The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1786 Explosion, Golden Dragon Violent Armor

Chapter 1786 Explosion, Golden Dragon Violent Armor

If it wasn't for the scholar's quick action just now, the clothes on Bawanghua's body might be...

Others can't see it, but who is Long Fei?

How could he not see the methods of Guo Ling, this insidious and despicable thing?

Like to fight?

Then daddy will play with you!

Bawanghua firmly grasped Long Feipi's clothes, which might fall off at any time, and hurriedly said, "Don't fight him, he has a protective body armor on him."

She didn't expect that Guo Ling actually had a protective body armor on her body, otherwise she would definitely win with a move just now.

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Fool, how can I make you feel wronged?"

The protective body armor on Guo Ling's body is not to deal with beings, but to guard against Overlord Flower. Besides, Long Fei pretends to know nothing on the surface. In fact, he knows that Overlord Flower is very aggrieved and almost strips naked. On the stage of life and death, what kind of grievance is this for a girl to be stripped naked in public?

If this tone is not reported, Long Fei is really not a man.

Guo Ling sneered: "Fight me? Do you have the qualifications to fight me? Goofy, you are a nominal disciple, you are only qualified to be beaten by me, understand?"

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly and said, "Don't you dare?"


"I can not?"

"You bastard, I'm afraid of killing you." Guo Ling said contemptuously. Although Long Fei was a nominal disciple, if he really wanted to kill him, he would cause some minor troubles.


Guo Ling really wanted to step on Long Fei under his feet and trample Long Fei to death in front of Overlord Flower, so that we can compare how rubbish Long Fei is and how poor Overlord Flower's vision is.

This will show his superiority!

Guo Ling rolled his eyes slightly and said, "Unless you dare to sign a life and death certificate"

I haven't finished speaking yet

Long Fei walked to the edge of the platform of life and death, and waved the big pen twice. The word 'Long Fei' written in traditional Chinese was extremely domineering and had killing intent.


"He signed first!"

"Life and death!"

"Is this kid crazy?"

"What are you doing?"

"A sign of life and death, regardless of life or death, is he crazy?"

The moment Long Fei signed his name, there was an uproar around him.

If you don't sign the life and death test, you will be subject to some restrictions. After all, human life is not a child's play, but if you sign the life and death certificate, it will be endless, life and death will be determined by the sky.

Long Fei didn't even think about it

Overlord flower has no time to stop o

Seeing Long Fei sign her name, her heart sank suddenly and she stayed in place.


"Hahaha..." Guo Ling laughed loudly and said, "Boy, you are going to die!"

Long Fei said slightly: "You also sign your name, otherwise there will be unnecessary trouble later."

"rest assured!"

"I'll definitely sign my name, otherwise I'll be in trouble later." Guo Ling stepped forward, picked up the pen and swiped twice, and signed his own name.

back to life and death

An elder glanced at the life and death form, and said slightly: "The life and death form has been signed, and there is no end to death. Life and death are up to heaven."

"The fight begins!"

The voice fell o

Guo Ling grinned gloomily and said, "Damn, daddy has been waiting for this moment for a long time, watch it, I will step on you in front of my junior sister, and I will prove her choice with actions. stupid!"

Long Fei scratched his ears and asked, "Have you finished?"

"finished o"

"Then you will die."

in an instant o

Long Fei sank his fists, "Boom, boom!"

Two loud bangs o

Long Fei's arm moved with two powerful forces, just like Luffy in One Piece using the third block, his arms were red, and the dragon-shaped mark on his arm became hideous.


"Waste thing, how dare you stand in front of me, daddy asks you to find what is called the gap?" Guo Ling roared, the long sword in his hand hesitantly


Dozens of Sword Techniques, flying all over the sky, strongly crushing Long Fei o

Compete for strength?

Long Fei is really not as good as Guo Ling

but o

He has a plug-in!

Without waiting for Guo Ling to rush up, Long Fei moved his fists and slammed it out. He roared heavily in his heart, "Hurricane Blast God Fist, damn it, it won't kill you!"

"Boom, boom!"

Above the fists, two streamers flickered out.

Directly double-team left and right, hit Guo Ling's body o

Guo Ling sneered and said, "Talent has been abolished, and you still want to hurt me with your powerless waste? I have a body protection spirit armor..."

Long Fei grinned, "mentally retarded!"



Guo Ling's body suddenly exploded, half of the body exploded, half of the blood tank disappeared, followed by another explosion, and the remaining half of the body also exploded.

Half of the body is gone

Blood volume bottomed out

Double fist kill o

Moreover, after the fists were blasted out, Long Fei didn't look at Guo Ling, because he was sure to die!

Long Fei didn't want to waste time talking to him, just punching you to death!

The audience was amazed

too soon o

It's approaching that many people are not ready, and they are thinking in their hearts that Guo Ling wants to ravage Long Fei so much, how can he humiliate Long Fei, but... the plot is too fast anyway, and the brain can't accept it at all.

What is the situation?

totally dumbfounded

Even several elders were blindfolded, watching Guo Ling's body explode in half in an instant, they wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Just when everyone was in the dark, the system sounded a prompt o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Guo Ling' to gain 25,000 experience points, 2,500 divine power points, and 1 perverted energy point o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Golden Silkworm Spirit Armor'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."

"Release abnormal energy value, golden silkworm spirit armor!"

Long Fei didn't even think about it

He wants to send something to Huahua, but he can't send something from Guo Ling, right? Moreover, the body protection Lin Lingjia of the golden silkworm spirit armor is not at all high-grade, how can Long Fei be able to do it?

After the abnormal energy value is injected, it will be different o


"Injection of abnormal energy value!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Golden Dragon Violent Armor'"

The system beep goes off

Long Fei immediately turned on the system to check, and saw the 'Golden Dragon Violent Armor' attribute in his eyes flashing with brilliance, "Awesome, this thing has defenses, and it can burst into powerful violence, and the most important thing is the power of the golden dragon! "


Long Fei was secretly excited

However o

Everyone around is looking at him

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he said domineeringly: "What are you looking at? If anyone is upset, I will challenge again tomorrow, one daddy a day!"

Overlord Hua said in a very arrogant manner, "Long Fei is my man, if anyone dares to rob me, I will abolish her!"

The whole place is silent

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