The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1924 Right Arm, Devil!

Chapter 1924 Right arm, Devil!

Fear of Death!

everyone is afraid

What does faith mean to Death?

What is the Son of God?

Nothing is more important than own life!

Seeing them kneeling down, Holy Maiden in white burst out laughing, "Hahaha...hahaha... see no, see no, only the strong are gods in this world!"

"Lord Buddha?"

"I bother!"

extremely disdain

White-clothed Holy Maiden laughed and stepped on the statue of the Buddha that fell to the ground. She was very excited, as if she had a deep hatred for the Buddha.

Holy Maiden in white looked at a few people kneeling on the ground, "Poor!"

"How pitiful!"

"Kneel down, you are also going to die!"

"The last Martial Buddha is among you, right? He is dead, and no one can save you anymore." Holy Maiden in white looked at Long Fei.

The voice fell o

The faces of those who knelt changed greatly and said, "Lord Evil Spirit, we all knelt down for you, please spare our lives."

"I beg you!"

"I beg you!"

keep kowtow

No use at all!


The breath of Holy Maiden in white moved, and directly crushed all the remaining people. The entire Great Hall of the Buddha was covered with blood, and the bodies of the surrounding ten thousand Buddhas were all stained with blood, o

Seeing all this white-clothed Holy Maiden laughed loudly, "Buddha? Humph, the Buddha who saves the world? Even if I kill someone in front of you, you won't save a single one."

"Can it be the world?"


"You high-ranking Buddhas are nothing but rubbish that deceives the world." Holy Maiden in white said fiercely.

Long Fei looked at her o

don't know why

Long Fei thinks she is a little pitiful


Lord Buddha Outside the Great Hall o

Thousands of monks guard, they do not allow anyone to disturb the selection of the holy son inside.

No matter what happens inside, they will never go in o

"This year's selection of the Holy Son is a bit different. The Lord Great Hall is constantly exuding killing intent. Why is this happening?"

"Who knows o"

"I guess this year's selection is a bit special."

"It's also possible that the Lord Buddha is testing them."

"Maybe o"

"If only I could go in too, maybe I'm the Holy Son."

"Are you dreaming?"


The people of Elysium are waiting and everyone is talking about o

No one knows that the current Lord of the Buddha, Great Hall, has already bled into a river.

No one would have thought of it!

Longbrow Elder's residence!

"Elder, no matter who becomes the Holy Son, Long Fei cannot be allowed to become the Holy Son. If he becomes the Holy Son, he will not let us go. I am afraid then..."

An elder said worriedly o

Anyone can become a holy son, so can Long Fei,

If it was him, it would be hard for those who used to sneer at Long Fei, and they all expelled Long Fei from the Paradise Palace.

Long eyebrows also understand o

An Elder said: "No matter what, he cannot be made a Son of God"

"However, the Buddha Lord Great Hall can't get in, we have no way to stop everything o"

Long eyebrows squinted slightly, and said lightly: "Well, it's not that there is no way!"

"The reason why Long Fei can stand is because there is a force in his body that supports him."

suddenly o

An elder immediately said: "The power of presiding"

Changmei nodded and smiled and said, "As long as the source of this power disappears, he will instantly fall into a coma. In this case, how can he choose a holy son? Could it be that the Buddha will blindly choose a vegetative person?"




Several Elders and Longmei laughed at the same time.

Long Fei must die

He is not dead, the Elves will not leave o

Long Fei must die

If he becomes the Son of God, it will be difficult for some people o

This is the holy Buddha realm


Here is also Rivers and Lakeso

In the world of Rivers and Lakes big dye vat, no one can be alone, and it is even more impossible to have only faith and no **o

This is also the reason why they cannot become Buddhas

Longmei is in action!


Buddha Lord Great Hall o

All the people are dead, only Long Fei is left.

White-clothed Holy Maiden looked at Long Fei and said, "All of your Eight Great Martial Buddhas are dead. Without the Holy Son of the Eight Great Martial Buddhas, they will surely die."


Long Fei said: "Why do you always think that I am the Holy Son?"

White-clothed Holy Maiden smiled and said, "How do you know that I am an evil spirit if you are not a holy child? Only a holy child can be naturally sensitive to the evil spirit race. If you are not a holy child, how can you come here without dying?"


"I don't believe it either. How can you, a person with blood on your hands, become a holy child of the holy Buddha world? The only possibility is that your mother arranged it thousands of years ago."

"Your mother wants you to be a holy child of the holy Buddha world"

"'s impossible."

"Because, you are going to die soon, how can a dead person become a holy child?" Holy Maiden in white laughed, and she looked at Long Fei as if she were looking at a dead person.

Lord Buddha Great Hall, there is no escape, there is no escape, there is no escape o

such a place

certain death o

Long Fei didn't think about whether he was the Son of God, but looked at Holy Maiden in white and said, "Are you sure you can kill me?"

Holy Maiden in white smiled and said, "Do you think you can survive?"

Long Fei said: "Try it!"

White-clothed Holy Maiden said: "Try it!"

The voice fell o

The two moved at the same time, this time Long Fei did not use his own power, his heart sank, and he said heavily: "The Buddha Lord doesn't care, then the daddy will become a Devil!"

"Daddy must accept her!"


With a move of the right arm, the dragon-shaped mark on the shoulder flashes a black awn.

It's as if the dragon is transformed into a Devil.

Right arm turns black o


The meridians and muscles on the arm are all changing, moving, constantly embarrassing, twisting, and the forces burst out completely uncontrollably.

slam o


Long Fei roared in his heart

Divine power is madly consumed!

The breath of Holy Maiden in white also suddenly increased sharply. Looking at Long Fei's black right arm, her eyebrows were knitted together. She had never seen such an evil power.

Elves o

Originally an Eldar

The reason why they became evil spirits is because they sold their souls to Devilo

Become Devil's messenger in the world

However o

What is Long Fei's right arm?

Devil's hand!

real Devil power o

How could Holy Maiden in white have seen such power?

in an instant o

Long Fei's right arm became more and more uncontrollable, as if the entire arm was about to burst open.

Watching Holy Maiden in white rush o

Long Fei simply didn't bother to control the power of Devil's hand, so he roared, "Come on, let your power be fully released o"

The voice fell o

Long Fei's arm suddenly changed...

It turned into an extremely ferocious, huge Devil's hand, and slapped the white-clothed Holy Maiden fiercely.

Like swatting flies!

Strong enough to explode!

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