The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1764 Boss, Give Me A Blast!

How strong is the life-threatening scholar?

Long Fei didn't know!

But he knew that the bodyguard his mother left him must not be weak!

and o

The existence of a life-threatening scholar is a trump card of Long Fei

This hole card can not easily appear o

He will form an ace!

then o

What if the life-threatening scholar is weak? It's too embarrassing to die trying to stop a bullet for yourself

Long Fei wants to carry it by himself

This kind of situation is also a kind of trial for him. In the past, the blasting fist was unstoppable, and no one could stop it. Now that he is finally crushed, he must resist.

hard o

Do everything!


"Fighting mode, open!"


A bloody light appeared on Long Fei's body.

whole body red


"Boy, what if you can play Cultivation Technique? Eight-star Realm, you don't even have the qualification to lick my shoes, so kill me o"

"Also, give me everything you have, hahaha..."

Ma Fenglei screamed furiously

The strength of Prajna Sword Technique

The sword prints came surging from all directions, crushing them strongly.

Powerful killing!

Xia Chuyuan's heart is deadly, he would rather die than see Long Fei die, because he sees a trace of hope in Long Fei's rise of the Heavenly Remnant Sect.

But now... that hope is about to be dashed o


"Long Fei, Long Fei, why didn't you listen to the persuasion? Why did you suddenly become so irritable?" Xia Chuyuan felt bitter in his heart, "A super genius is about to die prematurely."


"Why do you have to?"

incomparable pain

Xia Chuyuan watched the elder stab with his sword, his eyes closed slightly, and he didn't dare to look any further.

In this case, Long Fei will die!

A Cultivation Base of an eight-star god, any opponent of a green star ninth-grade powerhouse? Devil Island grading, star, yellow star, green star, blue star, red star, purple star, black star, silver star, gold star... 1 to 9 ranks o

Totally impossible!

Everyone thinks that Long Fei will die

The life-threatening scholar who hid in the dark quietly did not disappear as Long Fei said. He was staring at Ma Fenglei, he would never let Long Fei get hurt.

and o

There is an extra sword in his hand!

His Realm a very scary being o

However, he himself does not know

How could the person Mu Wan'er was looking for be weak?

At this moment, Long Fei is in the fighting mode, all attributes have been improved, and at this moment, his fists sank, "Om!"

Explosive power surges o

He raised his eyes, raised the corner of his mouth, and said slightly, "Enter the attack range!"

"you are dead!"

Ma Fenglei smiled coldly and said, "Boy, what did you just say?"

Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, "Om!"

The Hurricane Burst God Fist was ready, Long Fei showed a death-like smile and said word by word: "I said, you, die!"

word by word

Kill every word!


Ma Fenglei laughed, "You're right, you're dead!"

stab o with a sword

Everyone's eyes are tight

In the nick of time o

Long Fei slammed his fists and slammed into the sky, "Blast God Fist!"

"Boom, boom!"

Two streams of light shot out from the fist, attacked from left to right, and slammed into Ma Fenglei like a tracking missile. At this moment, Ma Fenglei's sword stabbed, as fast as lightning.

In this case o

"Hurry up……"

Speed, speed!

It's about speed!

If Ma Fenglei's sword move comes first, Long Fei will surely die!

he will die first

In this case, even if you kill Ma Fenglei, it will be useless.


Long Fei glared, there was no time to summon the Holy Spirit Angel, and there was no Cultivation Technique to release.

Now he can only bite the bullet and wait!

life on the line o

It's a bad feeling


almost at the same time

The blasting fist fell, Ma Fenglei's Prajna sword stabbed, and the two forces exploded at the same time.



Long Fei's body burst back, the long sword pierced into his body, and the powerful Prajna Buddha imprint slammed into his body unscrupulously, making it extremely uncomfortable.

Sleeping Beauty was suddenly awakened and said, "Master, what happened?"




"System prompt: player Long Fei' pill refining Talent is broken!"


"System prompt: player Long Fei's 'refiner Talent' is broken!"


"System prompt: player Long Fei's 'Carved Talent' is broken!"


One after another beep sound o

The eight auxiliary roles of Cultivation Technique's Talent plus his martial arts Talent were all shattered. This was transformed by Sleeping Beauty, not part of the system. The moment Prajna Sword intent rushed into Long Fei's body, his body subconsciously automatically Defense, and the Talents transformed by Sleeping Beauty bore the brunt, and they were all shattered by the shock.

extremely uncomfortable o

In one thought, everything collapsed!

It is also because of these eight talents that Long Fei is proud of his life, otherwise, his current mind will be cut off, and the sea of ​​consciousness will be broken.

Prajna Sword Technique Ma Fenglei has cultivated for a lifetime, and has reached the peak of cultivation. Realm, its power is too powerful.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Long Fei's face was pale, he checked the health on the top of his head, and secretly said: "Damn, almost!"

Ma Fenglei looked at Long Fei with a sneer and said, "I didn't expect you to die, but... your Talent has been cut off, right?"

"You're already a waste now, hahaha..."


"This sword, I will cut off your life palace!"

Long Fei stood firm and said slightly: "Elder, do you still have strength? Can't you feel that you are already in Death?"

The voice fell o


With an explosion, a hole was suddenly blown out of his chest.

blood pouring out

Ma Fenglei's pupils shrank, and he shouted, "I,, I can't, I, boy, you,,, you, you, you"

"You, you, your sister's o" Long Fei wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, he didn't care about a few Talents, he had the system in hand, even if he had a bad Talent, he didn't care, o

so o

The Talents transformed by Sleeping Beauty were all torn apart, and Long Fei didn't care.

But o

Sleeping Beauty was very concerned, even her tears came out o

Not because these Talents were destroyed, but because of how much pain Long Fei would have to endure when these Talents were destroyed o

It's so sad o

"Sister, don't cry, as long as you like it, you can give me a makeover." Long Fei felt Sleeping Beauty's tears.

Sleeping Beauty shook her head and said: "It's impossible to transform, even if I can, I won't help you transform, I'm sorry master, I forced my own thinking on you, I want you to be perfect, I was wrong, I'm sorry I made you suffer too much o"


"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'd be dead o" Long Fei knew very well that if these super talents didn't share the damage for him, he would be dead now o

"no no……"


"Save me, save me, I don't want to die o"

this time o

The big elder yelled and went mad.

His body kept exploding

Every time it explodes, the health above his head is reduced by a chunk o

last o

Skull burst, blood volume bottomed out o

Long Fei grinned gloomily and said, "Boss, give me a blast, hahaha!"

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