The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1895 Back To The Holy Buddha Realm

Chapter 1895 Back to the Holy Buddha Realm





Above the sky, under the dome, there is a constant thunderous noise o

This is the sound of the dome being pressed down o

The dome is constantly descending, it keeps going o

Actually o

Thousands of years ago, the dome began to descend because of Mu Wan'er's touch, but the rate of descent was very slow. This time, Long Fei's power accelerated the rate of descent of the dome, and some strong people could sense it.

The entire Devil Island is under the dome o

If the dome is crushed, Devil Island will disappear from this world forever.

everything will perish

Temple of Destiny

Tens of thousands of disciples knelt on the ground, and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in the distance knelt on the ground and begged.

"Fate will definitely take us out of here o"

"He will never give up on anyone's o"

"As long as you believe in the God of Destiny and dedicate everything you have, you will surely move the God of Destiny, and he will take us out of the Sea of ​​Bitternesso"


When people are desperate, they will fantasize about everything o

Faith is the only pillar that can support them now

The Temple of Destiny has also become the only hope for Devil Island o

"All of this was harmed by Long Fei, the Heavenly Remnant Sect. He is Devil, and he is the eternal sinner of Devil Island."

"It's him"

"Long Fei, will suffer forever"

"Long Fei is the Devilo who is unforgivable"


Among the pilgrims, countless people scolded Long Fei.

Under the instigation of the disciples of the Temple of Fate, Long Fei became Devilo on Devil Island

Fate Great Hall o

"Elder, didn't Lord Destiny give any instructions?"

"The dome is still descending. In less than a month, we will be crushed into powder by the dome and disappear forever. Now only Lord Destiny can save us o"

"Hurry up and take us away, we are willing to be cattle and horses for him for a lifetime, as long as he can let us live o"

"Yes, Big Eldero"

"You are the messenger of fate, please help us o"

"Elder, I beg you o"

Several gray-haired old men knelt directly on the ground. They may have never knelt in their lives, but in order to survive, in order to survive, they no longer have any dignity at all.

Jiu Tianmo put his hands behind his back, his brows furrowed.

His heart is the same

He is also waiting, waiting for the instructions of the god of fate, but it has been a few days, and the god of fate seems to have forgotten them o

but o

Jiu Tianmo didn't give up, his life wheel and soul were dedicated to the god of fate, he believed that the god of fate would not give up his o

At this time o

An Elder, said: "Will Destiny be unhappy because we didn't catch Long Fei?"

"It must be so!"

"Long Fei this dog thing o"

"We need offerings, and Long Fei is the best offering."

"Elder, you ordered, I am willing to be a pioneer, and I will try my best to take down Long Fei."

"I would also like to o"

As long as they can live, let them do whatever they want, even if they are told to eat shit.

The longer you live, the more afraid of death

Jiu Tianmo's eyes moved, and he said, "I'll go to the secret hall, you guys are waiting for me here."

finish o

Dou Tianmo's figure disappears o

in the secret hall

Jiu Tianmo knelt directly on the ground and begged: "Lord Destiny, I need your guidance, please save me, as long as you say, I am willing to give my everything o"

The statue of fate is unmoved o

The twelve statues in the secret temple are also motionless.

Jiu Tianmo kowtowed again and again, and blood came from his forehead.

final o

The eyes of the goddess of fate moved slightly

Jiu Tianmo was overjoyed and immediately said: "Lord God of Destiny o"

The God of Destiny said: "I need a soul, I need a strong soul. If you can catch Long Fei for me, I will let you out of the Sea of ​​Bitterness and give you eternal life."

in an instant o

Jiu Tianmo's whole body was like chicken blood, and he got excited and said, "Really? Okay, okay, okay, I'll grab Long Fei right away."

"This time I will never let you down o"

The God of Destiny smiled coldly and said, "Go o"


Tian Can Sect, Devil Temple o

Tianshu shook his head gently, the four gods and monks looked a little tired.


"His body has been damaged beyond repair, and even if we use all our holy energy, we can't save him."

"Senior brother, we tried our best o"

"Yes, we tried our best, this may be his destination o"

"All this is his own choice. Long Fei is completely out of his control. The prophecy came true, but he reversed the future. Even if we have powerful magical powers, we can't protect him."

The other three monks slowly said o

"Now the dome over Devil Island is falling more and more every day, Devil Island has only one month left, and the dome will swallow the entire Devil Island o"

"We are powerless"

Tianshu raised his eyes slightly and looked at the four of them.

Before he could speak, Tian Jue immediately said: "No, we can't bring him back to the Holy Buddha Realm, and our Holy Buddha Realm cannot be involved in any disputes."

Tian Yuan also immediately said: "Yes, we are here to repay the kindness of the benefactor, if we bring Long Fei back to the Holy Buddha Realm, then our Holy Buddha Realm will not be at peace."

Tianchong also said: "I also oppose o"

Four gods and monks, three against o

because o

They all know what kind of person Long Fei is and what kind of destiny he bears.

More than just the main temple o

Just his life experience... is extremely terrifying. If he provokes it, the Holy Buddha Realm may be doomed.

What is a hundred thousand planes?

The really powerful forces are likely to crush 10 million and 100,000 planes, and the main temple is more than o

The holy Buddha world cannot afford to provoke o

Tianshu also understands this in his heart. They know more than the average person, and they are more aware of the fate of Long Fei and his terrifying life experience.


Tianshu exhaled heavily and said, "The Son of God of the Hundred Thousand Planes is about to be born, and the Son of the Holy Buddha Realm should also come."

"We promised Mu Shi to protect Long Fei and save him three times."

"What you promised, you should do"

"I want to take him back to the Holy Buddha Realm." Tianshu said seriously, "Everything has its own destiny. Even if we do not provoke any forces in the Holy Buddha Realm, I am afraid we have already been involved in disputes."

"The Dispute of One Hundred Thousand Planes"

"Strife in the Big World o"

"From the moment we accepted the help of Lord Mu, we were involved o"

Tianshu said lightly

Tian Jue said: "Senior brother, the Holy Buddha Realm is a pure land. If a person with blood on his hands enters, he will only defile the Holy Buddha Realm."

Tianshu didn't say anything, but said: "You don't need to persuade him any more, we owe him, we must pay it back, I have made a decision, and return to the holy Buddha realm!!"


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