The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1770 I Can Bear It!

Chapter 1770 I can bear it!

A person without rank talent is a waste to the traditional concept of Devil Island!

No matter how strong your previous Talent is

Talent is abolished, then you are destined to be a waste, something that can't be changed in your life.

so o

This is an era that focuses on talent o

Just like a world on earth that looks at faces and money

just o

Xia Chuyuan didn't give up, stepped forward and walked to the center of the Great Hall and said, "I want to ask, what is the Cultivation Base Realm of Outer Sect Second Elder? Green Star Nine-Rank Realm, right?"

"What is the Cultivation Base Realm after Long Fei Talent was abolished?"

"Nine Star Gods, right?"

"There is a difference of two big Realms. Let me ask, who can do the nine-star gods to kill the green star ninth-grade people? I just want to ask, who can do it!"

"Neither of us!"

"he can!"

Everyone is silent

Forcibly leapfrog kills, and they are two big Realms, who can do it?

Fang Tianhan can't either!

He is a tenth-grade martial arts talent, and he can't do it at all.

How hard is it to kill by leaps and bounds?

In their perception, this is almost impossible. The more two big Realms kill, the more impossible it is.

An Inner Sect Elders said slightly: "It's true that no one can do it, but Elder Xia, he killed people, killed the two elders of the Candid Sect, if you don't deal with him, how do you let the rest of the Candid Sect view this? matter?"

"Murder should be killed

"You dare to kill if you are not a disciple of the Heavenly Remnant Sect. If you become a disciple of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, wouldn't you want to kill us all?"

"Can't stay!"

People still oppose

Xia Chuyuan clenched his fists tightly, and when he walked to the Great Hall, he suddenly knelt down and said, "Sect Leader, I, Xia Chuyuan, are willing to bet everything!"

Zhang Sanqian's eyes tightened slightly.

The whole Great Hall is also quiet for it o

Most people don't know the identity of Xia Chuyuan, but some people know that he and Sect Leader are close friends, and he is also the descendant of a strong man in the Tian Can Sect.

Kneeling down suddenly, startling everyone

"Elder Xia, why are you doing this?"

"You are acting on your own o"

"that is!"


Zhang Sanqian exhaled softly and said slightly: "Let Long Fei become a registered disciple of the Tian Can Sect, and can't get involved in the internal affairs of the Tian Can Sect, and can't get close to any secrets."

"Within three years, if he performs well, let him become a formal disciple o"

"If he doesn't want to, he can leave on his own!"

Xia Chuyuan immediately said: "Thank you Sect Leader!"

As long as it is a disciple of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, it doesn't matter whether it is a nominal or a formal disciple, and... there are still three years o

With Long Fei's talent, he will definitely become an official disciple o

and o

Nominal disciple does not affect any selection battle o

Numerous elders sighed slightly, although they were not satisfied, they also accepted o

A mere nominal disciple, insignificant

and o

It's too easy to make a nominal disciple disappear!


Parliament disperses o

In Zhang Sanqian's courtyard

"Chuyuan, are you so sure that this kid must be the hope of Tian Can Sect?" Zhang Sanqian asked suspiciously, he never saw Xia Chuyuan kneeling to himself for a disciple.

It's a big decision

Xia Chuyuan smiled and said, "Dage, didn't you put your hope in him yourself?"

"Since you detained Fang Tianhan and imprisoned Long Fei, didn't you just want to keep Long Fei?"


Zhang Sanqian wanted to keep Long Fei

but o

At that time, he wanted to know who the life-threatening scholar was and why he wanted to protect Long Fei.

Zhang Sanqian was slightly taken aback, smiled, and said, "Is he really worth our expectations?"

Xia Chuyuan said decisively: "It's worth it!"

"I hope so!"

Zhang Sanqian smiled bitterly. As the Heavenly Remnant Sect Leader, he couldn't do many things. The Heavenly Remnant Sect was withering day by day, and the elders inside colluded with each other and took bribes privately. The Heavenly Remnant Sect was rotten from the core.

he wants to reform o

but o

struggling o

Fresh blood has to be injected to change all of this o

When he thought Fang Tianhan was the one he was waiting for, he failed again and again at the exchange meeting of the top ten sectors, which made him lose face.

What made him even more sad was that Fang Tianhan had gradually become uncontrollable and started to fall down on the other side.

He is not optimistic about the appearance of Long Fei

Talent was abolished, he is now like a waste person, even if Xia Chuyuan is full of confidence, he is still not optimistic, after all Talent is gone.

Rise with what?

I am afraid that within a few days, some elders who are "concerned" will be pushed out of the mountain gate, and maybe they will be killed directly.

And all this, he can't intervene o

Xia Chuyuan is the same

He can only protect the dragon flying once, but not the second time o


"It's up to fate." Zhang Sanqian smiled bitterly, and then asked, "How about the other disciples recruited by Sect this year?"

Xia Chuyuan frowned and said, "The ten disciples were all divided up by them. I didn't see the other disciples, but I saw Nie Lin, who was the third in the top ten disciples."

"Nie Lin of the Xuanyang Sect?" Zhang Sanqian said slightly, "She is a peerless genius of the top ten martial arts talents."

“Not only that o”

"She is also a psychic powerhouse with a super-tenth-grade Talent. She subdued a rebellious iron-armed eagle in just three seconds. This year's newcomer exchange meeting, I'm afraid..." Nie Lin subdued appeared in Xia Chuyuan's mind. The picture of the iron-armed eagle is so shocking, it is beyond shocking

Zhang Sanqian was also shocked, "The martial arts talent of the super tenth grade, plus the psychic talent of the super tenth grade, this is only the third disciple."

"Looks like our Heavenly Remnant Sect is about to become a laughing stock again."


The Heavenly Remnant Sect is getting weaker and weaker, and he is not good at being a Sect Leader.

If he loses again this year, I'm afraid his position will be emptied.


The next day, early morning o

Xia Chuyuan came to the place where Long Fei was imprisoned and told him the result.

"Do you have any objection?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "No, no o at all"

Xia Chuyuan sighed and said, "It's all my fault that I don't have enough power, otherwise..."

Long Fei said: "Elder Xia, don't say that. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the result would be different. We're afraid we're going to die here."

Long Fei is a man of understanding

Long Fei said with a smile: "Elder Xia, don't worry, I will be in the Heavenly Remnant Sect and will not leave. You can rest assured about this."

The purpose of his coming to the Heavenly Remnant Sect has not yet been achieved.

he definitely won't leave o

In the past, it was to find a way for his mother to leave Devil Island, but now... he has a few more things, such as crushing Fang Tianhan! Not with skills, but with his own strength to crush him!

Xia Chuyuan put down the big stone in his heart and said, "It's great that you can think like this."

"but o"

"Long Fei, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you in the future. You have to face everything yourself."

Long Fei nodded and said, "I can handle it!"

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