The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1791 Mushroom Array, Exploded

Chapter 1791 Mushroom array, exploded

"Everyone is fettered o"

"Escape from the Heavenly Remnant Sect? Hmph, it depends on whether the people around you have such good luck!" Luo Wanhong laughed gloomily.

Do things by unscrupulous means o

As long as the result, regardless of the process o

Satisfied with the result

The person Zhang Sanqian did not hesitate to fight with him to protect, then he must kill!

He knows very well what kind of person Zhang Sanqian is, and he can protect him desperately. It can be seen that Long Fei must not be simple. Talent can still be valued so much when he is deposed.

"Long Fei, what are you hiding?" Luo Wanhong narrowed his eyes slightly.






Long Fei gasped heavily, and after leaving the gate of the Heavenly Cancellation Sect, he tried his best to run away.

He knew very well that Zhang Sanqian was protecting him.

The more Zhang Sanqian protects, the more the boss's power will not let him go. He must rush out of the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Remnant Sect with all his strength.

Because that's the only way to save lives!

When he left the Candid Sect, he didn't even rush to tell Bawanghua, and he didn't even know the whereabouts of Mu Bing, Lu Qin, Lei Jiu and the others.

Looking at the Heavenly Remnant Sect in the distance, Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, "Daddy will come back!"

suddenly o

There was a slight commotion in the distant forest o

The life-threatening scholar said slightly: "Someone is chasing after him!"

Long Fei's heart tightened, "What a fast speed!"

"Then see how fast you guys are o"

a thought o

Long Fei planted a 'mushroom', and immediately shouted, "Daddy is here!"

The life-threatening scholar is puzzled

I don't even understand why Long Fei suddenly planted a huge half-human-high mushroom. What was that?

I don't understand at all

Long Fei was also frightened by the huge mushroom. He didn't expect the mushroom to be so big. Is it still called a mushroom? This is a super giant mushroom

"If this is planted in a lol game, the computer screen will be blown away." Long Fei had a lingering fear in his heart.

at this time o

One or four people rushed out of the woods

Looking at Long Fei not far away, one of them immediately shouted, "He is Long Fei!"


"Look where you run away!"

talking room o

The four rushed to Long Fei at the same time

Long Fei stood on the spot and sneered: "Just you idiots who want to hunt down daddy? Just your speed, it's too slow o damn rubbish, get out of the way o"

getting closer

getting closer

Moreover, the four are all Inner Sect elite disciples.

Cultivation Base is not weak o

The coercion of the four people rolled up at the same time, Long Fei's body sank slightly, and Long Fei cursed in his heart, but he did not retreat.

The life-threatening scholar frowned and said, "Dangerous!"

Long Fei waved his hand and said, "Don't worry!"

Just the moment the four rushed to Long Fei


earth shakes

loud noise o

This f*ck is the explosion of mushrooms?

This is simply a cannon, a thunder in the sky!

It's a complete mess o

At the same time, the speed of the four people instantly became like ants, and the blood tank above their heads quickly bottomed out, and the whole body was glowing with poisonous green light.

after three seconds o



A few screams sounded o

All four fell to the ground, and the system continuously sounded four beeps.

"Ding, ding, ding..."

The life-threatening scholars on one side are all dumbfounded.

He stared at Long Fei with a sinister smile on his face with blindfolded eyes. He himself was in a dazed state.

at this time o

Long Fei did not leave, and planted another mushroom directly beside the bodies of the four. With a hook on his mouth, he smiled grimly: "Daddy can't kill you, hahaha..."

then o

Long Fei left slowly

The life-threatening scholar was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. After chasing Long Fei, he couldn't help but ask, "What is that?"

Long Fei smiled sinisterly: "Good stuff!"

ten minutes later


Another loud bang

after a few seconds o



The system sounded a series of beeps again, and Long Fei's experience value rose a lot again, "This cheap feeling is so cool, hahaha..."

All you need to play Teemo is a cheap word o

Slutty slut!

Hard to guard against!

For the next day, an explosion sounded from time to time in the forest.

Where would they know about 'mushrooms'?

and o

They don't have real eyes, and they don't have scans, as long as they touch it, it's a dead, o

Invincible general!

In just one day, Long Fei's experience value has increased by more than half, but... only one mushroom has been consumed.

This is the most painful place for Long Fei

But o

Those who chased Long Fei never came after o

Every step they take now is extremely careful. Two days later, they lost the direction of Long Fei directly, and the remaining people had to go back to the Heavenly Remnant Sect.

The situation of the Heavenly Remnant Sect is different.

Overlord Flower obviously feels that she is being watched o

not only her

In another place, Mu Bing, Lu Qin, and Lei Jiu were all under surveillance.

The elder was not in a hurry to move them, but was waiting!

Since Long Fei has not been caught, he will come back sooner or later. By then...



"The mushroom array is really cool, but there are too few mushrooms. If you give me a thousand mushrooms, I won't even know the fuck." Long Fei murmured in his heart.

After three days and three nights of attack, Long Fei has reached the depths of the mountains.

a place I don't know at all

The only good thing is that he can clearly sense the presence of Demonic Beasts around him.

"All right!"

"It's time to upgrade!"

"I hope the upgrade can reward some mushrooms, that's cool o" Long Fei said slightly: "Death-killing scholar, I need you to help me next."

The life-threatening scholar said: "You said o"

Anyway, he can't leave Long Fei, the thought in his mind won't let him leave o

Idle is boring

It's better to exercise

and o

He found that there were too many unknowns and too many secrets in Long Fei, and he always felt that these had a very strong connection with him.

As for his own identity, the control idea in his mind, he wants to know, and the only person in this world who can give him the answer is probably only Long Fei.

"Now I need to hunt Demonic Beastso"

"I need to hunt o fast"

"Besides, when I didn't say I wanted to help, I hope you'll be watching from the side." Long Fei said, he wanted to rely on his own power.

While hunting, his strength, speed, and reflexes all need to be improved in this exercise, o

Practical experience is very important!

The life-threatening scholar nodded, "Got it"

Long Fei said: "Okay, now attract Demonic Beasts to me, I'm going to kill, I'm going to experience Hurricane!!"

"Two and a half months!"

"Tian Can Zong, **oss, daddy will definitely go back, wait!"

Thanks for the support!

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