The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1795 Sit Down

Chapter 1795 Sit down

The life-threatening scholar did not express his doubts o

because o

He also wanted to go down and find out, he wanted to know what else was hidden underneath.

Long Fei came to the edge of the cliff, looked at the bottomless abyss, and said, "How do we go down?"

His current Cultivation Base is still unable to fly on Devil Island o

How deep is such an invisible abyss? It's not clear, unless you can have a flying pet, otherwise you basically can't get down.

"This is embarrassing!"

Long Fei changed several places, but he didn't see the bottom of the abyss, nor did he find a way to go down.

at this time o


A sharp eagle cry sounded, and the iron-armed eagle stood on a group of people on its back, swooped down directly, and rushed into the abyss.

Long Fei's eyes were slightly taken aback, and he looked at the man on the back of the iron-armed eagle and said, "Isn't that girl Nie Lin of Xuanyang Sect?"

For beauties, Long Fei can never forget

"Could it be that they also went to the boss?" Long Fei's eyes tightened, "Although you are a beautiful woman, I can't let you rob the boss!"

Just when Long Fei was about to jump down, in another place, the three-headed iron-armed eagle swooped down into the abyss. Others could not be seen clearly, but the servant Long Fei on them could see clearly, "Xiaoyao Palace!"

"Damn, it's really haunted.

"Could it be that their goal is also... No, they should have followed Nie Lin, and the goal should be her." Long Fei's heart tightened, "Dare to attack a beautiful girl? It's your misfortune to be met by me."


Long Fei said slightly: "Scholar, you have figured out a way yourself, I'll go down first."

finish o

Long Fei rushed out in one step and jumped directly into the abyss.

howling wind

The speed of the free fall creates a huge friction with the air. This feeling is so refreshing. Long Fei roared, "Ah..."

The life-threatening scholar is dumbfounded

Is Long Fei crazy?

Jumping down suddenly, in the absence of any flying beasts, jumping down is like an existence seeking death.

He was secretly worried

As soon as the figure moved, a long sword was on his body, his body fell on the long sword, and he rushed down directly.

At this time, he was stunned again, "Can I fly with the sword?"

he himself doesn't know

When did you learn to fly with the sword?

Completely confused, but he doesn't have the heart to think so much now, the only thing now is to catch up with Long Fei, who is in free fall, otherwise Long Fei will not be smashed into meat, but into meat patties.




The strong wind blew past his ears, his eardrums were about to burst, and Long Fei was facing down. He had to see the distance between himself and the ground, because only in this way could he calculate the time needed!



The life-threatening scholar is chasing after o


"I sensed that there is a super war beast in the abyss, and their purpose is that war beast, the sleeping war beast," said the elder of Xiaoyao Palace excitedly.

"Elder, look, there are words on the rock wall!"

A disciple pointed at the rock wall o

Three huge characters are carved on the rock wall, Xianyuan Cliff!

"Xianyuan Cliff?" The Elder of Xiaoyao Palace looked at the three characters of dragon flying and phoenix dance, and frowned, "Xianyuan Cliff, why does this place sound familiar?"

An old man beside him said: "Elder, this place is very close to the Candid Sect. This Immortal Abyss Cliff was discovered by the flying goddess of the Candid Sect a thousand years ago, and there is a Immortal Cave hidden in it. rise o"


"right here!"

The Elder of Xiaoyao Palace exclaimed excitedly, "The Heavenly Remnant Sect has risen from the goddess of the sky and the treasure under the Xianyuan Cliff, but no one knows where the Xianyuan Cliff is. I didn't expect that we would find it today."


The Elder of Xiaoyao Palace laughed a few times, "I'm afraid there should be nothing inside!"


Thousands of years have passed, and the things in Xianyuan Cliff may have been taken away by Tian Can Sect, but he thought about it and immediately felt that something was wrong.

because o

If there is no treasure in this Xianyuan Cliff, the Fire Snake will definitely not sleep here. It is a guardian beast, and there must be something to protect.

And the thing guarded by this super beast might be a giant treasure!

Thinking of these Xiaoyao Palace elders with red light on their faces, excitement flashed in their eyes, and ordered: "Go ahead at full speed!"

"You must dare to rush to o in front of those people in Xuanyangzong"

A disciple asked, "Elder, what about Nie Lin?"

The Elder of Xiaoyao Palace smiled coldly: "If there is no treasure, her life is naturally worth a little bit, but now there must be a lot of treasures below. In this case, I have no interest in her life."


The disciple nodded immediately and said, "Understood!"

immediately o

The two iron-armed eagles suddenly accelerated to chase after Nie Lin's iron-armed eagles.


"It's someone from Xiaoyao Palace"

On the back of the iron-armed eagle where Nie Lin was, Nie Lin frowned secretly, "They also discovered this Xianyuan Cliff?"

"Ready to fight!"

Nie Lin responded quickly, no matter what this time, she must not be caught by Xiaoyao Palace again.

After being caught by the people of Xiaoyao Palace last time, Nie Lin was afraid that if Long Fei hadn't appeared, she would have been controlled by the people of Xiaoyao Palace now.

doomed o



The iron-armed eagle of Xiaoyao Palace is sandwiched between two breads.

extremely fast o

Nie Lin controlled the iron-armed eagle with her mind, and shouted, "Grab firmly o"


The speed sinks, suddenly accelerates o

Use speed to avoid double-teaming o

just o

Just then, the sky darkened

"Senior sister, there is a falling rock on top of your head!"

A third eagle with iron arms appeared, holding several huge rocks in its claws o

Nie Lin dodged again

The boulder falls into the abyss o

The other two iron-armed eagles were double-teamed again, and this time they couldn't escape.

It's too late to react

Nie Lin was not flustered, her mind moved slightly, and a faint golden light appeared under her feet, a golden formation, a psychic formationo

Just get close, and she'll make their iron-armed eagles mutiny in an instant

"Sister, here we come!"

She can only control one of the two eagles, as for the other... Nie Lin frowned, and said, "Grab it!"

she's ready for bump o


Just at this critical moment, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way, I'm going to fall..."

In the sky, a person fell down

face the ground o


"Why did someone jump down?"

"Is this guy crazy?"


"Damn, Damn, Damn rub it, gotta hit, gotta hit o"

"Your sister, can you get out of the way for me?"

"I rely on!"

"I can't avoid it." Long Fei cursed continuously in his heart, and his thoughts moved, "Guardian of the Holy Spirit!"


An iron-armed eagle was smashed down!

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