia, don't laugh at me, I don't want to cultivate anything else, I just want to promote martial arts."

Auxiliary positions are auxiliary positions after all, and Long Fei's focus is not in this regard.

Xia Chuyuan said: "As an auxiliary, you can cultivate, it will not hinder you, and it will also provide more cultivation resources for your cultivation."


Xia Chuyuan stared at Long Fei curiously, and said, "Your data shows that your martial arts talent is third rank. I don't believe it. The eight auxiliary positions are all ten-rank talents. Your martial arts talent is definitely not low."

"Boy, tell me, what is your martial arts talent?"

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Guess what?"

Xia Chuyuan looked at Long Fei's smile and said, "Good boy o"

Long Fei didn't say it, but Xia Chuyuan had a feeling that Long Fei's talent is not low, and it may be tenth grade. If this is the case, then there is no gap between those super geniuses and the top ten disciples.

In this way, Can Zong's newcomer exchange meeting this year...


have fun o

Xia Chuyuan is excited

The quarrel around is getting louder and louder, and it has completely affected today's assessment.

If this continues, the assessment will be delayed.

Xia Chuyuan murmured, "What's going on?"

immediately o

Xia Chuyuan's voice sank, and the sound wave was like a wave, and it spread out in an instant, "Stop it for me!"



The sonic power visible to the naked eye spreads out from ring to ring, and the control is very good with ease, just avoiding those appraised disciples.

This control is very powerful

Long Fei couldn't help being shocked.

A sound fell, and the voices on the field were completely quieted down.

Some people turned around angrily, and immediately lowered their heads when they saw Xia Chuyuan. Xia Chuyuan is a very special existence in the Outer Sect, and few people dare to offend o

Some say he is a reformer o

have various rights

Some people say that he is a confidant of Sect Leader o

There are all kinds of discussions, but one thing has been confirmed, that is his strength, especially the strength of the sound wave power, it is difficult for the entire Heavenly Remnant Sect to have a second person.

"What's the system?"

"For a disciple, as for?" Xia Chuyuan said fiercely.

"As the elders of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, you are like a shrew, just like a three-year-old child. How do you let these assessment disciples see you?"

Xia Chuyuan walked to Long Fei's side and said, "You are arguing blindly, but do you know what Long Fei thinks?"

"I know the fight, what's the use of fighting?"

Xia Chuyuan said angrily, o

At this time o

An elder asked: "Brother Longfei, join us in the pill refining hall, I can assure you that from today onwards you will use the Medicine Pillo in the pill refining hall for free"

"The same is true for the Refining Hall."

"Kezhendo is also o"

"Beast Control Hall..."

"Spiritual Hall..."

Throwing olive branches one by one

What is the concept of using Medicine Pill for free?

This is the first time in the history of Tian Can Sect.

Long Fei's heart froze slightly. He really needs the support of Medicine Pill. After all, his 'blue medicine' is not infinitely consumed, and he needs the backing of Medicine Pill.

the same o

He also wants to have unlimited use of weapons o

Beast control, psychic...

Long Fei scratched his head and said, "Well, you are making me very embarrassed. Why don't you do this, I'll join your eight halls?"

The voice fell o




They all froze

Not only them, but even the surrounding disciples were also stunned.

Not a single disciple has joined the Eight Great Halls at the same time. should this be divided? How will you compare in the future?

In the end is that Tangkou's disciple?

For a while, the eight of them looked at each other, not knowing what to answer.

at this time o

Xia Chuyuan pondered for a moment, and his eyes brightened: "I see it!"

Everyone looks at him

Long Fei just said it casually, but Xia Chuyuan agreed to come down.

Xia Chuyuan said: "Tenth-rank Talent has infinite potential. He can bring you powerful reforms. Now what Tian Can Sect needs is reform."

"All kinds of traditional things at the entrance of the eight halls are too outdated and must be innovated in order to get out of the way of Tian Can Sect"

"I agree with Long Fei's proposal to join you in the eight halls"

at this time o


With a loud shock, Ma Fenglei came out.

There were two messengers on the left and right by his side, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Seeing Ma Fenglei, the disciples of the Heavenly Remnant Sect on the martial arts field, the Elder, all said in unison, "Elder!"

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, and secretly said in his heart, "He is the elder... er... Is there any situation?"

A golden light emanated from Ma Fenglei.

extremely dazzling o

like a golden man


"Hahaha... There is actually a boss, the first time he appeared on the stage as a boss, and... this bosso" Long Fei looked at Ma Fenglei and the name above his head was actually a yellow o

What does the yellow name mean?

It means that he may turn red at any time, and the red boss may attack himself at any time, attacking o

Thinking of the matter of speaking in Yixianfeng, he secretly said: "It seems that he moved his cake and made him very unhappy, so the name will turn into a yellow o"

"If...if he can turn his name into red and attack me actively, then I will have a chance to kill him. In this case, if I belong to legitimate defense, then I can justifiably explode the boss?"

want to hit these o

Long Fei grinned, "I'm so fucking smart, hahaha..."

"I just wanted to ask, who else?"

suddenly o

Long Fei said: "What nonsense, what's wrong with joining the eight hall entrance? I'm not joining your hall entrance, why stop me?"

With contempt in the tone

Long Fei smiled and said, "I'm a 10th-grade talent, eight all-around. You should kneel and lick my super genius."

Ma Fenglei was going to deal with Long Fei o㊣:㊣, ㊣

When the messengers on the left and right heard everything about Long Fei, especially the magic sword, he wanted to deal with Long Fei more and more.

This assessment caused him to lose a large amount of Spiritual Pill, and he must not let it go easily.

He was worried that he couldn't find a chance to be angry with Long Fei, but he didn't expect Long Fei to come to the door by himself. What is this called? It's called death!

Ma Fenglei was proud, "Boy, this is what you sent to death."

immediately o

Ma Fenglei squinted and shouted: "I don't know what the sky is, how dare you talk to me like this? Can't you find death?"

Long Fei sneered and said, "Courtesy of death? You have some kind of daddy to try!"

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