The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1768: The Scholar With A Fantastic Style

Chapter 1768 The arrogant scholar

The sound comes from the dark

From the life-threatening scholar o

More from the voice that controls his consciousness

Watching Long Fei hover in mid-air, when his life was on the line, he couldn't control it at all.

At the moment when Fang Tianhan's Nine Heavens' killing intent poured into Long Fei's heart, his face was suddenly startled, his pupils shrank like wheat awns, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

this moment o



White shadow flashed o

Fang Tianhan's body shot out directly, fell to the ground, and rolled all the way, and the bluestone shattered wherever he went, as if a heavy machine had rolled his face.


He hit the wall and stopped, "Pfft..."

He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale, and his eyes were weak.

Just for a moment

He... can't even see anyone!

He only saw a string of white shadows, and then the sword that could not be avoided. It was too strong, his mind was completely crushed, and even the killing intent space of the Nine Heavens he released was instantly shattered.

One-shot kill!


"Get me out!"

Fang Tianhan roared angrily and searched for o

The people around were even more astonished, their eyes were dull, looking at Fang Tianhan, he didn't know what was going on, everything was like a dream.

What's the matter?

How could Fang Tianhan appear there?

Who got it? didn't see it

Did that kid do it? No way, he's in a coma

Is that the case?


They were all stunned, and they didn't know what happened at that moment.


"Who is it? Give it to me!" Fang Tianhan struggled to get up. He had never suffered such a loss, never

The anger in my heart is surging, extremely unhappy o

He is the first disciple of the Heavenly Remnant Sect.

He is the strongest disciple of the Heavenly Remnant Sect for hundreds of years.

The current Tian Can Sect relies on him to support the facade,

Who dares to touch him?

He was so embarrassed that he was so embarrassed. In an instant, Fang Tianhan rushed out, "If you don't come out, will you? If you don't come out, then he will die!"

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The speed is like a gust of wind, constantly flickering, constantly changing position o

in the right hand

When the long sword moved, the surging Sword intent carried a strong killing intent.

A bright red blood light flashed in his eyes.

Eyes are full of bloodshots!

Hearts Demon is out of control o

Fang Tianhan stared at Long Fei who was in a coma and said, "I don't think you can get out!"


A sword drags the ground, pulls the ground and rolls

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A visible Sword Qi shot up all the way. If it hits Long Fei, his body will be split in half, and his current HP can no longer withstand any damage.


"See how you hide..."

The voice is not finished o

Fang Tianhan suddenly stopped.

When he raised his eyes, his heart suddenly trembled, "Nine Heavens... Nine Heavens,,,, Nine Heavens ten places... the killing intent space, I,,, I,,,, you,,, you,, what are you? who is it?"

His position suddenly changed o

Completely inadvertently, he did not find anything at all, and directly entered the killing intent space of the Nine Heavens.

How strong is this?

The killing intent of the Nine Heavens is much more powerful than his cultivation.

This made Fang Tianhan's heart sink again and again, "Who are you, who are you?"

tell the truth o

Fang Tianhan asked who the life-threatening scholar was, but he didn't know himself, how should he answer?

and o

He didn't even know what the Nine Heavens killing intent space he had released was, he only knew that he could release it, especially when he saw Fang Tianhan use this move, his consciousness seemed to wake up a little bit. Naturally master the key to the ten places of Nine Heavens

released naturally

He doesn't even know what's going on

How strong is it?

How deep?

totally no idea!


The Sword Qi released by Fang Tianhan was cut off, and at the same time his body was suspended uncontrollably, and the killing intent of Nine Heavens all poured into his heart.

First Stageo


He knows what that scene is

Fang Tianhan is scared

This was the first time in his history that he felt scared, his face was pale, he kept struggling, and kept yelling, "Let me go, let me go..."

Killing intent surged, filling his body o

final o

Fang Tianhan even begged for mercy: "Let me go, please, let me go, I don't dare anymore, don't kill me, don't kill me, please, don't kill me o"

The life-threatening scholar did not stop o

Murder is still rampant

In the killing intent space of Nine Heavens, Fang Tianhan has no resistance at all.

The surrounding Elders reacted o

Especially the Inner Sect Elders who came with Fang Tianhan, they all looked anxious and said loudly: "This is the Heavenly Remnant Sect, if you dare to touch him, we will definitely hunt him down to the end."

"Let him go!"

"Let him go quickly"


Who is Fang Tianhan?

Known as the disciple of the hope of the Heavenly Remnant Sect o

If something happens to him, then this year's exchange meeting Tian Can Sect will definitely be squeezed down. Once he loses the position of the top ten Sect, it will be even more difficult in the future.

Many Elders are extremely anxious in their hearts.

Even Xia Chuyuan couldn't help but say: "I don't know which adult, please raise your hand and spare his life o"

Killing intent is still surging

did not stop o

Fang Tianhan's body trembled, pitifully begging for mercy

suddenly o

the sky sinks

A golden light flashed down, and a middle-aged man in a golden robe descended from the sky.

at this moment o

Fang Tianhan released and grabbed a life-saving straw, "Master, save me!"


"The Sect Leader is here!"

Tian Can Sect Leader, Zhang Sanqian!

The first strong man of the Heavenly Remnant Sect

He fell suddenly, and the long sword moved, "Om..."

In all directions, the long swords around all the disciples were humming and making trembling sounds, Sword intent heaven-defying as powerful, a sword came out...


The Nine Heavens Ten Killing Spaces released by the deadly scholar were cut off.

Fang Tianhan also fell from the air, his face pale with fright, he roared and scolded: "God, now my master is here, you have to die!"

Zhang Sanqian swept his eyes, stared at one place, and said, "How can you know the killing intent space of Nine Heavens?"

Don't wait for him to finish o

The life-threatening scholar stared at Fang Tianhan again.

Fang Tianhan really walked towards Long Fei.

Zhang Sanqian's eyes tightened, and his figure turned into a meteor.

also at this moment

A flash of white shadow

The two Sword intents collided suddenly

The golden light is shining, and the o is bounced off at the same time.

Are the Cultivation Bases of the two on par?

Zhang Sanqian's heart trembled, not because of the Cultivation Base that killed the scholar, but because of the breath on his body, which was exactly the same as the breath on the disciples of the Tian Can Sect.

It's like the life-threatening scholar is a strong person cultivated in the Tian Can Sect.

who is it?

Except for those retired elders, Tian Canzong has no opponents who can match him.

Who is the same age as him?

Zhang Sanqian's heart was turned upside down

But o

The life-threatening scholar moved again, at this moment...

Zhang Sanqian's face changed greatly, "The Second Stage of the Nine Heavens Ten Killing Intent Space..."

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